The CGC Agri-Trade Expo kicked off on a high note in Kimbe.
Yesterday, the Governor, Hon. Sasindra Muthevel, and the Member for Talasea, Hon. Freddie Kumai, pledged 1 Million Kina to CGC specifically for Talesea and the Greater West New Britain SMEs.
This funding will enable local licensed financial institutions that have partnered with CGC to provide loans to these businesses.
The event saw the participation of 200 SMEs, representatives from cooperatives, the private sector, banks, and provincial government officials pass through the exhibitions and witness the official opening by Govenor Muthuvel. Up to 20 booths for thus first time - event for Kimbe.
More is expected today.
Today's discussions will focus on money and trade markets, with the Center for Financial Inclusion leading the way.
The Expo Roadshow Platform owes its success to the support of the Credit Guarantee Corporation PNG