Introducing LAUREN! they /she
What are your favourite Pizza toppings?
Anything vege, but I especially like pineapple on pizza!
What do you do? Perform, teach?
I'm a full time freelance performer and singing/guitar tutor. During the day I teach and then I usually have shows once a week or every two weeks. Everything from music, burlesque and pole!
How did you get into music?
Before I started playing any instruments, I used to take American Jazz dance classes.When I got home from classes, I would always be choreographing in the lounge to songs I loved (while annoying my parents in the process). Then I began playing the guitar when I was around the age of 7. Once I learnt how to sing and play at the same time, I would busk outside of Woolworths every Sunday and from there I started to get my first gigs. I think that really kick-started my love for performance!
How long have you been at the Sharing Sheds?
About two years now.
What is your favorite thing about The Practice Rooms?
I use the space during the day and love being able to practice and teach in the sunshine, while admiring the view!
What is one thing you love about the Wellington music scene?
It feels like a big family! I've got lots of friends who also perform and when they're not playing shows themself, they always try to get out and catch other shows. You really feel the love seeing lots of other musicians/performers out and about at each other's shows, hyping each other up.
You can catch Lauren preforming at Rogue and Vagabond this Saturday at 10pm
Photo Credit: Carissa Corlett