Have you ever wondered who's visiting your website and how they navigate through it? Are they leaving the pages too soon, or are they staying and reading through? Where are they located?
GA4 will help you decode the language of your audience by telling you:
๐What pages are getting the most love
๐How people find your website (Is it through social, organic searches, or direct links?)
๐How long they stay on your site
๐Where on Earth are they from
๐What does their journey on your site look like
๐And what exactly they're doing
(...and more)
Don't look at data as a barrier to your business - it's not as scary.
Data can be your magic wand. It tells you if your marketing efforts are reaching the target.
The world's gone digital, and businesses have found new ways to connect with their customers.
Social media and email marketing are two of the most powerful marketing tools these days, but printed materials are not a thing of the past and there are very good reasons why you should still use them in your business!
๐ They're tangible and build a sense of trust - when you put effort and money into your brand, you're proving your credibility, which is critical when you're trying to convert your prospects into customers.
๐ They're engaging - on a device, we tend to scan the information and move through the document much quicker. When we're reading something printed, we naturally slow down and take more time to read and consume the content (no scrolling allowed there).
๐ They help you reach a wider audience - not everyone opens your email or hangs on social media. Some people don't like having to do everything online!
There are many different ways you can market your business using printed materials, and choosing the right one comes down to the message you want to send across.
We'll go through them in the next few days!
#marketing #printmarketing #cataloguedesign #flyerdesign #leafletdesign #businesscarddesign #creativeservices
๐ pause and unpause incoming emails
๐ reminde yourself to check back on email by setting a boomerang for a specific date and time
๐ schedule an automatic follow up for the future, if you don't get a reply
๐ compose your emails and schedule them for a later time
๐ set exceptions for specific senders, recipients, or keywords
๐ get help and suggestions for writing better emails
๐ easily schedule meetings, cutting down on the back and forth
Pomodoro Techinique
Have you heard about it?
Pomodoro is the italian word for tomato. No, it's not the latest recipe for a tasty italian pasta! It's a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s and takes its name after the pomodoro/tomato kitchen timer he used.
The timer is used to break down work into intervals of 25 minutes each, separated by 3 to 5 minutes breaks.
The main goal of this technique is to reduce interruptions on focus and increase productivity.
25 minutes seem quite a short period of time but it actually isn't!
You stay focused and are extremely productive as you want to complete as much as you can of that particular task you're working on, during those 25 minutes. No scrolling through Social Media, no checking emails, no multi-tasking. Only focused and productive.
Try it out if you haven't yet and let me know how you find it :)
#timemanagementtips #pomodorotechnique #productivityhack #timeismoney #virtualassistantservices