LIDIO We release music from artists, musicians and composers experiencing censorship, threats or persecution due to their musical activities.

Safemuse setter stor pris på at Oslo SV legger inn 250 000 ekstra til vårt arbeid i sitt alternative budsjett! Tusen tak...

Safemuse setter stor pris på at Oslo SV legger inn 250 000 ekstra til vårt arbeid i sitt alternative budsjett!

Tusen takk Sunniva Holmås Eidsvoll, Ola Wolff Elvevold og kolleger for deres engasjement og ønske om å hegne om den kunstneriske ytringsfriheten!

Rødts alternative budsjett: 7 MILLIONER TIL TRYGGE RESIDENSERTusen takk til Rødt som i sitt alternative statsbudsjett fo...

Rødts alternative budsjett:
Tusen takk til Rødt som i sitt alternative statsbudsjett for 2025 prioriterer 7 millioner kroner til trygge residenser for truede og forfulgte kunstnere i regi av Safemuse!

On the 12th of November,  will release her album “Qaf” at  in Oslo. The artists Anja Lauvdal and Marianna Sangita A Røe,...

On the 12th of November, will release her album “Qaf” at in Oslo. The artists Anja Lauvdal and Marianna Sangita A Røe, who feature on the album, will be joining Ghawgha on stage for the release concert. ❤️

Thanks to a dedicated and talented group of artists and production team, this beautiful and important album is finally ready to be shared with the world.
The album is produced by OK World in cooperation with LIDIO/Safemuse.

For Ghawgha, the album “Qaf” is so much more than a musical work:
— It reflects years of search, observation, and experience. A journey that took me from my hometown to unfamiliar lands, traversing the streets where I grew up to the new borders I had to cross in search of a new identity. This album began as a personal journey but ultimately became the voice of those who share a similar experience; those who have faced loss and displacement in their quest for a home, and who continue to seek a new meaning for themselves, she says.

TUSEN TAKK til SV som i sitt alternative statsbudsjett for 2025 prioriterer 10 millioner kroner til trygge residenser fo...

TUSEN TAKK til SV som i sitt alternative statsbudsjett for 2025 prioriterer 10 millioner kroner til trygge residenser for kunstnere i regi av Safemuse!

Et sterkt og fritt kulturliv er avgjørende for ytringsfriheten, og for et levende demokrati. SVs forslag vil bidra til å hegne om den frie kunsten og styrke ytringsmangfold både lokalt og globalt.

Menneskerettighetene vil alltid påvirke hverandre. Vi håper byrådet tar kunsten på alvor og vil arbeide sammen med oss a...

Menneskerettighetene vil alltid påvirke hverandre. Vi håper byrådet tar kunsten på alvor og vil arbeide sammen med oss alle for å styrke Oslo der menneskerettigheter, demokratibygging, kunst og kultur blir hegnet om.

Kate  is a talented visual artist from Macau, currently based in Poland. She is also a researcher in vernacular photogra...

Kate is a talented visual artist from Macau, currently based in Poland. She is also a researcher in vernacular photography and is about to complete her PhD. Her work explores identity by reshaping archives, photographs, and everyday objects. Kate participated in Safemuse’s artist residency in Hvitsten last summer and we feel fortunate to have her working with us for the next month!

Last summer, Kate presented an art installation at the annual art festival and this weekend she’ll return to Hvitsten to enjoy the festivities!

— I am so happy and excited to be back in Oslo and to have the chance to learn more about Safemuse, an organisation that values and protects artistic freedom. I look forward to contributing and learning from the inspiring members and artists of this community.

Join us at  on the Saturday 24th of August where  residency artists Poyua & Saba from Teheran are part of program’s arti...

Join us at on the Saturday 24th of August where residency artists Poyua & Saba from Teheran are part of program’s artist talk at 17:00 and concert at 18:00.

Pouya is primarily a musician and composer with a wide experience from different bands and orchestras, both on stage, albums and in theaters and cinema. Saba is an actress but also working with modern painting. She has performed in numerous plays in the theaters and theater festivals in Iran.

Fint møte i dag med Torbjørn Drevland Lund (R)

Fint møte i dag med Torbjørn Drevland Lund (R)

WELCOME BERTONY LOUIS!Kom på opplesninger på Nordic Black Theatre lørdag 21.juni kl 17.00 - et velkomstarrangement for f...


Kom på opplesninger på Nordic Black Theatre lørdag 21.juni kl 17.00 - et velkomstarrangement for forfatteren Bertony Louis fra Haiti som er i et residensopphold under Safemuse

Den 22. juni, for første gang i Norge, blir det anledning til å høre Bertony Louis lese egne dikt på Nordic Black Nordic Black Theatre & Cafeteatret

I tillegg kan du høre disse poetene:
Kjersti Bronken Senderud
Anna Kleiva
Sadik Qaka

Det vil bli servert litt lett mat.
Drikke kan kjøpes i baren.

About Safemuse:
Safemuse is a non-profit organization dedicated to the fight for artistic freedom. We provide persecuted artists and artists at risk a safe place to stay and develop their art.


OPEN CALL - ARTISTIC RESIDENCY IN NORWAY IN 2025Safemuse is organising artistic residencies in Oslo and Hvitsten with a ...


Safemuse is organising artistic residencies in Oslo and Hvitsten with a focus on artistic freedom of expression, solidarity and collaboration.

The residencies have a duration of up to six months and artists from all artistic disciplines, who have experienced censorship, threats or persecution due to their artistic activity, are encouraged to apply.

Since 2022, Safemuse has together with Nordic Black Theatre & Cafeteatret, our partner in the Norwegian capital, invited international guest artists to the Oslo Safe Haven residency program.

In 2023, the program was, in collaboration with the local art institution Hvitsten Salong, expanded and Hvitsten Art Haven was established in the beautiful coastal town of Hvitsten - a mere 50 kilometers south of the capital.

Through the safe residency program, artists are given the opportunity to work freely, develop their art and build their artistic networks.


Please help us spread the word to relevant artists and artistic communities who may benefit from this opportunity!

More information can be found on Safemuse’s homepage:

Safemuse er på ICORN samling i København

Safemuse er på ICORN samling i København

WEXFO 2024 Safemuse joins the Word Expression Forum at Lillehammer

WEXFO 2024 Safemuse joins the Word Expression Forum at Lillehammer

Menneskerettighetsarbeid er ikke bare en mobilisering mot overgrep, men også en mobilisering for menneskelighet. Og der ...

Menneskerettighetsarbeid er ikke bare en mobilisering mot overgrep, men også en mobilisering for menneskelighet. Og der har kunsten og kunstnerne en rolle. Kunstnerne vår organisasjon bistår, ønsker å komme til Norge for å arbeide kunstnerisk uten frykt for sensur og straff. Men for dem synes muligheten for et residensopphold i Norge fjernt, om ikke umulig.

~ Vår medisin er solidaritet, sa  da han holdt en kraftfull kunstnerisk appell under Fri Kunst-konferanse på  tidligere ...

~ Vår medisin er solidaritet, sa da han holdt en kraftfull kunstnerisk appell under Fri Kunst-konferanse på tidligere i år.

Den 1. mai er SOLIDARITET er et nøkkelord når vi hever våre stemmer og samles i gatene på Arbeidernes dag.


Ghawgha:"LANDLESS TREE" - MIGRATION, DESTRUCTION and RESILIENCEIn her first EP release, Ghawgha Taban sings about a "tre...


In her first EP release, Ghawgha Taban sings about a "tree without a land". About an eternally displaced body filled with memories of migration both as a direct personal experience and as a legacy of generations of "Afghan-Iranians" or "Afrans".
A strong debut from a brave singer who, together with some of Norway's leading musicians, conveys frustration, anger and hope.

Last Friday, 3 March, on the international Music Freedom Day and during the Safemuse event "Fri Kunst" (Artistic Freedom) at Riksscenen in Oslo, Ghawgha presented her new music together with keyboardist Anja Lauvdal and percussionist and singer Marianna Sangita A Røe.
A true, beautiful and very touching performance under the very powerful artistic banner-installation by an anonymous artist.

EP performers:
Ghawgha Taban – vokal
Anja Lauvdal – piano, harmonium, synth
Morten Qvenild – klavikord, piano, autoharp, Dulcitone, synth
P**l Nilssen-Love – perkusjon
Gjermund Kolltveit – tre-knirk
Arr: Ghawgha Taban, Anja Lauvdal, Morten Qvenild, Julian Skar
Producers: Anja Lauvdal, Morten Qvenild, Julian Skar
Technician: Morten Qvenild
Studio: Ugla lyd
Mixing/ mastering: Bård Ingebrigtsen
Cover photo: Paparazzi av Camilla Norvoll
Cover design: Anna Talbot
English translations of lyrics: Armin Darabi-Nejad
Release photos: Knut Utler Foto + LIDIO

The recording is produced by the Safemuse label LIDIO with support from The Audio and Visual Fund (Fond for lyd og bilde) and the City of Harstad.

More information:
The music is out on BandCamp:

It’s Music Freedom Day - an annual global celebration of artistic freedom for musical artists. Safemuse stands in solida...

It’s Music Freedom Day - an annual global celebration of artistic freedom for musical artists. Safemuse stands in solidarity against the persecution, threats and silencing of artists worldwide.

This week we mark Artistic Freedom week 2022 (Fri Kunst 2022) to put the theme of artistic freedom of expression and free movement of artists on the agenda.


Øvre Slottsgate 3


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