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hello everyone
dashain kasto chalirako chha


Corona virus infections have been found
in all 77 districts of Nepal.
# staysafe


28th death Reported due to COVID-19 in Nepal. A 50
years old male From Kailali District. He was patient of
Lungs Cancer. He died in isolation of Bharatpur
Hospital while treatment was going on.
Source: MoHp


नेपालमा थप ५५४ जनामा कोरोना पुष्टि,
कुल संक्रमितको संख्या १२३०९ पुग्यो!!
Source: MoHP


“बराहक्षेत्र नगरपालिका वडा नम्बर ५ का वडाध्यक्षद्वारा नेकपाबाट राजिनामा घाेषणा https://t.co/ASo9XSovo6”


Incidents of r**e has been reported to be increasing in
the district as of late. More than 70 per cent of the
cases registered at the local authorities are related to
r**e, says data from the district attorney office. Of the
152 criminal cases registered at the office and through
the district administration office in the current fiscal
year, 70 per cent were related to r**e.

More than 1000 Army personnels are ready to be senton Peace mission (Peace Keeping) during thispandemic. They will be se...

More than 1000 Army personnels are ready to be sent
on Peace mission (Peace Keeping) during this
pandemic. They will be sent to Southern Sudan, Congo,
Mali and Libya after completion of their Quarantine
Period in Nepal and PCR Tests before leaving to


There are currently 9030 COVID-19 active cases in
Nepal where 2698 have already recovered and death
count is 27 (Total 11755 confirmed cases). Total
206271 PCR tests done till yesterday evening. [Source:
MoHP- Nepal]

पहाडको काखमा सुन्दर वस्ती : Good morning Nepalfrom Muna village, Myagdi

पहाडको काखमा सुन्दर वस्ती : Good morning Nepal
from Muna village, Myagdi


बराहक्षेत्र : बराहक्षेत्र नगरपालिका ५ नम्बर वडाका अध्यक्ष राजु अधिकारीले छैटौ नगरसभा बहिष्कार गरेका छन्। मेयर न....


विदेशमा भिसा र करार सकिएका, रोजगारी गुमाएका तथा बिरामी परेर तत्काल स्वदेश फर्कनुपर्ने नेपालीलाई सरकारले उद्धार ....


312 COVID-19 patients have been discharged from
respective hospitals recently after recovery in Nepal.
After this total number of recovered cases has reached
to 2650 in Nepal.
Source: MoHP Media briefing (4:15 PM)


Again 2 deaths Confirmed Due To COVID-19 in Nepal
1 male From Syangja & another 1 male From Lalitpur.
Total Deaths reached: 26


नेपालमा थप ४३४ जनामा कोरोना पुष्टि,
कुल संक्रमितको संख्या १११६२ पुग्यो!!
Source: MoHP

A woman works at a Paddy field covering herself withthe handmade raincover in Lalitpur, Nepal.  िशान

A woman works at a Paddy field covering herself with
the handmade raincover in Lalitpur, Nepal. िशान

Imperial College Londonले तयार पारेको खोप जनावर पछिमानिसमा पनि Testing सुरु गरिएको छ। विश्व भर अहिले१२० भन्दा बढी प्रयोग...

Imperial College Londonले तयार पारेको खोप जनावर पछि
मानिसमा पनि Testing सुरु गरिएको छ। विश्व भर अहिले
१२० भन्दा बढी प्रयोगशालामा खोप निर्माणको
प्रकृयामा छ जसमा १३ खोप मानिसमा Testing को
प्रक्रियामा छ। यधपी कुनै आधिकारिक खोप भने
बनिसकेको छैन।
Positive news of Another Human trial of Covid19 Vaccine
About 300 Volunteers have begun being immunised with
a new UK coronavirus vaccine as a part of trial by
Imperial College London!!
Tests in animals suggest the vaccine is safe and triggers
an effective immune response.
Note: There are more than 120 coronavirus vaccines in
early development across the world. 13 are now in
human trials: 5 in China, 3 in the United States, 2 in the
UK, 1 in Australia, Germany and Russia.
Source : Imperial College London


भोजराज श्रेष्ठ धरान / २०७६ साल चैत २ गते धरान–१४ पिण्डेश्वर मन्दिरमा मागेर खाने भक्तेनी भनी बोलाउने नाम, थर र ठेगा.....


वराहक्षेत्र –३, नडाहा । ‘यो बेला मकै बोटमै छ । मकैको बोट त खान मिलेन नि ।’ वराहक्षेत्र–३ जलुवाका ५४ वर्षे अटो (ट्याम...


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Road condition of Koteswor- Jadibuti road today.

Road condition of Koteswor- Jadibuti road today.

As seen on TIA: कोरोना भाइरसको सङ्क्रमणबाट बचेरकसरी domestic flight सेवा दिने भनेर अभ्यास गरिँदै!

As seen on TIA: कोरोना भाइरसको सङ्क्रमणबाट बचेर
कसरी domestic flight सेवा दिने भनेर अभ्यास गरिँदै!

हिमाल छैन भने नेपाल पनि छैन: हिमालयको सुरक्षा भनेकोपर्वतको मात्रै सुरक्षा होइन । हिमालको फेदमुनिबाचिरहेको हुर्किरहेको त्...

हिमाल छैन भने नेपाल पनि छैन: हिमालयको सुरक्षा भनेको
पर्वतको मात्रै सुरक्षा होइन । हिमालको फेदमुनि
बाचिरहेको हुर्किरहेको त्यहाँका जनता र तिनको
हिमाली संस्कृतिको सुरक्षा पनि हो । तीन महिना
व्यापार, हिमालको गाइड र भरिया भएर मनग्गे आम्दानी
गरी अरु नौ महिना बसिबसी खाने समुदाय यतिबेला भोकै
छ । राज्यले हिमालतर्फ पनि चासो दिनुपर्ने देखिन्छ ।


As COVID-19 cases in Dailekh district started
increasing rapidly. Dailekh has installed PCR testing
machine and inaugurated. Federal MP Rabindra Raj
Sharma used the development budget (1 Crore 6 lakhs)
from his election area and bought the PCR machine.
P.S. It is one of the remotest parts of Nepal where PCR
machine is brought and installed.


There are currently 8366 COVID-19 active cases in
Nepal where 2338 have already recovered and death
count is 24 (Total 10728 confirmed cases). Total
193194 PCR tests done till yesterday evening. [Source:
MoHP- Nepal]


You never know how much time you have left
So, be haPpy this moment.
:) Peace🙏

Dedicated this Artwork to all the Messi Fans. HappyBirthday Leo Messi.❤

Dedicated this Artwork to all the Messi Fans. Happy
Birthday Leo Messi.❤



रास्ट्रिय परिक्षा बोर्डले असार मसान्तभित्र सम्पुर्ण
बिधार्थीको मुल्यांकन बिबरण बुझाउन बिधालयलाई
अनुरोध गरेको छ।

परिक्षा बोर्डलाई यदि बिधालयले प्राप्तांक
असारभित्र पठाए, साउन दोर्सो साता सम्म नतिजा
प्रकाशन गर्न सक्ने जानकारी दिएको छ।

(अन्ने जानकारीको लागी हाम्रो पेज संगै रहनुहोला)


नेपालमा थप ६२९ जनामा कोरोना पुष्टि,
कुल संक्रमितको संख्या १०७२८ पुग्यो!!
Source: MoHP

The Beni-Jomsom-Korala road section is blocked sincethis morning following a landslide at Dana of Annapurnarural municip...

The Beni-Jomsom-Korala road section is blocked since
this morning following a landslide at Dana of Annapurna
rural municipality in Myagdi. The route is considered as
the lifeline of Gandaki state. The landslide fell from over
the Rupse falls was due to incessant rain, steep gradient
and loose soil, said by Dana-based tourism entrepreneur
Indra Singh Sherchan. District Police Office, Myagdi
Police Inspector Dhruba Prasad Sharma confirmed the
disruption of the highway due to the landslide.


कालाबञ्जार । संघीय सांसद् रामकुमारी चौधरीले बन्दाबन्दीको बेला महिला हिंसा बढिरहेकाले त्यसलाई नियन्त्रण गर्न भ....


कालाबञ्जार । नेपाल कम्युनिष्ट पार्टी (नेकपा) वराहक्षेत्रले आगामी आर्थिक वर्षको नीति तथा कार्यक्रममा समेट्नु पर.....


जिल्लाको घिरिङ गाउँपालिकाका एक ४९ वर्षीय
व्यक्तिले मङ्गलबार राति आत्महत्या गरेका छन् । भारत
रोजगारीमा गएका उनी गत असार ४ गते घर आएका थिए ।
शुरुमा उनलाई सरस्वती माध्यमिक विद्यालयको
क्वारेन्टिनमा राखिएको भए पनि भाग्ने प्रयास गरेका
थिए । गाउँपालिकाले त्यसपछि सुरक्षित स्थान
चन्द्रज्योति माध्यमिक विद्यालयको क्वारेन्टिनमा
राख्दै आएको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय तनहुँका प्रहरी
नायब उपरीक्षक युवराज तिमिल्सिनाले जानकारी
दिनुभयो ।


समृद्धिको एउटा वाहक हो यातायात । विकास भएर मात्रै हुँदैन, त्यसको परिपूरकको रूपमा यातायातले भूमिका खेल्दछ । याताय...


SEE Update: After change in SEE Modality due to
lockdown, National Education Board has released
‘विद्यार्थी नतिजा, प्रकाशन तथा प्रमाणीकरण
कार्यविधि, २०७७’ for SEE students. The mark will be
given on the basis of internal assessment. It says the full
mark is divided into theory and practical with First
terminal exam carrying 10% marks, Second Terminal
exam carrying 30% and Third Terminal carrying 60%.
मूल्याङ्कन गर्दा संवत् २०७६ को कूल पूर्णङ्कको सैद्धान्तिक
र प्रयोगात्मक गरी पहिलो त्रैमासिकको १०, दोस्रोको ३०
र तेस्रो त्रैमासिक परीक्षाको ६० प्रतिशत अङ्कभार दिइ
ग्रेड निर्धारण गर्नुपर्नेछ ।


There are currently 7851 COVID-19 active cases in
Nepal where 2224 have already recovered and death
count is 24 (Total 10099 confirmed cases). Total
186366 PCR tests done till yesterday evening. [Source:
MoHP- Nepal]





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