A few weeks ago I traveled to Hastings to photograph the work of Kalisolaite 'Uhila during his endurance performance for his exhibition, 'Kelekele Mo‘ui (Living Soil)'.
Prior to, the show, Kalisolaite and I, had a discussion about whether or not we should shoot video, stills or film etc. Kalisolaite and I have worked together for approximately a decade or so. For the last 10 years or so it's been considered standard, for us, to shoot video for the documentation and presentation of performance art.
It was Kalisolaite who decided that we should shoot 10 stills to capture the 'traces' of his endurance performance in Hastings. It seems crazy to try to capture a performance with only a handful of images. But it also felt like a watershed moment.
I will be doing an artist talk with my Kalisolaite 'Uhila at Hastings City Art Gallery Saturday 13 July. If you're in the area make sure you come down and have a kōrero!
Ngā mihi!