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Watch the full video here ➡️ https://youtu.be/fqUWsPHcw2I?si=g9PysNZhFDfbfdJ7亲爱的基督城朋友们:我们知道生活在异国他乡,安全是大家最关心的事情。为了帮助大家更好地...

Watch the full video here ➡️ https://youtu.be/fqUWsPHcw2I?si=g9PysNZhFDfbfdJ7








Dear Christchurch friends,

We know that safety is a top concern for anyone living away from home.

Christchurch City Council has teamed up with Joint Media NZ to create this safety video, designed to help you feel more secure and settled.

Whether you’re new to the city or you’ve been here a while, there are definitely some useful safety tips in the video that you might not know about yet.

Wishing you a safe and joyful stay here in Christchurch.

Please also share the video with your friends and family so we can all help keep Christchurch safe and welcoming for everyone!

房贷利率很快有望降到5%以下。预计Official Cash Rate(OCR)将在2月份再次下调50个基点,今年晚些时候还可能会迎来更多降息。目前,五大银行中最低的房贷利率是ASB和Westpac提供的三年期5.49%。Home loan...


预计Official Cash Rate(OCR)将在2月份再次下调50个基点,今年晚些时候还可能会迎来更多降息。


Home loan rates are expected to drop below 5% soon.

The Official Cash Rate (OCR) is expected to be lowered by another 50 basis points in February, with further cuts predicted later in the year.

Currently, the lowest home loan rate offered by the big five banks is 5.49% for a three-year term, provided by ASB and Westpac.

#新西兰联合网 #房贷利率 #降息 #官方现金利率 #新西兰房贷 #低利率 #房贷市场 #银行利率 #经济预测 #房屋贷款 #财务自由 #利率调整 #房贷新闻 #利率下调

2025年,基督城将迎来一次重大的变革,多个关键项目接近完工。其中最为重要的是Parakiore,这座位于Hagley Park附近的现代化游泳和体育设施,将取代原QEII游泳馆。Court Theatre 也将在今年搬入新址(位于Glou...


其中最为重要的是Parakiore,这座位于Hagley Park附近的现代化游泳和体育设施,将取代原QEII游泳馆。

Court Theatre 也将在今年搬入新址(位于Gloucester St),为城市的艺术场景提供先进的表演空间。

与此同时,City to Sea Pathway步道将于2025年底完成,成为一条供步行者和骑行者使用的11公里长的道路。

基督城市长Phil Mauger表示,2025年将是进步的一年,体育设施和基础设施将有重大突破,同时他还承诺尽力保持市政费率增长尽可能低。

In 2025, Christchurch will witness a major transformation with several key projects nearing completion.

The largest of these is Parakiore, a state-of-the-art pool and sports facility near Hagley Park, set to replace the former QEII Pool.

The Christchurch Court Theatre will also move into its new home on Gloucester Street, providing a cutting-edge venue for the city’s arts scene.

Meanwhile, the City to Sea Pathway, an 11km route for walkers and cyclists, will be completed by the end of 2025.

Christchurch Mayor Phil Mauger has highlighted 2025 as a year of progress, with major advancements in sports facilities and infrastructure, as well as a commitment to keeping rates increases as low as possible.

Kevler Homes 与Selwyn District Council 的通力合作,在Rolleston 的Harrow Green 项目中突破传统思维,以创新模式显著缩短了新房的建造时间,同时降低了成本。与其他通常在基础设施和道路全部...

Kevler Homes 与Selwyn District Council 的通力合作,在Rolleston 的Harrow Green 项目中突破传统思维,以创新模式显著缩短了新房的建造时间,同时降低了成本。



Kevler Homes and Selwyn District Council have teamed up on the Harrow Green project in Rolleston, shaking up traditional building methods with an innovative approach that sped up construction and cut costs.

Unlike most developments where homes are built only after the infrastructure and roads are finished, these homes were constructed while the infrastructure was still being developed.

This groundbreaking collaboration turned an empty site into a brand-new residential area in just 7 months, far exceeding the average construction time for new homes across New Zealand!

#新西兰联合网 #创新建筑 #建造时间缩短 #建筑行业 #基础设施 #降低成本 #房地产开发 #新西兰建房

Air New Zealand 宣布将购买超过3000万升可持续航空燃料(SAF),这一采购量创下了公司历史上的最大纪录,预计将占其2025财年总燃料供应的1.6%。这些可持续航空燃料由Neste公司在新加坡生产,这种燃料100%由可再生废...

Air New Zealand 宣布将购买超过3000万升可持续航空燃料(SAF),这一采购量创下了公司历史上的最大纪录,预计将占其2025财年总燃料供应的1.6%。


Air New Zealand 的首席可持续发展与企业事务官Kiri Hannifin表示,这一采购量是公司上个财年使用的SAF量的四倍多。

Air New Zealand has announced it will purchase more than 30 million litres of sustainable aviation fuel.

The airline says it is the largest purchase of SAF to date and will represent 1.6 percent of its total fuel supply for the 2025 financial year.

SAF is produced in Singapore by Neste and is made from 100 percent renewable waste such as animal fat and used cooking oil.

#新西兰联合网 #新西兰航空 #空中环保 #航空燃料采购 #再生能源 #动物脂肪燃料 #碳排放减少 #可再生能源 #航空行业环保 #可持续发展

AEWV调整将于明年3月生效,主要变化包括:1. 取消工资中位数门槛:职位不再需要支付高于或等于工资中位数的薪酬即可申请签证。2. 降低低技能移民的工作经验要求:从三年降至两年。3. 延长lower-skilled 岗位签证的有效期:ANZ...


1. 取消工资中位数门槛:职位不再需要支付高于或等于工资中位数的薪酬即可申请签证。

2. 降低低技能移民的工作经验要求:从三年降至两年。

3. 延长lower-skilled 岗位签证的有效期:ANZSCO 4-5级岗位的签证有效期将从两年延长至三年,与允许的最长连续停留期保持一致。

4. 申请其他签证时的工作权利:AEWV持有者在申请其他工作签证或学生签证期间,可以继续合法工作,以帮助他们维持就业。

5. 放宽部分建筑岗位的本地雇佣比例:部分建筑行业岗位的新西兰公民或居民雇佣比例要求,将从35%降至15%。

6. 简化招聘流程:雇主需在MSD发布招聘广告,并证明已真诚考虑本地劳工。但这一流程将改为申报制(declaration-based model)。

7. AEWV持有者带子女来新西兰的收入门槛提高:从43,322纽币提高到55,844纽币。

8. 重新设计Job Check环节:进一步优化AEWV申请流程。

The AEWV changes, taking effect from March, included:
1. Removing the median wage threshold, so jobs will not need to pay the median wage or higher to be eligible for the visa

2. Reducing the minimum experience requirement for lower-skilled migrants to two years

3. Visas for new applicants in lower-skilled ANZCO level 4-5 roles will last three years, instead of two — aligning with the maximum continuous stay

4. AEWV applicants will have work rights if applying for other work visas or students visas, to support them with employment while their visa is processed

5. Some construction jobs will only need 15% of employees to be New Zealand citizens or residents, instead of the typical 35% requirement

6. Employers will need to advertise with MSD and be able to demonstrate they considered New Zealanders in good faith, but this will be changed to a declaration-based model

7. Income thresholds for AEWV holders to support a dependent child increase from $43,322 to $55,844

8. A re-design of the Job Check step of the AEWV process.

#新西兰联合网 #新西兰移民 #工作签证 #移民政策 #外籍人士 #新西兰工作 #新西兰工签证 #新西兰建筑 #工资中位数 #签证调整 #新西兰经济 #新西兰新政

从明年4月1日起,成人最低工资将上涨到每小时23.50纽币,比目前的23.15纽币多出1.5%。起薪工资和培训工资也会同步调整到每小时18.80纽币,依旧是成人最低工资的80%。与此同时,新西兰政府也在致力于减少领取Jobseeker Su...



与此同时,新西兰政府也在致力于减少领取Jobseeker Support 的人数。

Starting from April 1 next year, the adult minimum wage will increase to $23.50 per hour, a 1.5% rise from the current rate of $23.15 per hour.

The starting-out and training wages will also be adjusted to $18.80 per hour, maintaining 80% of the adult rate.

At the same time, the New Zealand government is also focused on reducing the number of people receiving Jobseeker Support.

#新西兰联合网 #最低工资调整 #工资上涨 #新西兰经济 #起薪工资 #培训工资 #最低工资标准 #工资改革 #新西兰政策 #薪资调整 #就业机会

去年这个时候,新西兰的电动车销量超过了1.7万辆。但截至2024年11月底,销量却只有5519辆。经销商们将这一现象归因于“三个R”——Recession、Road User Charges 的实施,以及Clean Car Rebate 的...


经销商们将这一现象归因于“三个R”——Recession、Road User Charges 的实施,以及Clean Car Rebate 的取消。

新西兰在今年6月刚刚走出经济衰退,而自4月起,电动车和插电式混合动力车已开始缴纳Road User Charges。同时,Clean Car Rebate 也在去年12月结束。


This time last year, New Zealand‘s electric vehicle (EV) sales topped 17,000 units. However, by the end of November 2024, only 5,519 units had been sold.

Dealers attribute this drop to the ’three Rs‘ – recession, the introduction of Road User Charges, and the end of the Clean Car Rebate.

New Zealand officially emerged from recession in June, while EVs and plug-in hybrid EVs have been required to pay Road User Charges since April. Additionally, the Clean Car Rebate ended in December of last year.

As a result, EV prices have dropped by as much as 40%.

#新西兰联合网 #电动车 #新西兰 #销量下降 #电动车价格 #经济衰退 #电动车政策 #新能源车 #电动汽车 #绿色出行 #插电式混合动力车 #新能源汽车市场 #节能减排 #电动车市场

ASB 昨天宣布了对固定房贷利率的调整,最高下调了20个基点。随着这一变化,ASB的五种固定期限房贷利率都发生了变化,从六个月到三年不等。这是继上周银行普遍下调浮动利率后,进一步的利率调整。具体来说,ASB的一年期房贷利率现已降至5.79%...

ASB 昨天宣布了对固定房贷利率的调整,最高下调了20个基点。




ASB is among the banks that have made rate adjustments, announcing yesterday a reduction of up to 20 basis points on its fixed home loan rates.

As a result of this change, ASB has revised its rates across five fixed-term periods, ranging from six months to three years. This follows the widespread reduction of floating rates by banks last week, marking another step in rate cuts.

Specifically, ASB’s one-year fixed-rate home loan now stands at 5.79%, making it one of the lowest rates available in the market. The three-year fixed-rate loan has been reduced by 10 basis points.

In addition, ASB has also lowered certain term deposit rates by between 10 and 20 basis points.

#新西兰联合网 #房贷利率 #固定房贷 #利率调整 #新西兰银行 #房贷优惠 #浮动利率 #储户利率 #定期存款 #利率下调 #房贷市场 #新西兰房贷 #银行降息 #贷款利率 #购房贷款






The Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) has reduced the Official Cash Rate (OCR) to 4.25%, down from 4.75%.

This means that since August, the RBNZ has lowered the OCR by 125 basis points, from the peak level of 5.5%, where it had remained for over a year, down to the current rate. Banks have also lowered their mortgage and deposit rates in response.

The RBNZ stated that the average rate on outstanding mortgages has now reached 6.4%, and it is expected to decline to 5.8% over the next 12 months as borrowers refinance their mortgages at lower rates, in line with the falling OCR.

This adjustment to the OCR is the last for 2024, with the next review scheduled for February 19 next year.

#新西兰联合网 #新西兰储备银行 #官方现金利率 #降息 #新西兰经济 #按揭利率 #利率调整 #银行利率 #经济复苏 #通胀 #新西兰银行 #按揭贷款 #货币政策 #利率下降 #财经新闻

苹果公司即将推出一项新技术,使用户可以在家中进行临床级别的听力测试,并将最新的 AirPods Pro 2 转变为为轻度至中度听力损失人士设计的助听器。而新西兰成为了全球首批测试苹果最新听力健康技术的国家之一。苹果硬件工程高级副总裁 Joh...

苹果公司即将推出一项新技术,使用户可以在家中进行临床级别的听力测试,并将最新的 AirPods Pro 2 转变为为轻度至中度听力损失人士设计的助听器。


苹果硬件工程高级副总裁 John Ternus 解释说:“技术分为两个部分,首先是被动部分,耳塞插入耳朵后会屏蔽部分环境噪声;接着是主动部分,通过外置麦克风测量环境声音,并生成‘反噪声’来消除它们。在削减环境噪声后,我们还能进一步放大声音,这也是助听器的核心功能。”

Apple is set to launch a new technology that will allow users to take a clinical-grade hearing test at home and transform the latest AirPods Pro 2 into hearing aids designed for individuals with mild to moderate hearing loss.

New Zealand is one of the first countries in the world to test Apple’s new hearing health technology.

John Ternus, Senior Vice President of Hardware Engineering at Apple, explained, ”The technology works in two parts. First, there’s the passive part, where the ear tip is inserted into the ear to block out some ambient noise. Then, there’s the active part, where an external microphone measures the ambient sounds and generates ’anti-noise‘ to cancel them out. After cutting down on environmental noise, we can further amplify the sounds, which is the core function of hearing aids.“

#新西兰联合网 #苹果测试 #听力 #助听器 #苹果助听器 #苹果耳机 #苹果新技术 #环境噪音 #反噪音技术 #听力改善 #科技创新

最近在澳大利亚崛起的一个新兴品牌——LSKD,正以惊人的速度冲击着这个竞争激烈的市场,不仅在本土市场取得了巨大成功,甚至将目光投向了新西兰市场,计划在未来三年内开设10家零售店!LSKD 的第一家新西兰零售店将于11 月 30 日在Taka...


LSKD 的第一家新西兰零售店将于11 月 30 日在Takapuna 开业,第二家店计划于明年3 月在Christchurch 开业。

这只是一个开始,未来三年内,LSKD 计划再开设 8 家零售店,迅速占领新西兰市场。

A fast-growing Australian brand, LSKD, is making waves in the competitive athleisure market. After achieving significant success in its home country, the brand is now eyeing the New Zealand market, with plans to open 10 retail stores over the next three years!

The first LSKD store in New Zealand will open on November 30 in Takapuna, followed by a second store in Christchurch in March next year.

This is just the beginning. Over the next three years, LSKD plans to open eight more stores, quickly establishing a strong presence across New Zealand.

#新西兰联合网 #澳大利亚品牌 #运动品牌 #运动服饰 #运动时尚 #新西兰 #零售扩展 #新品牌 #运动生活方式

Christchurch Engine Centre 由Air New Zealand 与美国的Pratt & Whitney 共同运营,现已成为重要的航空发动机维修、修理和大修基地。新西兰总理Christopher Luxon、新西兰航空...

Christchurch Engine Centre 由Air New Zealand 与美国的Pratt & Whitney 共同运营,现已成为重要的航空发动机维修、修理和大修基地。

新西兰总理Christopher Luxon、新西兰航空董事长Dame Therese Walsh 以及Pratt & Whitney 公司总裁Shane Eddy 共同出席了周五在Christchurch 举行的奠基仪式。

Dame Therese Walsh 表示,此次扩建将引入新的GTF发动机维修与维护能力,能够将此前需要在海外完成的工作转移到新西兰本地进行。

新的GTF维修能力将于2026年投入使用,Christchurch Engine Centre 将在未来多年继续为这些发动机提供高质量的维护、修理和大修服务。

The Christchurch Engine Centre, operated by Air New Zealand and the American company Pratt & Whitney, has become an important hub for aircraft engine maintenance, repair, and overhaul.

New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, Air New Zealand Chair Dame Therese Walsh, and Pratt & Whitney President Shane Eddy attended the groundbreaking ceremony in Christchurch on Friday.

Dame Therese Walsh stated that the expansion would introduce new GTF engine repair and maintenance capabilities, allowing work that previously had to be done overseas to now be done locally in New Zealand.

The new GTF repair capabilities will be operational by 2026, and the Christchurch Engine Centre will continue to provide high-quality maintenance, repair, and overhaul services for these engines for many years to come.

#新西兰联合网 #基督城 #航空维修 #新西兰航空 #发动机维修 #新西兰经济 #飞机维修中心 #产业投资 #航空技术

Kaikōura 所在区域今年9月获得了“国际暗夜天空保护区”称号,为保护这片宝贵的夜空,当地社区和Kaikōura District Council 共同推动了一系列新的照明规定。这项规定将于12月19日正式生效,要求新建建筑以及更换照明...

Kaikōura 所在区域今年9月获得了“国际暗夜天空保护区”称号,为保护这片宝贵的夜空,当地社区和Kaikōura District Council 共同推动了一系列新的照明规定。


Kaikōura 特有的海鸟——tītī,在夜晚会因灯光迷失方向,误降在小镇街道上,面临着极大的生存挑战。减少人工光源的干扰,是为它们提供更安全的栖息环境的关键。

Kaikōura was awarded the title of “International Dark Sky Sanctuary” in September this year, and to protect this valuable night sky, the local community and Kaikōura District Council have been promoting a series of new lighting regulations.

These regulations will come into effect on December 19, requiring new buildings and lighting replacements to use low light-pollution fixtures, ensuring that the night sky remains clearly visible.

Kaikōura’s unique seabird, the tītī, often becomes disoriented by artificial lighting and mistakenly lands on the town’s streets at night, facing significant survival challenges. Reducing light pollution is crucial in providing a safer environment for these birds.

#新西兰联合网 #国际暗夜天空保护区 #星空保护 #光污染 #夜空 #环境保护 #新西兰 #自然保护 #社区合作

政府宣布将在未来四年内为四个关键的前线志愿服务组织提供额外的2310万纽元资金,旨在提升新西兰的应急响应能力。在这笔2310万纽元资金中,1460万纽元将用于Surf Life Saving NZ,310万纽元将用于Coastguard N...


在这笔2310万纽元资金中,1460万纽元将用于Surf Life Saving NZ,310万纽元将用于Coastguard NZ,310万纽元将用于New Zealand Land Search and Rescue,230万纽元将用于Amateur Radio Emergency Communications。

The Government has announced an extra $23.1 million in funding over four years for four critical frontline volunteer service organisations aimed at improving New Zealand’s emergency response.

Of the $23.1 million, $14.6 million will go to Surf Life Saving NZ, $3.1 million will go to Coastguard NZ, another $3.1 million will go to New Zealand Land Search and Rescue, and $2.3 million will go to Amateur Radio Emergency Communications.

#新西兰联合网 #政府资金 #志愿服务 #应急响应 #海洋救援 #搜索与救援 #社区支持 #新西兰安全服务 #灾害管理

位于Christchruch Port Hills 的roundabout,长期以来因复杂的交通情况备受关注。Christchurch City Councikl 在深入调研后,投入了70万纽币用于升级这一高风险区域,旨在提升行车安全和通行...

位于Christchruch Port Hills 的roundabout,长期以来因复杂的交通情况备受关注。

Christchurch City Councikl 在深入调研后,投入了70万纽币用于升级这一高风险区域,旨在提升行车安全和通行效率。

改造后的roundabout 提供了更多安全保障,有效地降低了车速,使每个人都能有更多的时间反应,减少了事故的发生几率。

The roundabout located in Christchurch Port Hills has long been a focus of concern due to complex traffic conditions.

After thorough research, Christchurch City Council invested NZD 700,000 to upgrade this high-risk area, aiming to enhance driving safety and traffic efficiency.

The renovated roundabout provides more safety guarantees, especially with the newly added safe speed platform and narrow circulatory carriageway, effectively reducing vehicle speeds, allowing everyone more time to react and decreasing the likelihood of accidents.

#新西兰联合网 #基督城 #环形交叉口 #交通安全 #车辆速度 #自行车安全 #社区安全 #安全设计 #驾驶效率 #预防事故






四大银行表示,农业贷款的管理成本更高,风险也更大,且根据Reserve Bank 的规定,它们必须为农业贷款持有比住宅抵押贷款更多的资本。

Parliament’s banking inquiry hearings will kick off next Wednesday, with key figures from the banking industry facing questioning from MPs.

There is particular concern about the big four banks—ANZ, ASB, BNZ, and Westpac—who are perceived to be focused on increasing residential lending at the expense of loans to small businesses and farmers. The hearings will continue until December 18.

These banks have submitted detailed defenses against claims regarding their lending practices, including farmers‘ beliefs that they are being charged higher loan rates than urban workers buying homes.

Their submissions, published on Wednesday, stated that the banks earn less profit from agricultural loans compared to residential mortgages.

The big four banks claim that the management costs for agricultural loans are higher, the risks are greater, and that under Reserve Bank regulations, they must hold more capital against agricultural loans than against residential mortgages.

#新西兰联合网 #银行调查 #国会听证会 #银行业务 #贷款政策 #小企业融资 #农民货款 #住宅贷款 #金融监管 #银行利润 #农民权益 #银行竞争 #资本要求 #借贷关系 #经济政策?

随着邮轮季节的到来,Lyttelton 港口将在本周一迎接第一艘邮轮——Diamond Princess。本次邮轮季共计有72艘邮轮计划停靠Lyttelton Harbour,游客数量可观。为了确保每个人都能有一个愉快的邮轮季,公交网络Me...

随着邮轮季节的到来,Lyttelton 港口将在本周一迎接第一艘邮轮——Diamond Princess。

本次邮轮季共计有72艘邮轮计划停靠Lyttelton Harbour,游客数量可观。


With the arrival of the cruise season, Lyttelton Harbour will welcome its first cruise ship, the Diamond Princess, this Monday.

A total of 72 cruise ships are scheduled to dock at Lyttelton Harbour this season, bringing a significant number of visitors.

To ensure everyone has an enjoyable cruise season, the Metro bus network recommends that travelers plan their journeys in advance on cruise arrival days. Especially on days when large cruise ships are in port, it is advisable to avoid peak times to ensure a comfortable and smooth travel experience.

#新西兰联合网 #邮轮季节 #邮轮旅行 #邮轮出行 #游客体验 #公共交通 #新西兰港口 #探索新西兰 #邮轮计划 #旅行规划 #新西兰活动


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