The girl planned to ki.dn.ap her boss to get back the compensation shw should have received for her years of disability
The girl planned to ki.dn.ap her boss to get back the compensation shw should have received for her years of disability
Because of the of his daughter, he fell into a state of depression and delusions that the girl selling the coffee was his daughter
Because of the of his daughter, he fell into a state of depression and delusions that the girl selling the coffee was his daughter
He's stupid to rob a bank alone
He's stupid to rob a bank alone
She made the mistake of loving and marrying a bad man like him
She made the mistake of loving and marrying a bad man like him
He is a madman because he wants to win the love of his boss, who despite everything he ki.lle.d innocent people
He is a madman because he wants to win the love of his boss, who despite everything he ki.lle.d innocent people
He has delusional disorder, everywhere he goes, he sees terr.oris.ts planting bombs
He has delusional disorder, everywhere he goes, he sees terr.oris.ts planting bombs
His son has bl.ood cancer, because of his father's boundless love, he did everything to sae him
His son has bl.ood cancer, because of his father's boundless love, he did everything to sae him
He cannot accept the fact that he kil.led his own child and painfully searches for answers
He cannot accept the fact that he kil.led his own child and painfully searches for answers
Charlie is unable to let a serial arsonist case rest even when he is in the hospital with a broken leg; working from his bed Charlie hopes to identify the arsonist before he strikes again.
Charlie is unable to let a serial arsonist case rest even when he is in the hospital with a broken leg; working from his bed Charlie hopes to identify the arsonist before he strikes again.
The mysterious of the man and the secret behind the dating app "Meet Cupid"
The mysterious of the man and the secret behind the dating app "Meet Cupid"
The confrontation between detective and Rex the dog with a dangerous boss from their past
The confrontation between detective and Rex the dog with a dangerous boss from their past
Just 48 hours, detective Charlie Hudson and his partner Rex try to find the before the vic.tim can cope with the poi.son that is slowly him.
Just 48 hours, detective Charlie Hudson and his partner Rex try to find the before the vic.tim can cope with the poi.son that is slowly him.