How many Free Zones are in operation Globally?
Why are some called Special Economic Zones whilst others call them Free Trade Zones?'
It was my pleasure and honour to be on the judging panel for the Financial Times - Fdi Magazine - Free Zone of the Year Awards - 2021, 2022 and 2023.
How do we really judge Free Zones or SEZs?
How many companies have you signed up?
How many Direct and Indirect Jobs hasyour zone created?
What are the Direct and Indirect Revenue Flows( * Note Very few Zones publish Annual Reports or Annual Accounts).
Why do many Governments view FTZ/SEZ as TAX Losses? When in reality they are not.
Everybody wants to emulate the success of the Mother Lode ( Dubai JAFZ & Port) with an estimated annual turnover in excess of USD $100 Billion per year?
Who is aware of the many other Free Zones in the UAE? There are many.!!
To stimulate the Economy and increase the GDP of a Nation - Do Governments always understand? - "NO" !!!
By a wait and see attitude they are in fact losing out on Billions of Dollars in LOST REVENUE.
Do we enter the EU or Stay outside? - Certain Countries Economic Dilemma when they have become addicted to support Aid Funding. Other Countries with strong economic revenue flows still requt outside Funding Support ( Is that Morally correct)?
Guest and Foreign Labour support many of the Middle East Free Zones and Industrial Development - 4-5 Million are sending home upto $50 Billion per year. * Source Evidece Available
Many questions that need clarity and proof that spending Billions on SEZ/FTZ Projects doesnt guarantee success.
The Biggest Data Base of SEZ/FTZ is Google Search despite claims by certain parties.
How does Logistics, Banking, Utilities and Ease of Doing Business equate to Success or Failure... Add also LIFESTYLE!!!!
Tony P Restall (aka Mr. Free Zone)
DSI Consulting Co Ltd (Thailand)
email: [email protected]