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25 Years of Dedication and Leadership in the Papua New Guinea Defence Force β€˜There is almost no limit to the potential o...

25 Years of Dedication and Leadership in the Papua New Guinea Defence Force

β€˜There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them.’ John.C.Maxwell

Hailing from the picturesque village of Tipuka, Hagen Central, Western Highlands Province a seasoned infanteer, Major John Jacob, has dedicated 25 years of his life in service to the Papua New Guinea Defence Force. From his early days as a platoon commander to his current role as Task Force Commander for Operation Resolve 2024, Major Jacob's journey has been marked by steadfast dedication and a commitment to maintaining peace and order.

On January 10, 2024, Major John Jacob found himself at the helm of Operation Resolve 2024 Task Force, a critical mission to stand against anarchy and chaos. As the Second in Command (2IC), he brought with him a wealth of experience gained from various positions held in numerous operations throughout his distinguished career.

Major Jacob's experience in operations began in 2003 with the re-election in the Southern Highlands Province, and since then, he has been an integral part of multiple significant operations. His service included three rotations in the Kiunga Forward Operating Base between 2006 and 2011, followed by roles in Rescue Operations Laladabuhaha in 2015 and a rotation in the Forward Operating Base Vanimo the same year.

The year 2017 saw Major Jacob contributing to the National Elections in Enga, undertaking roles ranging from Officer Commanding to Liaison officer. In 2020, during the global pandemic, he served as the Plans Officer for the Operations COVID-19 Task Force Headquarters. His commitment continued as he played a crucial role in the National Elections in Morobe Province, acting as the Operations Officer for Task Force 2.

In 2024, Major Jacob demonstrated his leadership skills once again, initially serving as the 2IC for Operation Resolve 2024 Task Force and later taking on the role of Task Force Commander. His ability to adapt and lead in diverse situations reflects his all-rounded expertise as an infantry officer.

Major John Jacob is not just a seasoned officer; he is a mentor and leader who has shaped the careers of numerous officers and ranks within the Papua New Guinea Defence Force. His leadership style, developed over the course of 25 years, has created a legacy of pride and dedication among those who serve alongside him.

For those ready to learn, Major Jacob is a constant source of inspiration, and there is never a shortage of teachable moments. As he continues to lead with distinction, Major John Jacob stands as a symbol of service, dedication, and experience within the Papua New Guinea Defence Force.

Papau New Guinea Defence Force Internal FB page

Education Institute workers, Healthcare workers and security Personals are the back bone of this country. Why stealing f...

Education Institute workers, Healthcare workers and security Personals are the back bone of this country. Why stealing from the rural workers who are committed.


A difference between two types of thief.

Rural Media

Today was fulfilling for PNG. We were accorded the highest honor of a successful bi lateral meeting with HE President Xi...

Today was fulfilling for PNG. We were accorded the highest honor of a successful bi lateral meeting with HE President Xi Jiping where promotion of greater trade and commerce would take place between PNG and China took center stage with President Xi announcing his Government’s support for our downstream focus.

In the last four years, China-PNG trade volume of over K13billion is in PNG’s favor as we export more to China than we buy from them.

PM Marape informed China that we have more food, energy, carbon credit and tourism to sell to China apart from minerals and following the success of the inaugural Hong Kong Investors Conference, we sought those big manufacturers and companies to come to PNG.

To complement this drive, PNG is processing China Development Bank to open in PNG and PNG has become member of Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank.

This follows PM Marape’s red carpet welcome into Beijing and a successful bilateral meeting with Premier Li Qiang where 10 MOUs letters for various corporations were signed with relevant departments including student scholarships, K50m grant, approval of bio-security clearance for coffee and cocoa export, partnership with AIIB for infrastructure and business financing were amongst those signed.

β€œI want to assure PNG, we want to grow our economy. That has been our Government’s number one focus since 2019, and today, Marape-Rosso Government is bringing the economy to a K120 billion economy and to continue on growing, market of our products must be secured. It is this interest that we are here coinciding our invitation to Road and Belt meeting with two important Bilateral with both the President and Premier of the People’s Republic of China.” PMJM says, something no other PM of PNG has done in the past.


β€Ž James Nomane, who comes through an heritage of Modern Political Family and tradition Leadership heritage is young and vibrant first time ...


Culture. PNG.

FIJI Batis arrived in POM for their clash against PNG Kumuls.

FIJI Batis arrived in POM for their clash against PNG Kumuls.



For Immediate Release: Friday, 13 October 2023

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea: Prime Minister Hon. James Marape has this morning welcomed to the country H.E Satu Mattila-Budich, the Ambassador-designate of the Republic of Finland to Papua New Guinea.

Her Excellency, Mrs Mattila-Budich was introduced to the Prime Minister at his Sir Manasupe House Office, as PM Marape took the opportunity to invite Finnish investments into the country and highlight PNG’s proximity to the huge, flourishing markets of Asia.

Prime Minister Marape pointed out to the Ambassador-designate investment opportunities in the resource sectors of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, Green Energy, Information Technology, Telecommunications and Manufacturing.

He said: β€œI welcome and congratulate you as you take up your appointment as the Ambassador of the Republic of Finland to PNG. We look forward to working closely with you during your tour of duty.

β€œPapua New Guinea is a leader among the small island nations of the Pacific. We have a robust democracy and a strong cultural affinity to Asia.

β€œOver the years, we have developed strong relations with nearly all countries of Asia – Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, India, South Korea, and China.

β€œOur Foreign policy is defined by our philosophy to be a β€˜Friend to All and Enemy to None’ because we ourselves are a nation of huge diversities. So we tolerate diversity.

β€œIn the area of Agriculture, we have a great deal of arable land with produce that are still very much organic.

β€œI invite businesses and companies from your country to ours, whether your businesses want to partner with our State-owned companies, with other businesses in our private sector, or set up on their own; the opportunities are here.

β€œThere is now a direct trade route from Papua New Guinea to Asia and I invite Finland to capitalize on this opportunity.

β€œChina, for example, has a huge market on its own with nearly 1.5 billion people; India with over 1.4 billion; and Indonesia with over 273 million; while the total Asian market is nearly 5 billion people.”

Papua New Guinea and Finland formally established diplomatic ties on 25 August 1977 at a non-resident ambassadorial level.

Although trade and economic activities have been small between the two countries with volume of trade in Finland’s favour since 2015, PM Marape is keen on increasing this with the new post being taken up by Mrs Mattila-Budich.

In regional matters, Finland has been supportive of Climate Change efforts in the South Pacific with the establishment of the Finnish-Pacific Project through the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SHREP).

LAE ROBOTICS  TEAM RETURNSBy Bradley Mariori in Lae, Morobe Province The Lae Secondary School robotics team who took par...


By Bradley Mariori in Lae, Morobe Province

The Lae Secondary School robotics team who took part in the Global Robotics competition in Singapore from the 07th-10th of October have arrived back today in Lae.

The team arrived to a rousing welcome at Lae Secondary School by students, parents, and others who were at Lae Secondary School to receive them.

Though they did not make it into the finals, they were ranked 43 among 191 counties who took part in the Global Robotics Competition performing better than developed countries like New Zealand which is a big achievement.

Lae Secondary School Principal, Christopher Raymond who accompanied the team to Singapore and back says this is their fourth visit to the competition and this year's performance is better than the other years they took part in.

Raymond says this is a good exposure for his students and something good can come out from there and from the country.

He thanked everyone who supported them and the students to attend the competition especially the parents.

Lae Secondary School Robotics Team spokesperson, Jonathan Binga says they need sponsors so in the future, the upcoming students can have better chances of taking this competition to another level.

Binga says other countries are developed but what they did was for the love of their country and they did their best.

The Global Challenge is an olympics-style, international robotics competition that takes place in a different country each year.

Teams from more than 190 nations build and program robots to compete, working together to complete tasks in a game themed around one of our world’s greatest challenges.

Lae Secondary School has been representing Papua New Guinea in this competition four times including this year.


The Supplementary Elections in the Newly Created Laiagaip Electorate was closed and candidates are now into the campaigning.

Here is Nathan Piari, a former Provincial Government Finance Minister and Agriculture Minister at the Age of 18. Now contesting for the Laiagam seat.

Independence - the right to make our own mistakesAs I look around the country and learn that most provinces are struggli...

Independence - the right to make our own mistakes

As I look around the country and learn that most provinces are struggling with water and power supplies, law and order, bad governance, lack of opportunities and poor performance I keep wondering when in started.

I recall going to my village in 1993 and finding out about the hold ups on the Sepik highway. I remember the Gawi Bagarap operation where many rascals where shot and killed by Police due to the serious crime activities at home.

I remembered then that we had severe unemployment in the villages. Thats when I decided to start working in Vanilla.

I remember relocating to Wewak in 1999. I remember purchasing my first 2.5kva genset in 2000 due to the blackouts. I remember having to bath at Works creek, just above Kreer village every night because of lack of water. Doing laundry at Mandi river due to no water in town.

When I purchased a 100kva trasnformer for PPL in 2006, I knew then that PPL was a troubled organisation. So when I built my hotel in 2014, I designed it for two 100 kva gensets and lots of water tanks. You design to cater for the lack of capacity in your operating environment. Every one who can, does this.

In 2017, when I got elected, I immediately wanted to fix things. Beginning with the electoral process, the good governance of ESPG, the lack of funding of ESP, the lack of power, the law and order issues, the lack of opportunity for young people, etc, etc.

To those who enthusiastically criticise me for everything that is going wrong in the province let me just point out some small achievements ESPG has made since 2017:

We have:
1. Improved our budget from K218m to K510m this year,
2. Increased our internal revenue 6 fold,
3. Improved our Governance to one of the best in PNG,
4. Restructured our public service,
5. Rebuilding of LLG capacity in all 28 LLGs from non existent,
6. Three (3) schools in the top 10 in PNG from none previously, Passam is No 1,
7. The best hospital facility in PNG from the worst,
8. New district hospital in Ambunti,
9. 36 doctors now from 12 previously, with 6 more to come making 42,
10. Provided clean drinking water to 7,000 families on the Sepik River reducing water borne diseases from 600 a quarter to 3 per quarter,
11. The largest cocoa production in PNG from 3rd previously,
12. Sent our first 30 young people on labor mobility to Australia. With another 70 to go by end of the year.
13. Constituted a Physical Planning Board from none previously.

What do we still need to do?
1. Increase Police manpower from 162 to 300 in the next three years,
2. Increase our labor mobility engagement to 500 next year and eventually to 1,000 a year,
3. Increase our cocoa production to 100,000 tons a year to improve the livelihoods of 120,000 cocoa producing families,
4. Improve health care in all rural communities,
5. Provide safe drinking water to everyone in the province,
6. Improve our power supply to cater for the 14MW we currently require,
7. Attract FDI in our large scale Agriculture sector,
8. Establish a provincial lands board,
9. Continue to improve in all other areas.

While we can still do more and should do more, this is where we are now. Not brilliant, I agree. But ESPG is not a one man show, it is a team. I have to trust the team to lift their game.

This independence day, I think is about recognising that in 1975, we earned the right to make our own mistakes. And we have made plenty of them over the past 48 years, small ones and big ones.

Our biggest mistake is one of neglecting our biggest institutions, allowing them to deteriorate due to poor leadership, poor investment and a lack of recognition of the need to continuously improve.

Our problems did not occur in the last 10 years, they have been building for the past 30 years. We will not solve these problems overnight. They will take time and a lot of resources.

We can begin by recognising that we have made these mistakes over time and those mistakes are ours now and have been for some time.

In ESP we are owning the problems, we are drawing down National Government powers so we can be directly responsible for fixing the problems.

As your Governor, along with other Governors, I am leading to reform our inter government finances, devolve more powers and take direct responsibility. We are making progress, it is frustratingly slow, but we are moving in the right direction.

I apologise to every Sepik that our progress is not as fast as many of you would like, I too am disappointed, I too am frustrated but we are still doing our best. I do recognise that what took 25 years to fall apart will not be fixed in 5 years. I therefore ask for your continued patience.

These are our mistakes, we are being responsible and we are owning these challenges. God bless everyone and take care this festive season.

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π‚π‘π„π€π“πˆππ† 𝐀𝐍 π„π—π“π‘π€πŽπ‘πƒπˆππ€π‘π˜ 𝐏𝐀𝐏𝐔𝐀 𝐍𝐄𝐖 π†π”πˆππ„π€ π…πŽπ‘ 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐏𝐀𝐏𝐔𝐀 𝐍𝐄𝐖 π†π”πˆππ„π€ππ’


πŸπŸ” π’πžπ©π­πžπ¦π›πžπ« πŸπŸŽπŸπŸ‘. π‘πšπ’ π‚π¨πšπ¬π­, 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐠. β€œThe anniversary of our Independence is a moment of celebration but also one for deep reflection. I join an increasing number of Parliamentarians that were born under a Papua New Guinea flag. We have a young population and so most of our people only know what it is like to be a Papua New Guinean. But it was not always so and it is timely to reflect on this.

β€œOur fathers and mothers and for our youngest generation their grandparents and great grandparents forged a pathway for self-determination, self- governance and eventually freedom. The life our nation builders faced was very different to the one we now live with. Their vision of each of us being able to shape our own destiny was foremost in their minds. We acknowledge the great contributions of all those that forged the way forward for the creation of our great country Papua New Guinea.

β€œOur great strength is our diversity but it is too a source of our weakness. We celebrate our cultural heritage and our land as these are what define us and give us identity. But we must also work to build our collective identity shaped by a shared vision of our united prosperity. Through collective action we must build the soul of our nation. The conflict and strife that now is a regular part of life in all parts of Papua New Guinea distresses me. We desperately need social cohesion; we need to strengthen our connections across individuals, clans, villages, tribes and provinces to build deep bonds and to foster tolerance, understanding, compassion and cooperation.

β€œIt is a time to reflect on the values that are embedded within our Constitution and that reflect the vision and wisdom of our founding fathers and mothers. The National Goals and Directive Principles are truly worthy principles and aspirations.

β€œWe reject violence, we use dialogue and consensus to move our nation forward and resolve our differences. Through people-centred development we build our individual and national wealth through honest, hard work and enterprise. We seek to ensure that our national wealth is spread equitably and used for the benefit of all Papua New Guineans both current and those that will follow us – all girls, boys, women and men and we do not neglect those that are vulnerable. Our economic, social and political strength is built on Papua New Guinean ways and this unique source of our strength underpins our national sovereignty.

β€œWith independence and freedom comes great responsibility. As a young national leader I recognise that our people want and deserve more. There is a moral imperative to reverse the declines in living standards and improve outcomes in all aspects of life for Papua New Guineans and to inspire and give our young people a purpose and hope. We also have a moral duty to improve the status and lives of girls and women and to protect and care for our most vulnerable.

β€œIt is my great dream that we can move towards a vibrant and responsive democracy that serves and meets the needs of our people. It is a dream where every citizen has the opportunity to do and to be, the freedom to pursue and to achieve their aspirations. It is my commitment to support efforts of our Government to rebuild the key institutions of State.

β€œThe machinery of Government must be efficient, transparent and fair. There must be confidence in the rule of law. We have much to do to build integrity and to regain trust. More so, these key organs of the State must be able to function without political interference. The segregation of duties is a fundamental pillar of good governance, which is essential for nation building. Elected leaders are here to govern not to be administrators and yes we too are subject to the same rules and standards as our people who elect us.

β€œFreedom is a gift from God. With freedom there is an obligation for personal responsibility; each of us must be good citizens. To build our nation we must all recommit to strive for the ideals in our National Goals and Directive Principles and to respect and adhere to the rule of law and to follow our Christian faith. It is our collective commitment that will build a truly great Papua New Guinea. Papua New Guinea is our home and our country.

β€œAs we celebrate the 48th anniversary of our Independence I call on the great people of Papua New Guinea to unite to create an extraordinary Papua New Guinea. Let us come together as one nation and as one people. Let us honour those that delivered Independence. Let us collectively fashion for our children and those yet to come an extraordinary Papua New Guinea that we know we can be.

β€œGod Bless all Papua New Guineans and God Bless Papua New Guinea!

# # #

International fixtures are looming and newly appointed Kumul coach Justin Holbrook will soon name his outfit for this ye...

International fixtures are looming and newly appointed Kumul coach Justin Holbrook will soon name his outfit for this year’s Pacific Challenge series.

We’re one month away from the series but the conversation around positions is beginning to heat up on social media.

The Kumuls will face Fiji and Cook Islands at the Santos National Football Stadium in Port Moresby.

Holbrook alongside selectors have several big decisions to make regarding the make-up of the team.

This can include players born in PNG, with heritage to the nation or residency.

A number of players from the NRL, Super League and the Host-Plus Cup competition are considered to be picked ahead of our local Digi Cup Players if possible.

We are predicting international regulers like; Alex Johnston, Justin Olam, Xavier Coates, Kyle Laybutt, Lachlan Lam, Edwin Ipape, Dan Russell, Nixxon Putt and Jacob Alick to name a few to make up the crop of the team.

Have your say, what would your prediction team be?

Keep Politics out of Land Owner Business says Trands Wonderland CEO Larry AndagaliWhile the focus on the government now ...

Keep Politics out of Land Owner Business says Trands Wonderland CEO Larry Andagali

While the focus on the government now is on promoting national participation for sustainable communities, there has always been the risk of political interference causing land owner projects to fail in terms of equitable benefits sharing and management structures.

"Everything that politicians in Papua New Guinea (PNG) touch fail" and this is the stern warning Larry Andagali, the CEO of Trans Wonderland issued to government yesterday during the PNG Community Affairs & National Content Conference & Expo (Canconex 2023) in Lae.

Land Owner Companies (LOCs) are entities established to represent the interests of customary landowners in PNG in business dealings related to their land, particularly in the extractive industries.

These companies play a crucial role in ensuring that the benefits of resource development projects are distributed equitably among landowners. They also serve as intermediaries between the government, corporations, and local communities, helping to minimize potential conflicts and environmental damage.
While LOCs are intended to serve the interests of landowners impartially, they often become entangled in the web of complicated PNG politics.

The political landscape in PNG can be tumultuous, with power struggles, corruption, and vested interests sometimes taking precedence over the welfare of the people.

This has resulted in instances where politicians seek to exert influence over LOCs for personal gain or to advance their political agendas.

Such interference can be detrimental to the effectiveness and independence of LOCs, jeopardizing the welfare of landowners and the sustainability of resource projects.

The Canconex 2023, the first of its kind event seeks to bring all LOCs, the government and the relevant private sector organizations to have honest dialogue on promoting awareness and engagement on community affairs and national content, to celebrate success stories, and to foster collaborative action to ensure sustainable outcomes for all stakeholders in PNG’s mineral resources and energy sector and as such, Andagali’s warning must be seriously taken by any government of the day.

The vision of accessing Asian Economy and promoting trading and business through Indonesia, the work is still in progres...

The vision of accessing Asian Economy and promoting trading and business through Indonesia, the work is still in progress.

Development at PNG Indonesia border monument MM8.1 is still taking momentum as at December 2021. This is the 2018 G2G agreement to connect Yetetkun (Indonesia) with North Fly ( PNG) at Ambaga/Butmabin location. An agreement signed between as Sister Province ( Western Province of PNG and Papua Province of Republic Indonesia) while the link was for two Districts to connect ( North Fly and Boven Digoel).

Our Indonesian colleagues are fast progressing their side with the necessary infrastructures set ups. We on our PNG side are also doing our best to improving with road works slowly taking shape and a focus to put up all the necessary infrastructures from this year going forward.
We are also thankful that this development also is captured under the OTML TCS funding program to build a proper international road including a bridge to be build across Alice river connecting West and East bank of Alice river.
Next two years ( 2022/3) focus will be mainly on setting up infrastructures for immigration, customs, police, defense, NAQIA and others.

The main vision that drives this agenda is a vision aiming within the next 5 years when North Fly will have it's main economic trade route from Asia region ( Singapore, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia) accessing through Indonesia ports instead of going around through to Port Moresby and finally landing in Kiunga. This is like going around 360 degrees when the shorter route is to access through Indonesia. This mean we want to cut off Port Moresby. North Fly entirely depends on Fly River alone. The real issues we are faced with are;

1. Very costly with shipping of goods from POM or Lae that runs almost half a month before the vessel arrives Kiunga river port.
2. The cost of shipping is hell burn costly that you can't do any business. To deliver a project in NF its just beyond imagination with logistics cost alone is between 60-80% of the total project cost.
3. Since the inception of Ok Tedi Mine from 1983 till now the Fly River sediment has build up because of the dumping of waste.
4. When the dry spell or draught strikes all the vessels can't travel and it cuts off all the goods and services supplies. I recall the 1997 and 2013 draught that hit hard and we were unable to survive.
5. When the flooding occurs all our flood plains villages are affected causing damage to their local food sources.
6. North Fly is entirely dependent OTML's support mainly with power, water and many benefits. Imagine if OTML is gone tomorrow and how will North Fly stand on it's own feet.

When you a placed in an awkward location and asked to survive what do you do? You either sit and complain doing nothing eventually die or you find your way out to survive. North Fly sees it's exit door the nearest Indonesia as the only means of survival and for the benefit of bigger development plans.

While we emphrase the development we also facing many challenges. We are determined and facing the effects as we continue to managing them holistically.

Captions: Some pictures of 2018 when we walked across by foot to meet at Woropko station to sign the G2G Agreement.

NRL has announced the 2023 Pacific Championships (well minus πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡΄ as the men are touring England)Kicking off on October 14...

NRL has announced the 2023 Pacific Championships (well minus πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡΄ as the men are touring England)

Kicking off on October 14 2023, six men’s teams and seven women’s teams will take part in a tournament across two pools. The 2023 Championships will include two match days in Australia, two in New Zealand and four in Papua New Guinea.

Get all the details:



Thirty – two (32) Candidates nominate to contest the North Bougainville and Wewak  Open By – Election seats.The seven (7...

Thirty – two (32) Candidates nominate to contest the North Bougainville and Wewak Open By – Election seats.

The seven (7) days candidate nomination period for North Bougainville and Wewak Open by – Election closed on Wednesday 9th of August at 4:00 pm. At the close of nomination, a total of 32 candidates nominated to contest the two by – Elections seats.

The North Bougainville Open seat had a total of Seventeen (17) candidates whilst, fifteen (15) contestants vied for the Wewak Open Electorate. Only one female independent candidate competes against her male colleagues in the Wewak open seat, compared to four (4) female nominees who contest under the Political party banner in the North Bougainville Open seat.

Jim B Simatab was the only candidate endorsed by the Pangu Political party in the Wewak Open By – election seat, the rest were independent nominees. Candidates contesting under a political party banner should provide an official endorsement letter from the Political party to the Electoral Commission to have their names printed on their candidate posters.

Meanwhile the candidate campaign period will run for eight (8) weeks before the polling commence.

Polling for the two By – Election starts on 30th September and ends on 13th of October, while counting period is scheduled for 21 days commencing on 14th October. Writs will be returned on or before Friday 03rd November to officially conclude the two by – Elections.

The Electoral Commissioner appeals to the candidates and their supporters to respect the election laws and refrain from conducting unlawful activities to disrupt the two By – Elections.

Tables below are the list of candidates contesting for the two By - Election open seats,and pictures captured during the Candidate order draw and nomination at Buka Electoral office and Wewak District office

On behalf of the Divine Word University Alumni, we are thrilled to extend our warmest invitation to all businesses, NGO’...

On behalf of the Divine Word University Alumni, we are thrilled to extend our warmest invitation to all businesses, NGO’s or individuals to participate in our upcoming event.

The Nexus Exhibition is dedicated to connecting people and businesses through our DWU alumni network. This event aims to foster meaningful connections, promote businesses, collaboration, fun and family within our alumni and extended community.

This event offers an exceptional opportunity to showcase your products and services to a captive audience.

To secure your booth at the event reach out to our dedicated team by emailing: [email protected]. Spaces are limited, and we encourage early registration to ensure optimal booth placement.

The registration and payment closes on the 14th of August, 2023.
Your participation will undoubtedly contribute to the success of this event.

Click on the link or download to read more about the event!

Divine Word University had the pleasure of hosting the 8th Chief Ombudsman Commissioner and his team on the 26th of July...

Divine Word University had the pleasure of hosting the 8th Chief Ombudsman Commissioner and his team on the 26th of July at DWU's Madang Campus.
Chief Ombudsman Commissioner, Richard Pagen and his team, addressed staff and students on the roles and functions of the Ombudsman Commission, at the SVD Memorial Auditorium (SVDMA). DWU President, Professor, Fr Philip Gibbs warmly welcomed the visitors. β€œThe Office of the Ombudsman Commission, plays a very important role, in ensuring the constitution of Papua New Guinea is protected, and we are honored to have the 8th Chief Ombudsman Commissioner speak to us,” said Professor Fr Gibbs.
In his reflection, Chief Ombudsman Commissioner highlighted and shared insights on the four pillars of the Ombudsman Commission, with examples from several controversial issues that were brought to the attention of the Office of the Ombudsman Commission and how these issues were handled. Students had the opportunity to ask questions and learn about important issues raised in government and the Ombudsman Commission’s role in addressing these issues.
"You are the next generation of leaders who will take on leadership roles and lead our people into the future," he said.
Students were encouraged to speak up and be heard as a citizen of this nation, and bring matters of concern to the attention of the Ombudsman Commission.
He reminded all present that as Papua New Guineans, we have a responsibility to uphold our sovereignty, and protect our constitution.
Chief Ombudsman Commissioner advised students to focus on their studies, however, that they should also be courageous to report on corrupt or unjust practices.
Recently crowned Miss Divine Word University, Caitlen Latumahina, taking PNG International Studies, valued the significance of this visit.
β€œIt is important to be aware of the good work that the Ombudsman Commission is doing to keep the government of the day in check and to continue to uphold the constitution of our country,” she said.
Information brochures and booklets were distributed and all present were encouraged to visit the PNG Ombudsman Commission Website for more information and awareness about the Office of the Ombudsman Commission in PNG.
Click here for more: πŸ‘‰




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