You were scrolling through the newsfeed and you saw this post and you started reading. You are wondering, bit curious, bit skeptical what this post is about. Nevertheless, you keeping reading. For sure, you have things to do; maybe a bill to pay, maybe be some problems to face. But at this point in time, you are ignoring all those things and focused into this writing.
This last few seconds, you were free from all the worries and anxieties, you were so soaked in here at this point in time that the things you are to deal later were all forgotten.
Let’s freeze the time here for now. Take a moment to reflect the last few seconds. Your problems are not gone, your things to do aren’t gone. The worries and concerns are still there somewhere in the back of your mind yet you didn’t feel the anxiety, the constant stress thinking about things that you are to face later in the day.
You know why? Because you weren’t living in the past nor you were living in the future. You were at present, staring at the screen. You were walking, breathing in these words, in these seconds. This was your reality, this was your present. Your bills were future, your things to do were your future, your bad experiences were past, your pain were from past.
But this exact moment, you forgot everything and felt nothing.
That’s the power of being in present, living in present.
Have a good day. Try living each second in present.