Friendship Forum for Nepalese Journalists (FFNJ) is an interactive learning organization launched by proactive Nepalese journalists in 2019. It engages not only the academics and practitioners of the field but also offers an avenue to explore intersectionality from various perspectives. Moreover, in addition to its professional endeavors at home to develop the capacity of the journalists to the hi
ghest moral and ethical standard achievable, FFNJ also aims to build up the journalist's solidarity beyond the geographical and cultural frontiers. In doing so, it engages tools like knowledge-sharing, brainstorming, training, study-tour, and technology-transfer in collaboration with the stakeholders. Additionally, FFNJ strives to achieve harmonious and equitable relational dynamics in the communities and encourages alternative models of social engagement like mediation, facilitation, negotiation, Track 2, P2P, and multi-modal engagement to ensure social justice and sustainable peace with dignity. In this light, FFNJ has been attracted to see various perspectives inherent in Nepalese communities about the contemporary agenda of humane development through an integrated development approach that involves International Relations (IR) perspective.