Weathering.... It's a timeless debate amongst modellers. Too much, not enough, too toy-like, not to scale, wrong colours, wrong location, bla bla bla....
I watched a YouTube video the other night about what this guy reckons was 'bad weathering' or over weathered and what was good/acceptable, like he was an expert on everything? He did add that the video was just 'his opinion' but who cares what his opinion is really?
If you were new to modelling, watching videos like this is bu****it and just puts you off being creative. If I were to build a spitfire based on the image attached, people out there would mostly likely say it's not realistic and 'over weathered' if I didn't include the image as reference. Why does it make it any less credible without the photo?
Maybe the modeller just decided they wanted their build to look like this without a ref photo?
I guarantee someone out there would say that spitfires didn't last long enough to get this dirty and weathered lol.
In a nutshell, build YOUR model how YOU want it built and screw what everyone else thinks.
Some out there will like your work and some won't but above all else, if you're happy or know what you did wrong to correct next time, that's all that really counts in this hobby...
Rant over 😉
Happy modelling (and weathering) all - Paul