James Barron - 45O1

James Barron - 45O1 Just doing interesting stuff with the community...

Bit of a geek citizen science project. Recording birdcalls near home and using AI to identify the species from the calls...

Bit of a geek citizen science project. Recording birdcalls near home and using AI to identify the species from the calls.
(Plus logging a swathe of environmental data while at it)
Live for just on 24 hours and we have 12 species on record (pic)
The results are public if you want to follow along...
The species diversity will probably improve (lrss house sparrows!) once I work out how to waterproof and power it to allow recording in wetland and dunes...

The AED (Automated Heart Defibrillator) that was on the wall of the Castlecliff Community Hub and Library / Chico barber...

The AED (Automated Heart Defibrillator) that was on the wall of the Castlecliff Community Hub and Library / Chico barbershop has now been relocated back to it's original location outside The Citadel to ensure continued 24/7 public access.
The 111 system and https://aedlocations.co.nz have been updated.

If you suspect a heart attack
Ring 111 and stay on the phone, they'll direct you to the nearest public AED (which may be this The Citadel one, our Aranui Primary School or Dental), they'll stay with you while you open the box with the code they'll give you, use the AED and until the ambulance arrives.

Learn more about Castlecliff's AED's
Te Reo https://www.facebook.com/castlecliff.NZ/videos/500455613761135

Pictures of the new art fence around the library sculpture park 😃The design brief was "I want people to look at it and t...

Pictures of the new art fence around the library sculpture park 😃
The design brief was "I want people to look at it and think "WOW" not "fence".
The result from Graeme Kiff of Simply Wrought Iron Ltd does that and more!
The now enclosed area feels like a safe & warm public outdoor room - an extension of Castlecliff Community Hub and Library, The Citadel and Chico barbershop

Photos of the new art fence around the library sculpture park 😃The design brief was "I want people to look at it and thi...

Photos of the new art fence around the library sculpture park 😃
The design brief was "I want people to look at it and think "WOW" not "fence". The result from Graeme Kiff of Simply Wrought Iron Ltd does that and more!
The now enclosed area feels like a safe & warm public outdoor room - an extension of Castlecliff Community Hub and Library , The Citadel and Chico barbershop

Great to see results like this from Barred Up and WDETT WDETT = Whanganuu District Education and Training Trust (occupy ...

Great to see results like this from Barred Up and WDETT
WDETT = Whanganuu District Education and Training Trust (occupy my sbop next to Citadel)
They practice scaffolding in the courtyard behind (in case you were wondering about the scaffold towers behind Citadel)

A three-way collaboration is taking industry training to a new level.

The headline is very misleading.The WDC rates bill is $5,500 not $23,000.It's the RENT (ie ground lease) not the WDC rat...

The headline is very misleading.
The WDC rates bill is $5,500 not $23,000.
It's the RENT (ie ground lease) not the WDC rates up by 2.7 times after 5 years no increase.
Does that justify a ratepayer subsidy? Good question - the Arts Centre is a very very good and well used space - should it be subsidised by the ratepayer?
(from https://www.whanganui.govt.nz/.../Property-Rating-Search)
WDC rates on "Community Arts Centre 19 Taupo Quay" increased by 9.5% (from $5,021.41 to $5,500.20)
(from body of the article)
The building is leasehold land end the new ground rent) is 2.7 times the old ground rent set 5 years ago. ("Leasehold land" rent reviews are typically every 7 to 21 years so the compounded increases are almost always eyewatering.)
The new rent seems to be based on an independent valuation & rental appraisal that doesn't seem to be disputed.
The Whanganui Port company is WDC owned but supposed to make a profit not subsidise community art spaces. It has the land as it's old harbour board endowment land held in trust to generate income to subsidise port operations.

An arts centre in Whanganui’s CBD is appealing to the district council following an annual rate rise of close to 300%.👇

A complete 4kg slab of iced chocolate mud cake not needed by folk at Progress Castlecliff 30th events (and some other ne...

A complete 4kg slab of iced chocolate mud cake not needed by folk at Progress Castlecliff 30th events (and some other new stuff) found a good home with The Koha Shed
Great to catchup with Steve Watkins, Aydie Holland the,KSA board and Ukelele Orchestra who ran
Sunday Nov 24th to raise finds for Koha Shed

Waiting for the howls of outrage from  that this money should be spent on homelessness (or potholes or cops-on-the-stree...

Waiting for the howls of outrage from that this money should be spent on homelessness (or potholes or cops-on-the-street or lower taxes etc) from the same people who made exactly those comments about Te Whare o Rehua Sarjeant Gallery?
Perhaps demands that we go back to the good old days when money wasn't "wasted" on things like art? (Fun Fact: in the good old days the old Sarjesnt, Museum and War Memorial Centre were municipal priorities - much larger than and built before the current Police Station and Court House)

Or howls about how the cost (per headlines) went from $50m to $100m? https://awafm.co.nz/new-50m-courthouse-and-police-hub-for-whanganui/

To be clear I'm happy to see any govt investment in Whanganui (esp the police station which is badly needed). I'm just wonder if 2025 might have something to learn from 1925 or 1975 priorities (when society valued bigger museums and galleries and built smaller police stations and courthouses)

Flag - State of Palestine adopted 1920Graffiti - Neil Roberts testament 1982

Flag - State of Palestine adopted 1920
Graffiti - Neil Roberts testament 1982

World AIDS day (1st December) passes without much notice these days and thats a good thing - as its the result of an epi...

World AIDS day (1st December) passes without much notice these days and thats a good thing - as its the result of an epidemic brought under control with science, radical policy of support marginialisation (decrimimalising gay s*x for MSM, allowing needle exchanges for IV drug users) and radical group compliance (if you thought wearing masks for CoViD was an imposition an entire generation of gay men who learned to use condoms is laughing at you!)
The science that LGBT community fought relentlessly to fight HIV/AIDS (treatments developed and vaccine development and rapid approval mechanisms) led directly to better treatments and vaccines for CoViD that came much faster.

If I'm intolerant of ignorance and silence its with very good reason!


Warm congratulations to the team at Fleet Line Marking in Hinau St on winning the Supreme Business Award on top of Golds for Innovation and Manufacturing/Engineering.

An outstanding Castlecliff firm - their leading and commitment to Paint Up the Park last year was simply outstanding!

Great to see many great Castlecliff businesses leading the way as both finalists and winners with Gold also going to Emmetts Civil Construction on Heads Road for Construction Trades and Infrastructure and the Judith Timpany Award to Richard Emmett.

Mark of excellence
Fleet Line Markers wins supreme business award
Olivia Reid · Nov 19, 2024

The boss of Whanganui’s Fleet Line Markers says the rise of his business is “a real cool regional New Zealand story”. Fleet Line Markers won two golds and the supreme award at the Whanganui Regional Business Awards.
Carr established Fleet Line Markers NZ in Whanganui in 2000 after being offered a job as the New Zealand sales representative.
In 2002, Carr became the chief executive and a shareholder of Fleet Line Markers Australasia.
“From there, it’s been a consistent growth journey,” Carr said.
Twenty-two years later, it provides 80% of the line-marking market in New Zealand, produces robots, and has expanded into horticulture.
At the awards, run by Business Whanganui Chamber of Commerce, Fleet Line Markers NZ took home the supreme award, as well as the gold award for innovation, and manufacturing and engineering.
Fleet Line Markers NZ’s most recent ventures have been moving into robotics and horticulture.
In March 2024, the Fleet Line Marking Robot was revealed in collaboration with Wrybill Robotics in Palmerston North and Metalform in Dannevirke.
“It’s a real cool regional New Zealand story,” Carr said.
Full production of the robots is planned to start in March.
Fleet Horticulture is working with a Hawke’s Bay orchard with 470km of trees. Orchards use white plastic sheets to help reflect sunlight on to the fruit to allow faster ripening, but placing plastic is time-consuming.
According to Carr, Fleet came up with an alternative, to spray white paint, which is faster and cuts labour costs by up to 50%.
“Our core values are ‘dream, believe, create, succeed’, and that’s the vision of everything we’re trying to create.”
After a period of research, innovation and development, Carr is ready to focus on delivering their new products to the market.
The growth from sales representative to CEO has been a jump for Carr: “Coming from me being the guy who did sales and mixed the paint, to now driving the ship and having a whole team with marketing, accounts and manufacturing and sales reps, it’s been one hell of a journey.”
Fleet Line Makers NZ now exports to the Pacific Islands and South America, with manufacturing in the United States and China.
Carr was “stoked” to win the supreme award.
“All of the hard work and all the hours in the background [have] been recognised by the Whanganui business community. It’s pretty special.
“I’m just super-proud of what my team has achieved and it’s such an awesome recognition for them, for all the hard work and passion they’ve put in to it,” he said.
The Whanganui Business Awards ceremony was held in the War Memorial Hall, with the pre-event at the newly reopened Te Whare o Rehua Sarjeant Gallery.
The ceremony was hosted by journalist Mike McRoberts.
“The Whanganui Business Awards are a celebration of the extraordinary talent, resilience, and innovation within our community,” Business Whanganui chief executive Helen Garner said.
“The passion and dedication demonstrated by our winners, particularly Fleet Line Markers, who took home the supreme award, is truly inspiring.”
Full list of gold awardwinners:
New and Emerging Business: Thompson Plumbing & Gas
Community Contribution: Article
Customer Service Delivery: Property Brokers
Innovation: Fleet Line Markers
Sustainability and Environment: Rivercity Tree Services
Manufacturing and Engineering: Fleet Line Markers
Construction Trades and Infrastructure: Emmetts Civil Construction
Professional Services: Upstaged
Consumer Services: Caci Whanganui
Ultimate Visitor: Papaiti Gin
Employer of the Year: Alarm Watch
People’s Choice: Beaver Tree Service
Judith Timpany Award: Richard Emmett
Supreme: Fleet Line Markers

Yes 100 years ago is an arbitrary point. But it does reflect the world map just after WWI - since when nation states boa...

Yes 100 years ago is an arbitrary point. But it does reflect the world map just after WWI - since when nation states boarders have been remarkably stable.
Changes in the past 100 years have pretty much been nations becoming independent or subdividing. Israel is the only example of a state not in existence 100 years ago coming into being and Palestine the only example of a then existing state (protectorate at the time) ceasing to be.

Israel had cause to be post Sho'ah/WWII
Palestine has cause to be now.
These causes should not be seen as mutually exclusive.


It's less than 8 months until Local Council election campaigning starts and an increasingly regular question I get asked is "Are you running again (for Whanganui District Council)" (or presumptive variants like You have to/ You must run again)

The short answer hasn't changed since October 2022...


My longer answer to running as a Councillor for Whanganui District Council is
NO - and I've been saying NO since minutes after not being elected by a tight margin of 66 votes (which, against advice, I declined to recount)
NO - because I prefer to set my own agenda and focus
NO - because my marriage, mental health, and happiness is better off Council
NO - because serving in the public arena seems more toxic post COVID
NO - because being violently and seriously assaulted (and hospitalised for operations for the first time in my life) changed my outlook on some things - starting with how precious life is
NO - because putting your name forward and losing an election is hard
NO - because "I asked and voters said no" is an excellent and final riposte to both my own and others expectations of me that I should/must use my skills as WDC Councillor.
NO - because Councillor is not exactly the biggest or best job title I've had nor is being a public figure something I seek or need for my ego/identity
NO - I love a new challenge and learned a lot in three years on Council - ranging from making contacts (and enduring friendships) to how systems work to formal qualifications like study of Governance and membership of the Institute of Directors (I have no regrets). While there was much more to learn and grow into the challenge of the new & unknown just isn't there to run again and I've nothing I need to to prove.
NO - because my consulting skills combined with all I learned when on Council has proved to be more effectively applied when off Council.
NO - because when on Council you're expected to play the game. Off Council I'm free to choose what I care about and don't have to soft pedal when blunt truth is called for (eg parking polite but unsubtle "Hey Horizons where's Whanganui?" signs outside Horizons Regional Council in support of the blunt message being given inside)
NO - to those who suggested I'd have won if I'd been less "out" and "rainbow" (you're right - it is a problem some voters have - however it's their problem not mine. I don't care to tolerate or pander to prejudice
NO - because I've got other business and interests that got neglected when I gave being a Councillor the full time attention and focus I think it needs
NO - because (despite being 10-15 years younger than most Councillors when I was elected) I'd rather support younger and fresher candidates than myself
NO - because I've said NO and I don't respect politicians who declare their disinterest (or even retirement) only to popup every three years to inflict themselves on voters term after term.
NO - because I selfishly like having the having leisure time I worked hard for to do the things I like (finishing "Air Congo" aka CiA - Castlecliff International Artport and reading books among them)
NO - because acheiving Progress on the things I most care about (starting with Castlecliff) has proven to be exponentially better and easier as a private citizen
NO - because in truth the only thing regularly I miss about being a District Councillor is having a good, (short) answer to "What do you do?"

Summary: NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!

Now that's just my answer, for me, about me running for WDC.
I don't intend however to give anything but credit to those who will run for Whanganui District Council for the right reasons - or to discourage anyone from running.
Whanganui is an amazing place with untapped potential that needs and deserves to be represented by people bringing fresh energy and passion as Councillors.
If you're considering running to be a WDC Councillor and want to talk about it feel free to give me a yell and ask questions. The process of campaigning (while often foreign and uncomfortable) is a huge learning opportunity that can be surprisingly fun. And exactly the same can be said of being on Council if you "win"!



Karaka Street, Castlecliff

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm




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