TIN Entertainment

TIN Entertainment TIN Entertainment - Production / MV / Director / Wedding Videos / Short Films / Commercials/ www.ti

Freelance filmmaker and producer of Short and Feature films, wedding videos, music videos, Trailers & Commercials

For more info: www.tinentertainment.com


Name: Thinh Quang Vu
Position: Director / Producer / Editor/ VFX / DP
[email protected]
Tele: +47 95428029

Name: Thaison Vu
Position: Director / Producer / Documentary / Manager
Contact details
[email protected]

: +47 46273908

Name: Kim Haugen
Position: Director of Photography / Cinematographer / Camera / Editor / Technician
Contact details
[email protected]
Tele: +47 90929291


Bogstadveien 30 A


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