Lets face it and be real everyone wants it free,, I mean internet bundle but it has never been simple to get it. Everyone wants to be a pro hacker. But its never a single click then boom you are in. everyone wanna be a programmer but they are all afraid to go illogic.
Unless if u understand that thinking matters then you would jump in the right train. Hacking doesnt happen with the machines or the system. Hacking happens in the mind and the machine help to simplify the job to be done. Your computer would never know that it works on the different IP with others until the user should know that. This means that only those who know what IP is all about could tell how to use the system with the IP address. So those who are here all day asking questions like "how to hack facebook, wifi, whatsapp, and other things", I would love to tell u this today on a sad tone. U will all need common language. Thats the language the users understand better. If u wanna hack across the national u need to understand that people have experienced different things and that they understand things differently. So everyone would secure the machine or the system in a different way. So this means that first of all the hacker needs some basic understanding of social engineering. This helps people to understand why other people talk the way they talk, feel the way they feel and do the way they do. If u are able to tell this, then its easy for the firststage to manipulate people, but if u cant understand this then u are doomed. The only point I dont like from other people is. I am poor or from poor country and i cant afford that. Does this mean u will always wait for me to go out and get u information? If I dont get it then you would suffer etenity. Hello house, hacking is never a joke so be real. I would love to help not to save u. So u better read this carefully so that u should not come to me again asking things that doesnt matter. Lets build the 21st centuary togethr..
Source: Social Media