Our team’s #PlasticFreeJuly efforts.
The month might be over now, but we plan on making these actions into habits by continuing to refuse single-use plastic wherever we can.
Hopefully we’ll get better at remembering our reusable containers though, so our sushi doesn’t have to be served in a giant banana box again! 😆🍌
#PlasticFreeJulyAotearoa #PFJ2024 #smallchangesbigimpact
The Women Who Get Sh!t Done unconference happened last weekend at El Rancho, and wow what a reminder of the incredible talent and energy within our wider collective of working wāhine. I noticed a visible shift in the frequency within the group – people seemed tired and a bit overwhelmed, and that was reflected in some of the session topics that were put forward (e.g. “Get less sh!t done”, “Parenting the COVID kids”, “Nap time in your room” (😂), “Reconnecting, nurturing and embodying your inner child”).
Despite this, there were plenty of inspirational and action-oriented topics explored (e.g. “Climate Action Games”, “A fraction about fractional work”, “Build your personal Board of Directors”, “Mission Swap”) and an electric mix of ideas shared during the “Lightening Talks” section. My favourite part was the childcare provided – as well as the 108 women, there were 17 kids onsite and some lovely play and creativity organised by the childcare team.
If you don’t know what an unconference is – it’s a total redesign of the power structures within a traditional conference format. The driving idea is that “everything is already within the room”, so attendees co-create the agenda, lead sessions, and collaborate in a flexible, informal setting. What’s best is that every topic is welcome, and if you aren’t enjoying the session you choose, you have permission to get up and find another one.
#unconference #womenwhogetsh*tdone #changemakers #leadership #womensupportingwomen
Clare Pudney and Glenn Bond are a Napier-based couple committed to making a difference for the children of Hawke’s Bay.
Clare, a Speech-Language Therapist, and Glenn, with over 20 years of experience in managing community development programs, founded the @pudneyhub in 2023 for tamariki with additional needs.
Over many years working in a specialist school in Hastings, Clare began to realise that many of Hawke’s Bay’s most vulnerable children were arriving at school having experienced limited exposure to support and therapy.
At Pudney Hub, the focus is on the crucial first five years of a child’s life, providing services that fill a vital gap in current support. Research indicates that early specialist support significantly improves developmental outcomes for disadvantaged children and families.
We had the pleasure of collaborating with Clare and Glenn to extract their vision for the centre, co-create the foundations of their brand, and partner with @createnow.co to capture their story through video.
#videostorytelling #changemakers #valuesbased