Dambar Shah

Dambar Shah Remarkably headstrong, An idealist, A multiculturalist, An atheist and a pendulum Man. You don't understand me yet but eventually you will learn about me.

Some skies scenery exist to heal you.

Some skies scenery exist to heal you.


" आमा आज दशैं हैन र ?"
मासु खाने हैन र आज ?
थालमा पस्केको पहेंलो मकैको भात र तेस्मा सागको दुई-तिनवटा त्यान्द्रा हेर्दै मैले‌ भने‌ ।

आमा अर्को थालमा भात पस्किदै भन्नु भो :
"आज नवमी हो नि !
मासु त दशमिमा पो खान्छन त !
भोलि खाने हो मासु ।"

आठ वर्षको म फेरि बोले :
"तल्ला घरमा त अनि हिजो देखि नै मासु खाइरा छन त ?"

छेउमै बसेकी दिदी ले कराउदै भनी :
"उनिहरूको छ र खान्छन नि...
के सारो कचकच गर्दो रहेछ !
खुरुक्क खा अनि गएर पढ "

म अबोध बालक आमाले‌ भनेसी टाउको हल्लाउँदै खाना खाए !

म आमासँगै सुत्थे !
राति १० बजेतिर मेरो एक निन्द्रा पुगीसकेको थियो, दिदीको कोठाबाट आएको गुनगुन आवाजले म झसङ्ग बिउँझिए ।

आमा भन्दै हुनुहुन्थ्यो :
"भाइलाई मासु खान मन लागेछ !
त संग कति छ पैसा ?"

दिदीले भन्दै थि :
तेसैको नयाँ लुगा का लागी भनेर जोगाको १०० रुपैयाँ अनि तपाईको दबाईको लागी भनेर राखेको १०० त छ नि !

आमाले फेरि भन्दै हुनुहुन्थ्यो :
"खड्काले बाकी दिदैन आधि किलो मासु ?
बेकारमा अस्ति घरको कुखुरा बेचियो ।"

दिदीले भनि :
कहा दिन्छ त्यस्ले बांकी !
फेरि दुई दिन नभई माग्न आईहाल्छ ।
का बाट तिर्नु फेरी !
त्यो कुखुरा बेचेर त अहिले सम्म मकैको भात खान पाइईएको छ नि ।

आमा, सुस्केरा हाल्दै :
"जिद्दी गर्छ भोलि ,‌मासु खै भनेर !
मेरो दबाई पछि किन्दा हुछ ।
भोलि बिहान १०० रुपैयाँ को एक पाउ मासु लिएर आइज!" भन्दै आमा पलङ तिर आउनु भयो ।
आमा आउनु भएको देखेर म निदाएको जस्तो गरे !

आमा सिरक आधी ओढेर खै के सोच्दै हुनुहुन्थ्यो !
म आमा‌तिर फर्किदै भने :
"आमा ! दशैंमा मासु खानै पर्ने हो र ?"

आमा झ्यास्स हुदै भन्नु भो :
"निदाको छैनस अझैं ?"

मैले जिद्दी गर्दै भने :
"भन्नु न आमा , दशैंमा मासु खानै पर्ने हो र ?

आमाले मेरो टाउको मुसार्दै भन्नु भो :
"सबैले खाने भएर , खानै पर्ने भएको होलानि बाबु !"
मैले भने :
"तेसो भए यो वर्ष हामी नखादा हुन्न र भन्या ?"

आमाले मेरो मुखमा एक टक हेर्दै भन्नु भो :
"तलाई खान मन लागेको छ , भन्या हैनस अगि ?"

मैले आमाको काखमा टाउको राख्दै भने :

" अगि तल्लो घरमा देख्या थिए मासु,
कस्तो उल्टि नै आयो !
त्यस्तो घिनलाग्दो मासु नखाने अब म !
त्यो मासु भन्दा हाम्रो घरको साग कति मिठो - मिठो !!
सागपात ले आंखा पनि त तेजिलो हुन्छ, हैन त आमा ?"

आमा मुस्कुराउदै भन्नु भयो :
"कति ग्यानी भा को छोरा । ❣️


तेरे आने की जब ख़बर महके,
तेरे खुश्बू से सारा घर महके,

शाम महके तेरे तसव्वुर से,
शाम के बाद फिर सहर महके,

रात भर सोचता रहा तुझ को,
ज़हन-ओ-दिल मेरे रात भर महके,

याद आए तो दिल मुनव्वर हो,
दीद हो जाए तो नज़र महके,

वो घड़ी दो घड़ी जहाँ बैठे,
वो ज़मीं महके वो शजर महके,

Lyrics: Dr. Nawaz Dewbandi
Singer: Jagjit Singh


सरकारले इन्धन जोगाउन आइतबार बिदा दियो !! अब LP Gas जोगाउन एक छाक
मात्रै खानुस भन्न बेर छैन 🤔


मलाई केटी मान्छे ले पाइन्ट लगार हिड्या पट्टकै मन पर्दैन😏 भन्नी अन्टि को बुहारी आज नाप्नै नमिल्ने कटु लगार हिड्दी रैछिन।🙄🙄

love marriage भन्या के हो हाम्रो खान्दान मा थाछैन😈 भन्ने काकी को छोरी ले बिहे भको सात महिनामा नौ महिनाको छोरा पाइछिन।😆😆

अस्ट्रेलिया बसेर दुनियाँ छोरी बुहारी यो संग घुमे त्यो संग घुमे 😶 भन्ने दाइ को बुढि तल्लो घरको भाइ संग पोइल गैछिन।😌😌😌

रेडबुल खादा तपाईंको छोरा रक्सी खाएर टल्लु भाछ😣 भनेर कुरा लाउने काका को छोरा अहिले गाजां को case मा जेल मा छ रे।🤗🤗

पृथ्वी गोलो छ-पालो सब को आउछ रेनित!🤣🤣🤣

~कतै भेटेको!


"चुनाव हार्दैमा मान्छेको जीवन सकिदैँन ।" - अब्राहम लिंङ्कन
आब्रहम लिंङ्कनका जीवन घटित घटनाहरु :
१८१६- मा उनको परिवार बेघर भयो ।
१८१८- मा उनको आमाको मृत्यु भयो ।
१८३१- मा उनको व्यापार चौपट भयो ।
१८३२- मा उनले राज्य विधानसभाको चुनाव लडे तर हारे ।
१८३२- मा उनको नोकरी गयो । त्यसपछि पढ्न चाहे तर भर्ना हुन पाएनन् ।
१८३३- मा उनले ऋण लिएर फेरि व्यापार शुरु गरे तर फेरि डुबे । १७ बर्षसम्म ऋणमै दुबिरहे ।
१८३५- मा उनले विवाह गरे तर प्रेमिका मरिन ।
१८३६- मा उनको नर्भस डाउन भयो र ६ महिना बेडमा आराम गरे ।
१८३८- मा राज्य विधानसभाको वक्ता बन्न खोजे तर हारे ।
१८४०- मा इलेक्टर बन्न खोजे तर हारे ।
१८४३- मा संसदको चुनाव लडे तर हारे ।
१८४८- मा पुनः संसदको चुनाव लडे फेरि पुनः हारे ।
१८५४- मा सिनेटको चुनाव लडे त्यसमा पनि हारे ।
१८५८- मा पुनः सिनेटको चुनाव लडे हार बेहोर्नु पर्‍यो ।

अत: १८६० मा अमेरिकाको राष्ट्रपतीय चुनावमा सानदार मतले बिजयी भइ १६ औं राष्ट्रपति बन्न सफल भए ।

"बाटो चिप्लो र खराब थियो। मेरो खुट्टा बारम्बार चिप्लियो, अर्को खुट्टाले बाटो खोजीरहे, तर म सम्हालिए र आफैंलाई भने, म लडेको छैन सिर्फ चिप्लिएको हु।" - आब्रहम लिंङ्कन

5 types of people you must cut off immediately.

5 types of people you must cut off immediately.

5 Types of People You Must Cut Off Immediately.

Six principal that every developer should know.

Six principal that every developer should know.

In this article we will straightly discuss about six major principle which every developer should know about. Don’t Repeat Yourself.What does it means? If you need a piece of code in more than one place in your application, you need to create function or a method to do it. It helps saving times. K...


In a time when the concept of humanity dies, animals lead us to the principles of humanity.


I don't believe in love at first sight. I believe in love at first debate, first argument, first inside joke, first genuine laughter after a lifetime of sadness. I believe in love at first heartfelt conversation, first completely comfortable un-awkward silence.


I have seen many developers including myself to give upcoding few month after they started. Here’s what happened to me – Before I become backend developer, I was a frontend developer. I tried backend development for a while but I was frustrated. I thought may be I should go back to frontend deve...


If you are angel, I'm your mythologyIf I'm history, you'd be my mistake


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सपना त हजार हुन्छन तर
गारो छ पुरा गर्नलाई
You know what ?
स्वर्ग‌ जान सबै चाहान्छन
But Nobody wants to die.


# Copied


After the attacks of September 11, a company that had its offices at the World Trade Center invited its executives and employees who had for some reason survived the attack to share their experiences.

People were alive for the smallest reasons were small details like these:

- The director of a company was late because it was his son's first kindergarten day;

- A woman was delayed because her alarm clock didn't ring in time;

- One was late because he was stuck on the road where there was an accident;

- Another survivor missed the bus;

- Someone threw food on themselves and needed the time to change;

- One had a problem with his car, which did not start;

- Another one returned to answer the phone;

- Another one had a baby!

- Another didn't get a taxi.

- But the story that impressed the most was that of a man who put on a new pair of shoes that morning, and before he got to work he had a blister. He stopped at the pharmacy for a band aid and that's why he's alive today.

- Now when I get stuck in traffic; - when I lose an elevator;
- when I return to answering a phone;
And many other things that desperate me, I think first:

′′ This is the exact place you should be right now "...

- Next time your morning seems crazy, the kids take time to get dressed, don't find the car keys, find all the red lights...
- don't get angry or frustrated.



"How can you define true love?"

"True love is so underrated these days. For all people are searching for someone to be with but not someone who they can share their whole life with. Some people even end up being depressed for their lover just decided to part ways all of a sudden after they enjoyed those warm, sunny days. Then wasted liquors are taken the whole night after that, together with the constant drunken slurs and hiccups while singing their lungs out to Taylor Swift's breakup playlist. You see, these days, people are too excited to be in love, for they romanticize the things they see in movies and series, the things they read on some romance novel they found in the bookstores or even on the digital platforms like Wattpad, they end up longing for something that doesn't quite happen in real life. For love isn't all about those sweet, candid moments, but it's about all those hardship and sacrifices that are made just to keep their love sailing on the monstrous sea we called life and reality.

True love is so underrated these days for we romanticize everything we see. When true love is just too simple to define for true love is when both parties decide to stay together for the rest of their lives, no matter how life can destroy them on the inside."

—Ronelo Dologuin
FB Page: The Dark Soul Who Writes


"And You suddenly discover that you do not want to be the best in this world, all you want is to sit calm and temperate, not caring about anything and just want to be satisfied with everything."


Kenyan runner Abel Mutai was only a few meters from the finish line, but got confused with the signs and stopped, thinking he had finished the race. BA Spanish man, Ivan Fernandez, was right behind him and, realizing what was going on, started shouting to the Kenyan to keep running. Mutai did not know Spanish and did not understand.

Realizing what was going on, Fernandez pushed Mutai to victory.

A reporter asked Ivan, "Why did you do this?" Ivan replied, "My dream is that one day we can have some sort of community life where we push ourselves and also others to win."

The reporter insisted "But why did you let the Kenyan win?" Ivan replied, "I didn't let him win, he was going to win. The race was his."

The reporter insisted and asked again, "But you could have won!" Ivan looked at him and replied: "But what would be the merit of my victory? What would be the honor of this medal? What would my Mother think of it?" The values are transmitted from generation to generation. What values do we teach our children and how much do you inspire others to earn? Most of us take advantage of people's weaknesses instead of helping to strengthen them.


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A whole generation is fading away with each day, like curling wisps of smoke. Make sure to make some new memories with the elderly, while there's time.


Millions of memories, thousands of jokes,
Hundreds of secrets, one reason: friends. ♥️


Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time.

Memories 😎

Memories 😎


Old CDE Office



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