AgResearch Senior Scientist Dr Katherine Tozer has been part of a study into deferred grazing, and discusses how it can fit into your farm system, and what benefits you could see. New episode out now! Listen online,
AgResearch Senior Scientist Dr Katherine Tozer has been part of a study into deferred grazing, and discusses how it can fit into your farm system, and what benefits you could see.
New episode out now! Listen online, or via your favourite podcast platform.
Property Brokers General Manager for Rural Conrad Wilkshire discusses the impact of changing regulations around full farm to forestry conversion, and what this means for the rural property market. New episode out now
Property Brokers General Manager for Rural Conrad Wilkshire discusses the impact of changing regulations around full farm to forestry conversion, and what this means for the rural property market.
New episode out now! Listen online, or via your favourite podcast platform.
Waikato sheep and beef farmer Bill Garland shares why they decided to try deferred grazing on their farm, and what benefits they’ve seen so far. You can read more about Bill’s story in the cover story for Country-Wide Summer. New episode out now! List
Waikato sheep and beef farmer Bill Garland shares why they decided to try deferred grazing on their farm, and what benefits they’ve seen so far.
You can read more about Bill’s story in the cover story for Country-Wide Summer.
New episode out now! Listen online, or via your favourite podcast platform.
Improve reproductive performance
The reproductive system uses many trace elements. For example, manganese protects the developing egg within the ovary, zinc helps to produce a healthy uterine lining and selenium is important for protecting the growing embryo. While most farmers have well managed trace element programmes, there are times in the farming calendar when the requirement for trace elements increases, such as pre-tup and pre-lamb.
Introducing MULTIMIN® Copper Free! An injectable source of selenium, zinc and manganese.
Research has shown that ewes treated with MULTIMIN® Copper Free four weeks prior to tupping had reduction in drys and overall improved fertility, compared with untreated ewes.
To learn more, speak with your vet.
ACVM Registration No. A009882
Massey University Professor of Animal Genetics, Matt Littlejohn discusses a study that hopes to shed light on the origin of the Huntaway and heading dog breeds, and why it's important from a genetics perspective. New episode out now! Listen online, or via your favourite podcast platform.
In our latest episode, Marlborough Farmer Fraser Avery discusses how he’s made good leadership and healthy team culture a priority on his farm, to get the best out of everyone in the farm business.New episode out now! Listen online, or via your favourite podcast platform.
Pāmu Chief People, Safety and Reputation Officer Bernadette Kelly discusses the importance of getting leadership right, in order to foster a healthy work culture and retain staff.New episode out now! Listen online, or via your favourite podcast platform.