Poetry NZ is an international print journal based in New Zealand. Established in 1951 by Louis Johnson under the title New Zealand Poetry Yearbook, and edited between 2014 and 2020 by Jack Ross, the magazine is now housed by Massey University Press, and edited by Tracey Slaughter. PNZ is this country's oldest, most established poetry magazine. It is interested not only in the work of established p
oets and experimental writing but also in that of new writers trying to have their work recognised. It also contains reviews and articles concerning poetry in New Zealand and elsewhere. While New Zealand poets receive the most attention, Poetry NZ is always looking for high quality work from other countries. Overseas poets printed in PNZ have included: Robert Creeley, Charles Bukowski, Charles Bernstein, Eugene Dubnov, Virgil Suarez, Tom Clark, Libby Hart, Les Murray, August Kleinzahler, Wanda Coleman, Blair Ewing and many others.