Rishi Talisman

Rishi Talisman A spirited learner,
An enthusiastic agriculturist . "In a gentle way, you can shake the world "

There will always be someone ahead of you in life.Amitabh Bachchan (a bollywood actor) says:At the peak of my career, I ...

There will always be someone ahead of you in life.
Amitabh Bachchan (a bollywood actor) says:
At the peak of my career, I was once travelling by plane. The passenger next to me was elderly gentleman dressed in a simple shirt and pants.

He appeared to be middle class, and well educated.

Other passengers perhaps recognising who I was, but this gentleman appeared to be unconcerned of my presence... He was reading his paper, looking out of the window, and when tea was served, he sipped it quietly.

Trying to strike a conversation with him, I smiled. The man courteously smiled back and said, 'Hello'.

We got talking and I brought up the subject of cinema and movies and asked : "Do you watch films?"

The man replied, 'Oh, very few. I did see one many years ago.'

I mentioned that I worked in the movie industry.

The man replied :
"oh, that’s nice. What do you do?"

I replied :
"I am an actor"

The man nodded, 'Oh, that's wonderful!'
And that was it...

When we landed, I held out my hand and said, " It was good to travel with you. By the way, my name is Amitabh Bachchan!'

The man shook my hand and smiled, "Thank you... nice to have met you...I am *J. R. D. Tata!"*

(Mr TATA is a billionaire industrialist that owns TATA Group of Companies).

I learned on that day that no matter how big you think you are, there is always someone bigger than you. Be humble, it costs nothing.

B E H A V I O R is always Greater Than Knowledge,

Because In Life There Are Many Situations Where Knowledge Fails, But Behavior Can Handle almost E V E R Y T H I N G!

(Muhammad Naeem)

अनलाइनमा निःशुल्क किताब पढ्न पाइने प्लेटफर्महरुः१. इ पुस्तकालय https://pustakalaya.org/en/२. थुप्रै https://thuprai.com/...

अनलाइनमा निःशुल्क किताब पढ्न पाइने प्लेटफर्महरुः
१. इ पुस्तकालय https://pustakalaya.org/en/
२. थुप्रै https://thuprai.com/
३. नेपाल राष्ट्रिय पुस्तकालय https://nnl.gov.np/
४. ‍ओपन लाइब्रेरी https://openlibrary.org/
५. प्रोजेक्ट गुटेनवर्ग https://gutenberg.org/
६. पीडीएफ वुक्स वल्ड https://www.pdfbooksworld.com/
७. मेनी वुक्स https://manybooks.net/

म त पुरै यसै भित्रै हराएछु एकछिन पुराना किताब हेर्दै आफ्ना यादहरुमा । साथीहरुको लागि महत्वपुर्ण हुन सक्छ भनेर साभार गरेको छु ।


E-Pustakalaya, developed by Open Learning Exchange (OLE) Nepal, is an education-focused digital library that serves as a comprehensive repository of digital resources that encompass a diverse collection of educational materials, including books, audio, video and interactive educational software.

हिन्दु धर्ममा महाशिवरात्री पर्वको विशेष महत्व छ वैदिक सनातन हिन्दु पात्रो अनुसार  १२ मासमा १२ शिवरात्री हुन्छन्, तर महाश...

हिन्दु धर्ममा महाशिवरात्री पर्वको विशेष महत्व छ
वैदिक सनातन हिन्दु पात्रो अनुसार १२ मासमा १२ शिवरात्री हुन्छन्, तर महाशिवरात्री र शिवरात्रीमा ठुलो भिन्नता रहेको छ ।

वास्तवमा महाशिवरात्री किन मनाइन्छ ? भन्ने कुरा धेरैलाई चासोको विषय हुन सक्छ ।

महाशिवरात्री मनाइने विभिनन धार्मिक मान्यताहरु छन् ।

पौराणिक र धार्मिक मान्यताहरुका अनुसार यि बिषेश दुइ कारणहरुले महाशिवरात्री पर्व मनाउने गरिन्छ

पहिलो कारण महादेवको शिवलिङ्ग स्वरुपलाई मानिएको छ ।

पौराणिक मान्यता अनुसार महाशिवरात्रीको दिन नै भगवान शिव आफ्नो शिव लिङ्ग स्वरुपमा प्रकट हुनुभएको थियो

त्यो समयमा सबैभन्दा पहिले उनको यो स्वरुपको विधिपूर्वक पूजा–अर्चना गर्ने बम्हा र विष्णु हुनुहुन्थ्यो ।

त्यही कारणले महाशिवरात्रीको दिन विशेष प्रकारले शिव लिङ्गको पूजा आरधना गर्ने गरिन्छ

कारणकोृ रुपमा विषपान गरेर संसारलाई संकटबाट बचाउनु भएको मान्यता छ

समुद्र मन्थनबाट निस्किएको विष पिएर भगवान शिवले यो सृष्टिलाई संकटबाट बचाएका थिए भन्ने धार्मिक बिश्वास छ ।

यही कारणले नै महाशिवरात्री मनाइन्छ ।

सागर मंथनबाट निस्केको विषलाई पिएर भगवान शिवको गला निलो भएको थियो । जसका कारण भगवान शिवलाई निलकण्ठ पनि भनिन्छ ।

त्यसो त शिवरात्री र महाशिवरात्रीमा केही अन्तर छ ।

हिन्दु क्यालेन्डरको प्रत्येक मासको कृष्ण पक्षको चतुर्दशी तिथिलाई शिवरात्रीको रुपमा लिइन्छ ।

यो मासिक शिवरात्रीको नामले पनि प्रचलित छ ।

फागुन मास कृष्ण पक्षको चतुर्दशी तिथिमा महाशिवरात्रीकाृ नामले चिनिन्छ ।

पौराणिक मान्यताहरुका अनुसार यो दिन नै मध्यरातमा भगवान शिव निराकार ब्रह्माबाट साकार स्वरुप अर्थात रुद्र रुपमा अवतरित भएका थिए ।

त्यसैले यो तिथिलाई महाशिवरात्री भनिन्छ ।

यो दिन विशेष रुपले भगवान शिवको पुजा–अर्चना गरिन्छ ।

A SHORT LESSON!• Someone graduated at the age of 22, but waited 5 years before securing a good job.• Someone became a CE...


• Someone graduated at the age of 22, but waited 5 years before securing a good job.

• Someone became a CEO at 25, and died at 50.

• While another became a CEO at 50, and lived to 90 years.

• Someone is still single, while someone from his school group has become grandfather.

• Obama retired at 55 & Trump started at 70.

• Everyone in this world works based on their time zone.

• People around you might seem ahead of you & some might seem to be behind you.

• But everyone is running their own race, in their own time.

• Do not envy them.

• They are in their time zone, and you are in yours.

So, relax.

You're not late.
You're not early.
You are very much on time, and will achieve your desired goals for Life(Be Encouraged).

Thank you so much for your Amazing support and love Fam🙏❤, please follow Successful family page, for more Educative Contents.


Homo Sapiens coming into existence was like cycling between two mountains in a rope, each 8000 meters high and surviving.

Only homo sapiens can develop Schizophernia . Other human species did not. Healthy humans can believe in imagination (singular or collective) without calling it real, yet rely on that imagination to make exceptional rational moves.
Why is this so so interesting ?
Any species with Schizophrenia in nature , would not survive by second week. The mutation that humans went through is so narrow , that we could have never existed. Perhaps this is reason why intelligence gap between humans and other creatures are drastically large. Any animal who hallucinates would be instantly eaten by predators. Any group animal (wolves,monkeys) , would turn against eachother with delusion of mistrust and kill one another.
The genetic modification that gave us powerful imagination or brain simulation ability probably also gave us schizophrenia, which makes humans the lone carrier of this mental illness.
And this is also reason why intelligent life elsewhere in universe is difficult than we imagine.


२१०० साल तिर ......समाचार हरु

१. ओलि को सपना आज पूरा हुदैछ, पुर्ब पश्चिम रेल उद्घाटन हुँदै!

२. बिश्वकै सबै भन्दा अग्लो बन्ने प्रचण्डको सालिक भौतिक पुर्बाधार मन्त्री रेणु दाहाल द्वारा सिलान्यास !

३. रास्टृय स्वतन्त्र पार्टी को अध्यक्षमा पुन रबि लामिछाने बिजयी ! युवाले पालो नपाएको भन्दै हिमेश पन्त लगायत का युवाहरु को आक्रोश !

४. लोककल्याणकारी राजतन्त्र पार्टी का अध्यक्ष्य रविन्द्र मिश्र सहित कार्यकर्ता ले आज माइतिघरमा "हृदयन्द्र आउ देश बचाउ" भन्दै नारा जुलुस गरेका छन !

५. युगिन भट्टराई को काठमाडौ महानगरमा मेयर को उम्मेद्बारी दिने घोसणा सङै युवाहरु मा उत्साह ! नया लाई मौका दिनु पर्ने भन्दै घन्टी उम्मेदवार लाई बहिस्कार गर्ने ट्रेन्ड ट्विटर मा !

५.नेपाल स्वतन्त्र पार्टि र समाजबादी स्वतन्त्र पार्टि ले सयुक्त भेला गर्दै पार्टी एकीकरण गर्ने घोषणा गरेका छन !

६. EVM( Electronic Voting Mechine) मा रास्वपाका रबि लामिछाने सहित काङ्ग्रेसका गगन कुमार थापा समेत मुछिएका छन !

७. अस्ट्रेलियामा गोर्खाल्यान्ड को माग गर्दै नेपालिहरु द्वारा प्रदर्शन ! नेपाली हरुको छुट्टै राज्य नभए अस्ट्रेलिया सरकार लाई साइबर आक्रमण को सिकार हुनुपर्ने धम्की !

अरु थप्दै जानू होला .....

लोक सेवा आयोगको परिक्षा दिने उम्मेदवारले विशेष ध्यान दिनुपर्ने कुराहरु :

लोक सेवा आयोगको परिक्षा दिने उम्मेदवारले विशेष ध्यान दिनुपर्ने कुराहरु :

WOMEN IN HISTORYIn ancient Greece, women were forbidden to study medicine for several years until someone broke the law....


In ancient Greece, women were forbidden to study medicine for several years until someone broke the law. Born in 300 BCE, Agnodice cut her hair and entered Alexandria medical school dressed as a man. While walking the streets of Athens after completing her medical education, she heard the cries of a woman in labour. However, the woman did not want Agnodice to touch her although she was in severe pain, because she thought Agnodice was a man. Agnodice proved that she was a woman by removing her clothes without anyone seeing and helped the woman deliver her baby.
The story would soon spread among the women and all the women who were sick began to go to Agnodice. The male doctors grew envious and accused Agnodice, whom they thought was male, of seducing female patients. At her trial, Agnodice, stood before the court and proved that she was a woman but this time, she was sentenced to death for studying medicine and practicing medicine as a woman.
Women revolted at the sentence, especially the wives of the judges who had given the death penalty. Some said that if Agnodice was killed, they would go to their deaths with her. Unable to withstand the pressures of their wives and other women, the judges lifted Agnodice's sentence, and from then on, women were allowed to practice medicine, provided they only looked after women.
Thus, Agnodice made her mark in history as the first Greek female doctor, physician and gynecologist. This plaque depicting Agnodice at work was excavated at Ostia, Italy.


For so many years, women have been fighting for equality among men, fighting for a chance to be heard and become whom God has destined them to be. Some were not as lucky as Agnodice so they were k.i.l.l.e.d just for having the temerity to have the same dream or passion as men.

When I see women making jest of feminism, it irks me because we are all enjoying the sweat, pain, sacrifices and b.l.o.o.d of many women who had gone ahead of us to pave ways and water the green pastures we're enjoying in the world today.

Women who fought so hard in a world of men, they had to rebel against their fathers, brothers and husbands to achieve their age long dream. Imagine what could have happened if they all sat comfortably without speaking or rebeling against the subjugation of women, we won't be enjoying all these luxury we're enjoying today.

Everything women do that you see as normal were absurd to be done by women years back, the ones we speak against today will be enjoyed by our daughters.

Why boss why ?😂

Why boss why ?😂

Never trust...

Never trust...

This is not life, Australia !😏

This is not life, Australia !😏


Remember these 5 basic laws in life ❤️

Work hard , man 😂

Work hard , man 😂

Gravity is natural ❤️

Gravity is natural ❤️

How relatable ?😂

How relatable ?😂

Happy Tihar ❤️

Happy Tihar ❤️

Who is the winner here ?😂

Who is the winner here ?😂

Sad bhayo ni ta 😂

Sad bhayo ni ta 😂



Two sincere milk quality inspectors doing their job ! 😂

Two sincere milk quality inspectors doing their job !

All the lines are straight 🤯

All the lines are straight 🤯

शेयर मार्केटमा पैसा कसरी डुब्छ थाहाँ छ ?एउटा ब्यापारी एउटा गाउँमा गयो र भन्यो," म  तपाईंहरुसँग  कुकुर खरिद  गर्न आएको  ह...

शेयर मार्केटमा पैसा कसरी डुब्छ थाहाँ छ ?

एउटा ब्यापारी एउटा गाउँमा गयो र भन्यो,
" म तपाईंहरुसँग कुकुर खरिद गर्न आएको हुँ, गाउँ मा जति कुकुर छन् म प्रति कुकुर रु.एक हजार दिन्छु ।"

गाउँलेहरुले गाउँमा भएका जति कुकुर ल्याए र उसलाई रु. एक-एक हजारमा बेचे ।

केहि हप्तापछि फेरि उ गाउँमा गएर भन्यो,

" अब म प्रति कुकुर रु.दुई हजार दिन्छु ।"

फेरि गाउँलेहरुले गाउँमा बाकी रहेका र वल्लो-पल्लो गाउँमा भएका सबै कुकुरहरु समातेर ल्याए र रु.दुई हजारको दरले बेचे ।

फेरि केहि हप्ता पछि गाउँ गयो र अब प्रति कुकुर रु.पाँच हजारमा किन्ने कुरा सुनायो । अनि आफु बिशेष कामले शहर बाहिर जाने र उ नआइन्जेल कामको जिम्मा आफ्नो असिस्टेन्टले जिम्मा लिने कुरा बतायो र फेरि भेटौला भनेर बाटो लाग्यो ।

गाउँलेले असिस्टेन्टलाई भने,
" हामीसँग भएको सबै कुकुरहरु बेचिसकेका छौ, हामीसँग
अरु छैनन् ।"

असिस्टेन्टले आइडिया लगायो,

" ल म तपाईंहरुलाई एउटा आइडिया दिन्छु, त्यो के भने मेरो मालिकसँग भएको कुकुरहरु रु. चार हजारमा किन्नुहोस् र
मेरो मालिक आएपछि उनीहरुलाई रु.पाँच हजारमा बेच्नुहोस् । तपाईंहरु सबैलाई रु.एक हजार फाईदा हुनेछ ।"

यो कुरामा सबै गाउँलेको चित्त बुझ्यो । उनीहरुले आफैले एक हजार र दुई हजारमा बेचेको कुकुरहरु रु. चार हजारमा किने ।

त्यसपछि हप्ता बित्यो, महिना बित्यो । गाउँमा न ब्यापारी गयो न असिस्टेन्ट नै । जता हेर्यो कुकुरहरु मात्रै ।😂😂😂

संसारमा काग मात्रै यस्तो पंक्षी हो, जसले उडिरहेको बाजको पिठ्युँमा बस्छ र गर्दनमा ठुँग्न थाल्छ तर बाजले तुरुन्तै कुनै पनि...

संसारमा काग मात्रै यस्तो पंक्षी हो, जसले उडिरहेको बाजको पिठ्युँमा बस्छ र गर्दनमा ठुँग्न थाल्छ तर बाजले तुरुन्तै कुनै पनि प्रतिक्रिया दिँदैन, न त कागसँग लड्छ, न त हतोत्साहित हुन्छ, न त आफ्नो समयलाई खेर फाल्छ।
आफूलाई ठुँगिरहेको कागको वेवास्ता गर्दै बाजले आफ्नो पखेटा फिँजाउँछ र आकाशमा उचाइतर्फ आफ्नो उडानको रफ्तार बढाउँछ । उचाइको तीव्रता बढेपछि अक्सिजनको कमीले गर्दा कागलाई सास फेर्न गाह्रो हुन्छ र उ तल खस्छ ।
जिन्दगीका हरेक मोडहरूमा भेटिने कागजस्ता मान्छेहरू, साथीभाई, ईष्टमित्र र आफन्तहरूलाई वेवास्ता गर्न सिक्नुपर्छ ।
पिठ्युँ पछाडि बसेर ठुँग्नेहरूका निम्ति समय खेर फाल्नु उचित हुँदैन,केवल आफ्नो लक्ष्यको उचाइतर्फ बढ्नुपर्छ । तिनीहरू आफैं खस्नेछन् ,आफैंलाई गुमाउने छन् र पश्चाताप मान्ने छन् ।

"कति जल्छौ आरिसले अझै जल्दै गर,म त हिड्छु मेरै बाटो खुट्टा तान्दै गर" ...............
साभार : फेसबुक बाट

एउटा शहरमा एकजना मुर्तिकार बस्थे।एकदिन उसले एक सुन्दर मूर्ति बनाएर एउटा चोकमा राख्यो र मुनि लेख्यो,"यो मूर्तिमा जसलाई जह...

एउटा शहरमा एकजना मुर्तिकार बस्थे।एकदिन उसले एक सुन्दर मूर्ति बनाएर एउटा चोकमा राख्यो र मुनि लेख्यो,"यो मूर्तिमा जसलाई जहाँ नमिलेको जस्तो लाग्छ,त्यहाँ चिनो लाइदिनोस्!"

जब उसले साँझ उक्त मूर्ति हेर्यो,पुरै मूर्ति भरी सबै ठाउँमा चिनो लागेर एकदम खराब भैसकेको थियो।

यो देखेर ऊ अत्यन्त दु:खी भयो।के गर्ने सोच्न सकेन र दिक्क मनेर बसिराखेको बेलामा त्यही बाटो भएर कतै जाँदै गरेको स्वामीले मूर्तिकारलाई त्यस्तो हालतमा देखेर कारण सोधे र उसले पूरै घटनाको बेलिबिस्तार लगायो।

यो सुनेर स्वामीजीले भने,"तिमी एउटा काम गर,भोली अर्को मूर्ति बनाएर यहीं राख तर मुनि यो लेख कि यस मूर्तिमा जसलाई जे नमिलेको जस्तो लाग्छ,त्यसलाई मिलाएर जानुहोला।"

मूर्तिकारले भोलिपल्ट त्यसै गर्यो र साँझ हेर्दा मूर्ति जस्ताको तस्तै थियो,कसैले छुनसम्म पनि छोएनन्।ऊ संसारको प्रवृति र नियति बुझ्न समर्थ भयो।

"खोट निकाल्नु,निंदा गर्नु,कुरा काट्नु,आलोचना गर्नु,उपदेश दिनु,सम्भव छैन भन्नु आदि एकदमै सजिलो छ,दुनियाको जस्तोसुकै निकम्माले पनि गर्न सक्छ तर समस्या बुझेर समाधान गर्नु चाहिँ सबैको वशको कुरा हैन।"

श्रोत:-सामाजिक सञ्जाल✍️

In Mahabharat, Karna asks Lord Krishna - "My mother left me the moment I was born. Is it my fault I was born an illegiti...

In Mahabharat, Karna asks Lord Krishna - "My mother left me the moment I was born. Is it my fault I was born an illegitimate child?

I did not get the education from Dhronacharya because I was considered not a Kshatriya.

Parsuraam taught me but then gave me the curse to forget everything when he came to know I was Son of Kunthi belong to Kshatriya.

A cow was accidentally hit by my arrow & its owner cursed me for no fault of mine.

I was disgraced in Draupadi's Swayamvar.

Even Kunthi finally told me the truth only to save her other sons.

Whatever I received was through Duryodhana's charity.

So how am I wrong in taking his side ???"

**Lord Krishna replies, "Karna, I was born in a jail.

Death was waiting for me even before my birth.

The night I was born I was separated from my birth parents.

From childhood, you grew up hearing the noise of swords, chariots, horses, bow, and arrows. I got only cow herd's shed, dung, and multiple attempts on my life even before I could walk!

No Army, No Education. I could hear people saying I am the reason for all their problems.

When all of you were being appreciated for your valour by your teachers I had not even received any education. I joined Gurukula of Rishi Sandipani only at the age of 16!

You are married to a girl of your choice. I didn't get the girl I loved & rather ended up marrying those who wanted me or the ones I rescued from demons.

I had to move my whole community from the banks of Yamuna to far off Sea shore to save them from Jarasandh. I was called a coward for running away!!

If Duryodhana wins the war you will get a lot of credit. What do I get if Dharmaraja wins the war? Only the blame for the war and all related problems...

Remember one thing, Karna. Everybody has Challenges in life to face.


But what is Right (Dharma) is known to your Mind (conscience). No matter how much unfairness we got, how many times we were Disgraced, how many times we Fall, what is important is how you REACTED at that time.

Life's unfairness does not give you license to walk the wrong path...

Always remember, Life may be tough at few points, but DESTINY is not created by the SHOES we wear but by the STEPS we take...

Truth worth readingIn Ancient Greece, Socrates had a great reputation of wisdom. One day, someone came to find the great...

Truth worth reading

In Ancient Greece, Socrates had a great reputation of wisdom. One day, someone came to find the great philosopher and said to him:
- Do you know what I just heard about your friend?
- A moment, replied Socrates. Before you tell me, I would like to test you the three sieves.
- The three sieves?
- Yes, continued Socrates. Before telling anything about the others, it's good to take the time to filter what you mean. I call it the test of the three sieves. The first sieve is the TRUTH. Have you checked if what you're going to tell me is true?
- No, I just heard it.
- Very good! So, you don't know if it's true. We continue with the second sieve, that of KINDNESS. What you want to tell me about my friend, is it good?
- Oh, no! On the contrary.
- So, questioned Socrates, you want to tell me bad things about him and you're not even sure they're true? Maybe you can still pass the test of the third sieve, that of UTILITY. Is it useful that I know what you're going to tell me about this friend?
- No, really.
- So, concluded Socrates, what you were going to tell me is neither true, nor good, nor useful. Why, then, did you want to tell me this?

"Gossip is a bad thing. In the beginning it may seem enjoyable and fun, but in the end, it fills our hearts with bitterness and poisons us, too!"
- Pope Francis

True thinking is rare—just like true listening.Thinking is listening to yourself. It’s difficult. To think, you have to ...

True thinking is rare—just like true listening.

Thinking is listening to yourself. It’s difficult. To think, you have to be at least two people at the same time. Then you have to let those people disagree. Thinking is an internal dialogue between two or more different views of the world.





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