Today's Card, calm your nerves and you'll be able to hear the voice of your Angels.
Shield yourself
Today's Card, invoke protection to bring this situation to a speedy end.
Today's Card, love who you are is your created perfectly everything about your true self is beautiful.
Inner Beauty
Today's Card, you are a brilliant example of God's love everything about you is perfect so let your light shine and inspire others.
Third Eye
Today's Card, it's safe for you to open your centre of clairvoyance by doing so you'll see the truth.
You are Healed
Today's Card, the healing you've prayed for is on the way.
uplift your thoughts
Today's Card, focus your attention on the many blessings that surround you by doing so you'll let go of depression poor self-esteem and excess weight.
World Energy
Today's Card, the earth is going through a transition of energy and your sensitive body is feeling it, you're not alone except the help of others
Wise Soul
Today's Card, you're soul carries ancient Wisdom please embrace it as you have the knowledge to help those around you.
Today's Card, you are a spiritual teacher share your wisdom with others you were born to teach.
Red Rose
Today's Card, Red Rose, Hidden Secrets.
Three things cannot be long hidden the sun the moon and the truth.
Today's Card, Tuberose, Dangerous pleasure.
The secret of reaping the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment from life is to live dangerously.