Seminaret henvender seg først og fremst til kommuner og utbyggere. Hvordan kan lys gjøre mørketiden bedre? Arkitektkontorer ansetter sosiologer. Hva kan de lære oss om byforming? Gjør grønne byrom oss lykkeligere? Kan vi få mer farge i hverdagen? Disse spørsmålene, og mange fler, belyses av de fremste på sine felt. Benytt anledningen til å få nye perspektiver, innsikt og inspirasjon! og 13. januar
ARCTIC URBAN CONFERENCE is an urban development conference with particular focus on cities in the north. This year’s topic TOOLS FOR URBAN DEVELOPMENT is primarily aimed to municipalities, urban planners, developers, investors, architects, landscape architects and designers. Process management, sustainability, architecture psychology and lighting strategies for cities are among the main topics that will be presented and discussed by leading experts in the different fields. Arctic Urban offers a unique possibility to for the exchange of knowledge and networking in the field of urban planning. Next to lectures and a panel discussion a northern light trip is organized for conference participants in the evening. Take the opportunity to gain new perspectives, insights and inspiration! The seminar will take place on 12th and 13th. January in Tromsø, Norway.