Water Features by Wai Design
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Wai Designs Water Features
Wai Design has had a close relationship with the Canterbury Jockey Club - Riccarton Park, for many years. Initially designing the irrigation for a new training track.
Wai Design was then engaged to design and project manage the construction and instillation of a new potable water supply at Riccarton Park.
Wai Design was primarily responsible for the design of the new potable pipeline, fire hydrants and connections. Time frames were tight however everything was completed before Cup Week, and large crowds were able to safely enjoy potable water.
This testimonial is by Tim Mills, Chief Executive of the Canterbury Jockey Club.
Saw more water than we wanted to while in Auckland. Wai Wai Wai !!!!
A beautiful water feature at the Auckland Art Gallery. Very tactile for children. The reflections in the sun from the glass waka must be fabulous.#waterfeatures #water #waterinart #waidesign #waterfun
Conducting an irrigation audit at an Auckland Retirement Village. Checking distribution,flow and volume of the water used. #watersustainability #waidesign #responsiblewithwater #waterdesign #wateraudit
Welcome our new office pets
Following the trend of all our other employees having 'J' names, they are Jacinda, Jasper, Jenny, Jess, Josh, John, Jack, Jean, Jackie, and Jonty. Here's to their health and happiness.
Here is a little girl loving playing in the water at the new fountain at Te Ara Atea Rolleston. The fun she is having is exactly the way Simon Ensor at Wai Design envisaged this water being interacted with.
The beautiful water feature at Te Ara Atea Rolleston.
Testing the Wai Design Laminar flow nozzle. This is a Wai Design prototype. Water play on a hot day is always fun