I feel as if I have waited forever, it is here!
I felt the quickening of the Earth, yet it is not until the first of the years nutrition comes to life, I know that the cycle is real.
You know there is a lesson here...
How often do we have feelings, thoughts, visions, that arise from, one wonders where, that we buy into, give credence too, without concrete, 3d, real evidence?
It is not that these moments are not true, sometimes over many levels (hello Tarot reader here of extraordinary ability). It is sometimes frequencies, old tape recordings and some very clever manipulators are playing with mental faculties.
Let's take the search for self love as an example, silly you are love, though you may of forgotten and just like happiness this is something you possess the second you choose. Sure you might have to ask those voices within your head to stop and check those Beings upon your screens and remind them they are full of B.S. if the message is not agreeable. For those targeted, you have to check them really hard and it can be exhausting. But we have learned, everything that happens on the metaphysical level, the realm of thought and higher, bleeds through to everyday reality. Just as we have learned (or should have) that everything we put into our body, from food, to what we hear, see, the way our bodies touch the world, has an affect also.
This is perhaps the hardest part of our journey, realising it is not just inner work, but the world around that plays it's part in making us who and what we are. Taking responsibility for our footsteps, as they walk through others world's, is huge, as their footsteps walk over our world also and Others may not yet be at a point of realising how powerfully damaging they can be...watch someone chop a tree down, for no reason but 5g and you will get my point.
Back to reality, for some the picture of great manifestation is things. For me it is people and nature. This is expressed through friends and family over many years and my garden. These are the levels that monitor how well my world is going. No the people I know are not Angels, I include sociopaths, narcissists and some pretty dark Beings among the mix, who else has more chance of growth? I also know some beings of such great beauty, love and compassion their mere presence is healing. My boundaries are my thing, bubbles are good for rest, not for lasting world wide change.
We are at the first quarter Moon Phase, not the time to begin new things, definitely a time to take stock of what is important to you. Time to check in with reality and find the ways within your life YOU are being expressed. No not the news or FB, but your immediate environment. This will paint a more true picture of who you are, what you are thinking, and how you are being, than anything else.
Remember, be gentle, be kind with Self, it is the Being you should know more intimately than any other.
I bid you much peace, strength and love.
Juhl xx