Koinei ngā kōrero a te kaiwhakahaere o te hīkoi mō Te Tiriti ki Te Papaioea a Hōhepa Sharland kia Manahi Te Hiakai ki te hīkoi mō Te Tiriti ki Pōneke
Manahi Te Hiakai interviewed one of the organizers of the Palmerston North activation of the Toitū Te Tiriti hīkoi who also participant in the march in Wellington
#toitūtetiriti #teūpoko #KaupapaMāori #KōreroMāori
Koinei ngā kōrero a te mema pāremata o mua o te rohe pōti o Whanganui i whai wāhi ki te hīkoi mō Te Tiriti a Harete Hīpango kia Manahi Te Hiakai
Manahi Te Hiakai interviewed former Whanganui electorate MP Hārete Hīpango who was a participant in the Toitū Te Tiriti March in Wellington
#toitūtetiriti #teūpoko #KaupapaMāori #KōreroMāori
Koinei ngā kōrero o tētehi o ngā kaiwaiata nō Te Kahui Mauī whānui i whai wāhi ki te hīkoi mō Te Tiriti a Che Fu kia Manahi Te Hiakai
Manahi Te Hiakai interviewed Māori-Niuean artist Che Fu who participated in the Toitū Te Tiriti March in Wellington
#toitūtetiriti #teūpoko #KaupapaMāori #KōreroMāori
Nei rā ngā kōrero o tētehi o ngā kaipao o te hīkoi mō Te Tiriti a Rāmeka Tāmaki kia Manahi Te Hiakai
Manahi Te Hiakai interviewed one of the chanters of the Toitū Te Tiriti march Rāmeka Tāmaki at the hīkoi for Te Tiriti in Wellington
#toitūtetiriti #teūpoko #KaupapaMāori #KōreroMāori
Anei te māngai o te Kīngitanga a Rāhui Pāpā e whakawahawaha nei i ōna whakaaro mō te kaupapa nei a Toitū Te Tiriti ki a Manahi Te Hiakai
Manahi Te Hiakai interviewed the main spokesman of the Kīngitanga - Rāhui Pāpā about his thoughts on Te Hīkoi O Te Tiriti in Wellington
#toitūtetiriti #teūpoko #KaupapaMāori #KōreroMāori
I kōrero ai tētehi o ngā kaipao o te hīkoi a Te Ata Rikihana ki a Manahi Te Hiakai i Te Hīkoi O Te Tiriti ki Te Whanganui A Tara
Manahi Te Hiakai interviewed one of the chanters of the Toitū Te Tiriti march Te Ata Rikihana at the hīkoi for Te Tiriti in Wellington
#toitūtetiriti #teūpoko #KaupapaMāori #KōreroMāori
Anei a Rāwiri Wright - Tumuaki o Te Kura Kaupapa Māori O Ngā Mokopuna e whakawaha nei i ētehi kōrero ki a Manahi Te Hiakai i Te Hīkoi O Te Tiriti ki Te Whanganui A Tara
Manahi Te Hiakai interviewed the principal of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori O Ngā Mokopuna - Rāwiri Wright about his thoughts of Te Hīkoi O Te Tiriti in Wellington
#toitūtetiriti #teūpoko #KaupapaMāori #KōreroMāori
Kua tara a whare i te parekawakawa, e Te Ika Ā Whiro nā Tūtehurutea Takoto! Takoto! Takoto koe ki te poho o tō whare!
He maumaharatanga
Matuakore "Joe" Glen
1942 - 2024
#kaumatua #tangihanga #kaimahiomua #kaipāhō #tekarere #teūpoko #KaupapaMāori #kōreromāori
Ki whea koutou kia toa - Wherever you go be valorus
He akiaki tēnei ki tētehi rāngai tāngata, kia karawhiua e rātou i tō rātou katoa ki tō rātou e whai ai
This whakatauki is an encouragement to a group of people to work hard and to give it heaps in whatever they do in their lives
He Puna Kōrero:
Mead & Grove. (2001). Ngā Pepehā A Ngā Tīpuna
#Whakataukī #TūMaiTeWehiwehi #Teūpoko #KaupapaMāori #KōreroMāori
Nō ngā wiki tata nei, i whakaputaina e Corella he waiata hou e kiia nei ko 'How Will I Know" He waiata tēnei e hāngai ana ki ngā uauatanga o tētehi piringa i waenganui i tētehi tokorua. He waiata reggae Moana-Nui-Ā-Kiwa, neo-soul me te rongopai te waiata nei
I whārikihia e tētehi o ngā kaiwhakahī, o ngā reo matua a Ngawaiera Campbell (Ngai Te Rangi, Ngāti Pukenga, Ngāti Ranginui) i ēnei kōrero ki a Manahi Te Hiakai ki runga i te hōtaka o Tū Mai Te Wehiwehi
Recently, Corella released a new waiata called 'How Will I Know' This song highlights different issues that arise among couples. The musical styles in this song are poly-reggae, neo-soul, and gospel
One of the lead vocalists and composers of Corella, Ngawaiwera Campbell (Ngai Te Rangi, Ngāti Pukenga, Ngāti Ranginui), joined Manahi Te Hiakai Gardiner on the Tū Mai Te Wehiwehi show to discuss their new song
Pīkari Mai Ō Koutou Taringa!
PHOTO CREDITS: Corella, Ngawaiwera Campbell
#corella #music #nzmusic #nzmusician #newmusic #tūmaitewehiwehi #teūpoko #KaupapaMāori #kōreromāori
Kua roa a Raukura Huata e whakarauora ana i te arero Māori mā te whakairi atu i ngā kai tūpuna a te Māori me ōna reka ki runga pae pāpori e haumī nei ki te kaupapa #MadeWithLove. He āhuatanga ēnei e mahia ana ia i runga i ngā kaupapa o te mana motuhake o te Māori me ōna hononga ki ngā atua me ngā tūpuna
I horaina e Raukura i ēnei kōrero ki te whataroa o Tū Mai Te Wehiwehi ki te taha o Manahi Te Hiakai
Raukura Huata has been showcasing Kai Māori online via social media in collaboration with the initiative #MadeWithLove. This also promotes Māori food sovereignty and cultural values concerning ngā atua me ngā tūpuna. Raukura discussed these kaupapa with Manahi Te Hiakai on the Tū Mai Te Wehiwehi show.
"Haramai te reka kia rangona ai te katoa!"
#madewithlove #kaimaori #foodsovereignty #tūmaitewehiwehi #teūpoko #KaupapaMāori #kōreromāori
Nō ngā wiki tata nei i whakatakoto ai a Arataua Media i te urupounamu e mea nei mēnā e tapu haere ana ngā tūnekeneke o te marae mō te wāhi ki ngā whānau hei tangi atu ki a rātou tāonga o te mate.
I roto i taua urupounamu i puaki a Whitiaua Black i tētehi urupare kia whitikina te rā ki ngā mahi o te hāpaiō me te whakaū i te āhua o te noho whakaiti me te whakaaronui. I wānanga tahi a Manahi Te Hiakai rāua ko Whitiaua Black i ēnei āhuatanga katoa i runga i te hōtaka o Tū Mai Te Wehiwehi.
In the past few weeks, Arataua Media posted an open-ended pātai stating that our meeting places are becoming too tapu to conduct tangihanga, and that many of our whānau are opting to have their tangihanga at home.
Whitiaua Black gave a thought-provoking response about shedding more light on the background operations of a marae and the value of being humble and considerate. Manahi Te Hiakai Gardiner and Whitiaua Black discussed all of these topics at length on the Tū Mai Te Wehiwehi show.
E te tī e te tā pīkari mai ō koutou taringa!
PHOTO CREDITS: Arataua Media , Whitiaua Black
#tikanga #tangihanga #uiui #tūmaitewehiwehi #teūpoko #KaupapaMāori #kōreromāori