MY take with the input from a very good American friend.
What's on my mind today, thanks for asking FB! Every day here in NZ the people read the newspapers and listen to main stream media and the propaganda they dish out on behalf of their Globalist masters, just as they did with the role out of the Covid debacle. They knew zero about Harris. And yet they form assumptions thanks to their brainwashing that TRUMP is an idiot c/- TV news taking anything TRUMP says out of context by editing. The anti-Trump majority are licking their wounds and are very quiet here today.
Thank God the American election is OVER, The political ads coming across my feed. What a relief not seeing all that propaganda.
The NZ media kept telling me that I was in the minority in believing that TRUMP would win, it turns out they were yet again seeding propaganda on behalf of the anti TRUMP club, much like they did during their pandemic..
Yes, I had my preferred outcome, but I would have been content and would have thrived no matter the outcome, simply because I always forged my own way.
I have only ever taken an interest due to the fact I do NOT like to be lied to. And it had become apparent how people love to hate and could be feed by the media to quench his thirst.
I saw the merits and handicaps of each person. AS I have always done with our own elections here in New Zealand. Why? Because I listened to what everyone was saying. And Honestly analysed it. This would appear to be the case with the USA voters going by the result of this Presidential race.
What did put me off in this election, and tipped me fully in a certain direction was people from one side, having the gall of telling me, what they thought I must believe instead of letting me explain to them exactly what I felt or believed. It was outrageous!
In my observations, this is what tipped the election and gave one side a landslide, of the popular vote, and the electoral vote. For example when former President Obama, said if you were African American, you must vote a certain way. Which pi**ed OFF a LOT of African American men, and I don't blame them, because that is exactly what they did too many Americans.
The problem was, in the deep blue cities like New York and Chicago, the African-American men of the community that had supported one party for decades, expecting this kind of help for them and their families, saw the massive benefits the new migrants were being given by their city and federal government. And they were rightfully pi**ed at how their families were being neglected, but the government rolled out the red carpet, for these new illegal migrants, it was outrageous. This flipped the African American male vote enough to provide the other side, with the popular vote. Wow!
So in my opinion the African American male voters, flipping to the other side in protest for the outrageous benefits of illegal migrants, carried the popular vote. Congratulations men!
The other incredible factor was the Amish being involved in an election for the first time, which flipped Pennsylvania from blue to red. There are approximately 250 thousand Amish in Pennsylvania who have never voted before. The Amish men also were sick of the government getting involved in the family's traditional farms. So these Amish men the family heads mobilized this untapped voting block, to protect their families like the African American men did in the inner cities. Flipping this important swing state Red, from blue. Congratulations men!
I'm NOT opposed to a female President! However, most men are sick of all the wars and do not want to fund them anymore or send their young sons off to somewhere to fight another war. And the female candidate was War A Go Go, while the other guy was and is committed to no more wars.
Stephen Allan Oliver