
Femalewellness Med fokus på kvinnehelse i alle livets faser. Svangerskap, etter fødsel og hver eneste dag. Send meg gjerne en e-post om det er noe du lurer på.

Hvis jeg ikke kan hjelpe deg, kan en av mine fantastiske kollegaer hjelpe meg å hjelpe deg.

I am noticing a trend right now where pelvic health is being more about saying what not to do than what to do. And I jus...

I am noticing a trend right now where pelvic health is being more about saying what not to do than what to do. And I just want to pint out that in most circumstances regaining pelvic floor function postpartum is not that complicated. ✔️ Check technique and function and be coached by a pelvic floor therapist that conducts a vaginal exam ✔️ the same person should be able to help to with a different treatment plan if neccessary ✔️ Kegal exercises, or pelvic floor exercises will not ruin you if done as adviced ✔️ Breathing exercises will not exercise your pelvic floor alone, But might be a helpful add-on to activize. Keep it simple and empower postpartum recovery in a sustainable way🌱🌱🌱

For over two years ago I posted this. Thrilled to see we are moving forward  ✨✨✨ It strickes me crystal clear after a we...

For over two years ago I posted this. Thrilled to see we are moving forward ✨✨✨ It strickes me crystal clear after a week communicating with different people about womens health and pelvic floor dysfunctions postpartum: WE HAVE A MAJOR LACK of interdiciplinary communication. And the looser in this maze of mess is the woman herself. I was astonished in an interview I saw last week with doctors and midwives on that nobody mentioned physiotherapists and osteopaths trained in womens health as a natural part of the multidiciplinary team that is involved in womens postpartum recovery. Not to forget: there are so many personal trainers and yogainstructors that also play a part in the everyday activities of a postpartum mum. And I truly believe we need all hands on deck to raise awareness about postpartum womens health. We need to communicate to the benefit of every single woman that needs help to regain function and live a life without pain and complications.


From august I will be a part of the team. So excited to thrive and learn from experienced gynaecologists, and the multidiciplinary team aspiring to provide a new standard of womens health care. Proud to be presenting osteopathic care to the surgical and outpatient staff. Excited to develop new lines of communication and treatment plans- always patient centered. Book your appointment by link in bio🤍✨

Thank you  for 16 years of clinical practice. I am grateful for the opporunities I had to learn, teach and be true to my...

Thank you for 16 years of clinical practice. I am grateful for the opporunities I had to learn, teach and be true to my professional values. I will bring with me an eagerness to continue multidiciplinary communication. And also kind words, lifelong friends and support. A special thanks to all involved in Kvinnehelsesenteret/Mor-Barn concept: .ingvild .yoga Maria Schwenke 🤍

Trauma is complicated. And even more complicated as trauma is understoid differently from person to person. If you exper...

Trauma is complicated. And even more complicated as trauma is understoid differently from person to person. If you experienced trauma at a different age than you are now, the adult version of you might rationalize that «this is nothing to care about, it was minor» But your nervoussystem and hormonal responses are still lingering in your body. It might be a trauma related to a meeting with a healthprofessional. You can rationalize «But they did it for my best» But still.. the autonomic nervous system is playing out a response that causes reactions in your body. Many of my patients find relief and meaningful help in joyeous activities like dancing and singing, calming activities like meditation, walks in nature and breathing practices. Also by deliberate exercise to change the nervous systems’ response ( psychologist, trainers like and the app Cureable) Where We put our focus, We will grow. Find your joy✨🤍

You can choose to include yoga in your exercise routine and claim many benefits. Yoga is not one thing. Yoga are differe...

You can choose to include yoga in your exercise routine and claim many benefits. Yoga is not one thing. Yoga are different traditions and movementpatterns and can also be broken down in to individual exercises for treatment purposes. I am forever grateful for knowing yoga for pre and postpartum care through .oslo experienced teachings. Yesterday We broke down some common triggers to pelvic pain to understand how we can guide the woman with pelvic pain through a yogaclass without triggering the pain. Exercise is medicine and we can always accomodate for the individual woman. I strongly recommend wrapup of the new guidelines for exercise and physical activity. This is too for pregnant women, mums and their children. (And dads☺️) Thank you for yesterdays experience 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Today’s clinical consideration. What is it actually we do that affect our health? And what is our health affected by rea...

Today’s clinical consideration. What is it actually we do that affect our health? And what is our health affected by really? If you look into the areas of your life you might be more focused on one or two main areas where you have determinert goals. Say: 1) a major health complaint that affects function and gives you pain. 2) a personal issue with your partner. In focusing on these two areas you might slip off in other areas that could have given you positive energy/motivation/hormonal responses like ✔️healthy foods ✔️movement ✔️relations ✔️sleep. What is this doing to your primary focus points? My reflection on this is: we can change up something to get a different result. But it is not always the core treatment plan. It can also be about bringing more joy to life and let the growth happen in areas not so restricted. So: instead of keeping banging the head against the same wall: let us turn another direction and have some joy. Change focus. What you nurture will grow🌱

If what I do in clinic could be summarized in one picture it is this. The sacrum extending through a visible expression ...

If what I do in clinic could be summarized in one picture it is this. The sacrum extending through a visible expression of the route of Michaeli. The landmark used to differentiate sacroiliac and iliosacral dysfunction, driven from the hip or lower limb. Or lumbal/upper body. If you are a patient: this is why I ask you to squat. If you as a practitioner is lucky enough to meet the woman when birth is starting: it may be floating. The magic of touching a sacrum is one of my joy’s in life and it gives so much meaning. Expressed in a picture like this brings it full circle.. (a shoutout to whoever claims the is joints has no movement. L🤩🤩🤩k at this) thanks for sharing this amazing photo

Questions about Diastasis recti and exercise postpartum🤍 Don’t stress the mummy tummy. Leave it to heal. Did you know br...

Questions about Diastasis recti and exercise postpartum🤍 Don’t stress the mummy tummy. Leave it to heal. Did you know breathing, rest and cuddeling your baby are the first steps to take to recover? Oxytocin is your friend🌱 4 trimester is for rest, rest and rest🌱And when you want to start moving- take the smart steps first. Be patient. Your body knows. Your mind needs to catch up🌱Check for our two excellent episodes on DRA with 🌱

Why a day in clinic is like water. You need to adapt to the flow. After a period of covid it is even more neccessary tha...

Why a day in clinic is like water. You need to adapt to the flow. After a period of covid it is even more neccessary than ever. And the traumas we have suffered. Collective and on a individual hidden sacred place is more present than ever. As I have quit my job most resently. Actually started to tear up some roots that are as grounded as roots can be. I am navigating each chartered waters one beautiful patient at a time. As I find out: the roots have been shaken by many of us. Covid has left time to discover metastasis and cancers. Stillborn babies have been born amongst us. ⭐️What can we do? ✔️We can be kind. The woman next to us might have lives through a lifetime of grieve and shock whilst we all were stressing. It is: time to be kind to the next person you see. YOU never know the story behind the presentation. You can make the difference by being kind. That is JUST what the world and our health needs right now. Pay kindness forward🤍

    🤍 The numbers are in- women that gave birth during the pandemic is struggeling with postpartum psychological challen...

🤍 The numbers are in- women that gave birth during the pandemic is struggeling with postpartum psychological challenges. We could have reproduced the studies looking at physical challenges. Unfortunately these numbers are non-excisting and therefore not adressed. The fact I have experienced in clinic is that many women attempt to adress their physical pain or lack of function getting the answer: these things adapt. Give it some time. 🤍 Time is medicine for many💫 But how can we support the body in the meantime? Physical activities could be medicine too💫 As well as seeking help for your specific complaints if they do not resolve. To be honest: seeking out help is not always so easy. But let us change the focus. What CAN you do? Because choosing to wait for the system to catch up is taking precious time from the individual woman. And thereby from their families and our society. Because these women are resourceful, visionaries and part of the future. We need you to recover and be your amazing self. Take your power back🤍 Breathe🤍 It is there… in you💫

Silence. My favourite kind of interacting on social media these days whilst I hermit in my nest. I just got the urge to ...

Silence. My favourite kind of interacting on social media these days whilst I hermit in my nest. I just got the urge to change things up. And what an amazing time to grow new ideas and allowing a flow with no restrictions on the human mind. I don’t feel like I have to say something in an echochamber. It is time for something new. We all know the spring will come. And change creates something new. Womenshealth is changing too. Amazing times ahead✨✨✨

I høst har jeg fått muligheten til å holde foredrag om kvinnehelse og bekkenbunnen på Kiropraktorforbundets høstkonferan...

I høst har jeg fått muligheten til å holde foredrag om kvinnehelse og bekkenbunnen på Kiropraktorforbundets høstkonferanse. Dette gleder jeg meg skikkelig til! I over 15 år har jeg jobbet tverrfaglig med denne faggruppen og jeg vet at diskusjonene og perspektivene jeg kan få ta del i denne helgen vil være lærerike! Sees vi der kiropraktorvenner? https://www.fagligkongress.no/?fbclid=IwAR012-_LxmirlG41i1NSPvwHRJHSVlAhBB2ASKb186sS_Q0gXFoSKaXU9Hs

Endelig er ventetiden over, 100 år med kiropraktikk i Norge skal feires! Om det er en konferanse du ikke vil gå glipp av i 2021 så er det denne!

Inspirasjon i hverdagen? Jeg har hatt stor glede av å jobbe med Anniken Binz i flere år. Imorgen kan du få en god dose r...

Inspirasjon i hverdagen? Jeg har hatt stor glede av å jobbe med Anniken Binz i flere år. Imorgen kan du få en god dose refleksjon og tankefrø for en bedre hverdag her: https://www.facebook.com/mentaltrenerannikenbinz/posts/515345169866094

Det ser kanskje ut som om jeg alltid har vært sterk, positiv og easy going.... men det synes ikke på utsiden hvordan vi egentlig har det.

Ukens beste tekst fra flotte kollega Jan-Andreas F. Fosnes. Jeg er deg evig takknemlig for fantastisk behandling til min...

Ukens beste tekst fra flotte kollega Jan-Andreas F. Fosnes. Jeg er deg evig takknemlig for fantastisk behandling til min nærmeste familie. Og utrolig stolt over å være din kollega.

I dag tenner vi ikke bare et lys, men et helt bål, for glede.

Ulikhet gir rikhet sies det. Jeg tror på ulikheten – på de fleste områder. Jeg tror osteopater (og naprapater) trengs i HelseNorge. Nå er vi autorisert helsepersonell.

Jeg blir trist og lei, når andre profesjoner snakker hverandre ned. Og det er dessverre mye av det. Det skilles mellom autorisert helsepersonell og alternativ behandling i omtrent hver eneste diskusjon. Autorisert helsepersonell sitter med fasit. «Vi andre» har feil. Det lukkes dører i form av kurs og kunnskapsformidling. Kun åpent for autorisert helsepersonell. For andre er det enten stengt – eller dobbel pris.
«Du er osteopat ja...» Er et svar jeg har hørt ofte, med en klar underliggende antydning om hva man egentlig mener.

En behandlers utsagn eller behandling definerer en hel profesjon. Så lenge osteopater/naprapater behandler x/y og sier x/y kommer av x/y , kan de aldri autoriseres. Respekten for ulikhetene er ikke tilstede. I stor grad på grunn av manglende kunnskap. For en profesjon er ikke en mann eller en dame. Profesjon er ikke en behandling av et enkelt område. Profesjon er for de aller fleste en grunnleggende utdannelse. En start. Sannheten er at vi lærer av hverandre. Ulikhetene blir for mange et konkurransefortrinn, ikke bare teknikker, tanker eller metoder. Vi elsker og fremstå unike, men er på mange områder mer like enn vi liker å tro. Skal vi heller lytte, lære og evaluere – før vi dropper de første og går rett på å kritisere? Osteopati er ikke behandling av nyrer. Naprapati er ikke behandling med nåler og manipulasjon. Fysioterapi er ikke varmepakninger og Kiropraktikk er ikke «knekking». Nå er vi alle autorisert helsepersonell. Tiden er overmoden for å sette seg inn i hva terapeuten du jobber med, i nærheten av deg o.l jobber med.

Jeg har selv vært så heldig å være med i Norsk Osteopatforbunds arbeid i flere år. Jeg vet fra innsiden hvor mange dyktige personer som har jobbet for autorisasjon i lang, lang tid. Dette er personer som er faglige oppdaterte, ydmyke og virkelig fortjener denne dagen. Det har blitt mange smeller og slag i trynet. Som i livet ellers en reise i emosjonelle kontraster. Det har handlet om å være flink til å reise seg igjen. Jeg kunne nevnt mange navn, men dere vet hvem dere er. Det står stor respekt av arbeidet deres. Jeg og mange med meg er mektig imponert. TAKK!

Jeg har, som mange av dere vet, en stor lidenskap innenfor det manuell behandling og hjelpe mennesker med muskel og skjelettplager. Jeg er ekstremt glad i idretten, så derfor har idretten blitt en av arenaen jeg har brukt for å få utløp for denne lidenskapen. Lidenskap henger ofte sammen med frustrasjon. For min del en enorm frustrasjon over en fremstilling av Osteopati som tidligere nevnt basert på helt gale premisser. Daglig, ukentlig, så ofte jeg kan forsøker jeg å oppdatere min kunnskap. Tenke kritisk og stadig jag etter ny evidens – og ikke minst erfaringer. Jeg er aldri utlært. Hvor har jeg lært dette?

Mye takket være Høyskolen Kristiania. Utdanningen her lærte meg mye om dette.
Selv har jeg vært så heldig å jobbe ved Høyskolen Kristiania over flere år. En jobb jeg har med all min ydmykhet. Jeg blir ukentlig imponert over nivået på studentene. Evnen til kritisk tenking, til moderne klinisk resonering – ikke minst arbeidet som gjøres av de ansatte. Det jobbes knallhardt hver dag for å få ut oppdaterte, ydmyke og nå altså autorisert helsepersonell. Disse skal jobbe sammen med eksisterende personell – ikke mot.

Denne dagen er ingen stopp. Dette er motivasjonsboost for veien videre. En gledelig julegave etter et tøft år. For hver eneste pasient som får hjelp av Osteopater skal være trygg på at h*n er faglig dyktig og ikke minst oppdatert. Som autorisert helsepersonell skal være.

For ulikhet gir faktisk rikhet 💙👑

Norsk Osteopatforbund
Høyskolen Kristiania


En fantastisk nyhet for alle osteopater og naprapater. Gratulerer kjære kollegaer☺️

En fantastisk nyhet for alle osteopater og naprapater. Gratulerer kjære kollegaer☺️

Stortinget har bedt regjeringen gi offentlig autorisasjon til osteopater og naprapater, bekrefter Åshild Bruun-Gundersen, helsepolitisk talsperson i...

Viktig tema. Ubehagelige sannheter. Tør vi tro på at overgrep av barn skjer rundt oss? For du ser det ikke før du tror d...

Viktig tema. Ubehagelige sannheter. Tør vi tro på at overgrep av barn skjer rundt oss? For du ser det ikke før du tror det. I anledning Verdensdagen for forebygging av seksuelle overgrep mot barn har vi spilt inn en viktig episode med Lene Chatrin Hansen og Kari Killén. https://podcasts.apple.com/no/podcast/engler-og-hormoner/id1439915529?l=nb&i=1000498927075

‎Show Engler og Hormoner, Ep 84: Overser du barna som trenger hjelp? Dette bør du se etter! - 16 Nov 2020


Gardeveien 17


Mandag 08:30 - 15:00
Tirsdag 08:30 - 15:00
Onsdag 08:30 - 15:00
Torsdag 08:30 - 15:00
Fredag 08:30 - 15:00




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