Testing this short video designed on Canva about mygrowthpoints. This is a minimal viable pre-app (MVP) so it is not fully functional. For example, it is web-based we are still building a mobile app. https://www.mygrowthpoints.com/?r=U1BCOTUrWVJyUTQ9
Rewarding your customers with a sustainable 100% solution - Part Two
Annamarie's heart to heart with business owners , Dennis Thorgesen, Jonathon Frewing, Marina Duskov, and Peter Lambert on their experiences with other platforms, how CoVid has affected their business, strategies to improve business and a sustainable 100% rewards solution.
Rewarding your customers with a sustainable 100% solution - Part Two
Annamarie's heart to heart with business owners , Dennis Thorgesen, Jonathon Frewing, Marina Duskov, and Peter Lambert on their experiences with other platforms, how CoVid has affected their business, strategies to improve business and a sustainable 100% rewards solution.