Fire stipendiater innen tjenesteinnovasjon utlyst på Lillehammer:
4 PhD scholarships in Innovation in Services
The Center for Innovation in Services (CIS) at Lillehammer University College invites applicants for 3 year PhD scholarships. The center is looking for PhD students within the area of innovation in services within the public and/or the private sector. PhD students will be enrolled in the PhD-programme “Innovation in Services in the Public and the Private Sectors” at the Centre for Innovation in Services (CIS) at Lillehammer University College.
The academic staff of CIS consists of 18 professors or associate
professors covering a wide variety of topics and methodological
approaches. There are at present 14 Phd-students at CIS.
More information about the job and the PhD programme is available at http://www.hil.no/om_hoegskolen/ledige_stillinger
Application deadline: 15.08.12
Høgskolen i Lillehammer ligger 5 km nord for Lillehammer sentrum med god bussforbindelse og sykkelveg. Det er et godt utbygd botilbud for studentene med studenthjem både på Storhove og næmere sentrum av Lillehammer. Barnehagetilbud og andre velferdstiltak for studenter er også ivaretatt. Derfor er d...