
Viewalk Viewalk is fitness gaming on your phone or tablet. We are making a series of fun and novel games that makes you move around in the real world.

Our games are single player & co-op wave shooters and multi-player and PVE team deathmatch for 1 to 8 players. We are making a series of fun and novel mobile games that makes you move around in the real world. Viewalk games are a combination of single player and co-op wave shooters and multi-player and PVE team deathmatch for 1 to 8 players. Nominated for Best Tech at the Nordic Games Awards and f

or Best Tech and Best Innovation at the Norwegian Game Awards, Viewalk is free and available in the iOS AppStore worldwide.

In this talk and video our co-founder and 3D designer Kim Baumann Larsen share insights about how we design our games to...

In this talk and video our co-founder and 3D designer Kim Baumann Larsen share insights about how we design our games to be intuitive to navigate and fun to play using insights from architecture and cinema.

Using lessons learned from a long career in architecture and XR technologies, in this video I am discussing my approach to world building for Viewalk, our ha...

The Norwegian video games industry is among the world leaders when it comes to the proportion of female employees and ma...

The Norwegian video games industry is among the world leaders when it comes to the proportion of female employees and managers in games companies, but we still have a ways to go before we can say that the industry is just as good at recruiting and retaining women as men.

We appreciate very much Noneda and Women in Games Norway addressing these challenges and are thankful for being invited to their recent Retention Summit in Oslo.

Thanks so much for all the insight and inspiring stories from presenters Elizabeth Blackman, Mathias Skaseth, Astrid Gooding and Simay Dinç on how to build more inclusive and safe to work in game studios and retain talent.

See link in the comments for the free Code of Conduct eBook from Frame Shift Consulting.

Vi gleder oss til å delta på expo og la gamere få prøve ut våre nyskapende fysiske actionspill på Norcup i Sarpsborg fra...

Vi gleder oss til å delta på expo og la gamere få prøve ut våre nyskapende fysiske actionspill på Norcup i Sarpsborg fra 27. til 30. juni 2024! Norcup er en feiring av digital kultur, teknologisk innovasjon og den samlende kraften til e-sport, og det er gratis å delta på arrangementet!

Det vil være åpne turneringer i spill som Valorant, Rocket League og Overwatch, samt en nordisk major i Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. I tillegg blir det workshops, paneldiskusjoner, og selvfølgelig et flot utstillingsområde der vi vil holde til.

Tusen takk til KRED Norge for invitasjonen og for å at dere organiserer dette flotte eventet!

Norcup er arenaen å være for alle som er glade i dataspill, 27.-30. juni i Sparta Amfi i Sarpsborg. Og det beste av alt? Det er helt gratis!

We’ve been working on a new game idea where the mechanics and movements you need to perform are inspired by physical exe...

We’ve been working on a new game idea where the mechanics and movements you need to perform are inspired by physical exercises. So while you’re having fun, getting a new high score and beat the game, you’re also burning calories as a result. The game is called Couch Attack - where you have to get off your butt to save your a**. 😀

Our co-founder Kim Baumann Larsen had a chat about our games and platform with Barnevakten - a free and independent foun...

Our co-founder Kim Baumann Larsen had a chat about our games and platform with Barnevakten - a free and independent foundation that conveys facts and advice about children, young people and the media (text in Norwegian).

Norskutviklede Viewalk er et spennende tillegg på mobilmarkedet. Etter inspirasjon fra VR-teknologi og skytespillsjangeren, har mobilspillet blitt til og motiverer for økt fysisk aktivitet og lek. – Konseptet er gratis og kan beskrives som en trenings-gaming-app for mobiltelefoner og nettbrett. ...

Spennende og trivelig møte i dag i Sarpsborg hos KRED Norge! Vi gleder oss til fortsettelsen.

Spennende og trivelig møte i dag i Sarpsborg hos KRED Norge! Vi gleder oss til fortsettelsen.

I løpet av de siste 24 timene har vi i KRED Norge hatt gleden av å være vertskap for representanter fra to banebrytende organisasjoner innen aktiv gaming: Lars Gunnar Fledsberg fra Wittario og Kim Baumann Larsen fra Viewalk. Begge leder initiativer der spill krever aktiv deltakelse via smarttelefoner eller nettbrett.

I vår stadig mer digitale tid ser vi et presserende behov for å kombinere skjermtid med fysisk aktivitet. Ved å integrere spillfokus i hverdagslige handlinger, kan vi fremme en følelse av lekende læring, fysisk bevegelse og sosial interaksjon. Det er inspirerende å se hvordan Wittario og Viewalk bruker teknologi til å blande aktive opplevelser med spenningen av gaming.

Når læring, fysisk aktivitet og lek møtes, handler det ikke bare om moro. Det handler om å dyrke sunnere, mer engasjerte samfunn, ett spill av gangen. Vi ser frem til flere kaffekopper og mulige samarbeid i fremtiden! ☕️🎮🚀

It is great to see other studios like BearHammer Games develop XR fitness games that are more like regular action games!...

It is great to see other studios like BearHammer Games develop XR fitness games that are more like regular action games!

I've written a few times about the future of fitness, an how playing "normal" VR games is the future. Just look at the success of Gorilla Tag and how good of an upper body workout that game is without it even being a fitness game.

We had a great time attending our first Nordic Game event ever in sunny Malmö, Sweden this past week!  Discussions with ...

We had a great time attending our first Nordic Game event ever in sunny Malmö, Sweden this past week! Discussions with other game developers, new investors and suppliers brought many insights, both during the Exec Summit event we were attending and casually in the hallways and the bars. The Maraoke at the closing party was stellar! 🥳 🚀


You move 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️You play ❤️


Here is a little video we made from our contribution to NM i Gameplay - the annual unofficial Norwegian game development championship. This year the theme was MUNCH (as in the famous Norwegian painter Edvard Munch).

We designed a Beat Saber inspired rhythm game where you have to move to catch all the pieces of each painting to the tune of AI generated music, created by feeding the algorithms three of the paintings by Munch


Every April is Move More Month, instigated by the American Heart Association and aiming for everyone to take part in more regular physical activity.

We have just introduced a daily goal of 15 minutes moving time in the Viewalk fitness gaming app to encourage everyone that enjoys action games on the go to get up and move a little bit every day. While you are at it, can you beat our CEO Bengt Ove S and survive more than 9 waves in Alien Farm?

Vi er stolte av våre to nominasjoner til Spillprisen 2022 i kategoriene Beste teknologi og Beste innovasjon! Spillprisen...

Vi er stolte av våre to nominasjoner til Spillprisen 2022 i kategoriene Beste teknologi og Beste innovasjon! Spillprisen er den årlige prisutdelingen for norsk spillindustri og arrangeres av Virke - Hovedorganisasjonen i samarbeid med Norsk filminstitutt.

Hvis du er i Oslo den 22. april så bli med på Kavaladen-arrangementet for å heie på oss og alle de fantastiske nominerte og se hvem som vinner NM i Gameplay - det årlige uoffisielle Norgesmesterskapet i Gameplay.

We were a little taken aback by all the love from around the world on our latest Instagram video where we asked for inpu...

We were a little taken aback by all the love from around the world on our latest Instagram video where we asked for input on our onboarding design. A majority of these users are on Android however, while our MVP is iOS only. Any suggestions as to how we can better target iPhone users?


Brevikveien 113


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