
Goalive.tv Our goal: to inspire and motivate. Log in to GoAlive - where we bring stories to life.

GoAlive.tv-providing you with unique documentaries and a community for people in search of adventure, nature, history, and incredible stories from all over the world.

13 år. Til minne om skipskamerater og at vi fortsatt jobber for å få ut informasjonen offisielle aktører i New Zealand o...

13 år. Til minne om skipskamerater og at vi fortsatt jobber for å få ut informasjonen offisielle aktører i New Zealand og Norge holder tilbake. Norsk Polarinstitutt Utenriksdepartementet (Norge)
Antarctica NZ Royal New Zealand Navy

Searching answers and searching missing friends.

For the boys - Robert , lenny , gisle

Berserk - Rock`n Roll Expeditions Goalive.tv

Denne uka takker vi godtfolk ombord DS Hestmanden team i Goalive.tv kaptein Tor Bratli for spenstige opptak og logistikk...

Denne uka takker vi godtfolk ombord DS Hestmanden team i Goalive.tv kaptein Tor Bratli for spenstige opptak og logistikk for Havets Helter
Takk til kartleser Stig , Styrmann Mats og pyroansvarlige Nils Jørgen Vordahl for nok krutt!


11 years ago and the quest for answers about what happened to the Berserk crew Tom Gisle Beellika, Robert Skaanes and Leonard James banks continues

From the series "The hunt for Berserk" Goalive.tv

Searching friends in icy waters. 10 Years ago Sergey Smirnov, Juan Manuel Hernandez , Busby Noble and Samuel Massie arri...

Searching friends in icy waters. 10 Years ago Sergey Smirnov, Juan Manuel Hernandez , Busby Noble and Samuel Massie arrived the Ross Sea to search missing friends of the Berserk expedition 2011. .nz tried to stop the endevour but failed. Still they have succeeded in withhelding the logs, pictures and documentation with and about the missing Berserkers since 2011. Its time to drag out the information of those who know and try to hide information rather than showing transperency in well documented circumstances prior to the assumed shipwreck of the Berserk 22.2.2011.

Thanks to all good brothers and sisters who bravely have searched snd tried helping our missing shipmates! .tv

10 Years ago - The search of Berserk - back to Ross Island , McMurdo sound and Horse Shoe Bay! Juan Manuel Hernández Jar...

10 Years ago - The search of Berserk - back to Ross Island , McMurdo sound and Horse Shoe Bay! Juan Manuel Hernández Jarle Andhøy Sergey Smirnov Busby and Sam For the boys

Congrats Borge Ousland! 25 years ago this legendary polar explorer was the first to cross the Antarctic continent - from...

Congrats Borge Ousland!

25 years ago this legendary polar explorer was the first to cross the Antarctic continent - from coast to coast alone - and unsupported!

We are proud to present some of Børge`s reels and legendary expeditions at Goalive.tv with a drink ON THE ROCKS!


Unknown heroes of worldwar 2.
Congratulaions to warsailor Trygve Hansen - 100 years today!
This legend sailed convoys to Murmansk, Fought the Battle of Britain, and partisipated in the sinking of Scharnhorst and D- Day 6.6.1944. We look forward to see Trygve Goalive.tv


Check out some amazing stories and reels of Borge Ousland `S expeditions Goalive.tv - If you want to meet Børge and ask him some questions - join his next digital venture at Ingstadfestivalen
and hear his amazing stories!!
Reel from Borge Ousland and Mike Horn`s venture across the top of the world!


Welcome to our world of adventures Goalive.tv !
Soon to come Helge og Anne Stine Ingstad and Jens Kvernmo
If you want to meet and hear more of Helge Ingstads unique stories - Check out www.ingstadfestival.no - how to change the worlds view on the Norsemens history!


We are proud to present world famous Borge Ousland . This living legend is todays elite of polar explorers!
Here is a small glimpse of the departure into a land of ice from Cape Adare! Check out more adventures and expeditions of Børge ousland at www. Goalive.tv

Check out these mavericks .tv    Hear Petter Baarli`s philosophy and wisdom; Let the children play! https://www.youtube....

Check out these mavericks .tv Hear Petter Baarli`s philosophy and wisdom; Let the children play!


Borders? We see none but ultimate freedom and want justice for ALL!!!

If summer is tooooo hot just Cool down at .tv n feel the vibes, nature and pure livvvvvvin!!!!   Welcome to A world of i...

If summer is tooooo hot just Cool down at .tv n feel the vibes, nature and pure livvvvvvin!!!! Welcome to A world of ice and untamed Rock N Roll Expeditions - check out : www.goalive.Tv Berserk - Rock`n Roll Expeditions Petter Baarli Havets Helter

Check out these legends OSLO BASE - Andre Bach og Terje Halvorsen jumping the WallofTrolls! .Tv

Check out these legends OSLO BASE - Andre Bach og Terje Halvorsen jumping the WallofTrolls! .Tv

Denne helgen vil vi få takke de norske krigsseilerne og all freedomfighters som knakk facismen og Hitlers dødsmaskin i E...

Denne helgen vil vi få takke de norske krigsseilerne og all freedomfighters som knakk facismen og Hitlers dødsmaskin i Europa. Vi er stolt av å filme og dokumentere våre siste gjenlevende helter i tidenes største internasjonale produksjon om de Norske krigsseilerne!

Følg vår reise og delta på digitale eventyr og viktige historie på GoAlive.TV - Friheten kom ikke gratis og vi støtter partiet Folkevettet rettmessige kamp for å få regjeringen til å våkne og samle våre siste gjenlevende krigshelter og freedom fighters fra 2 VK. Freedom didn`t Come Free.

Check out : www.goalive.tv welcome onboard.

Below : Warsailor Edvard Lilleheil - torpedoed 3 times and still in duty working for the Norwegian Steam n Merchant Marines!

Coming Soon: Norways basejump legends Terje Halvorsen and Andre Bach bringing the searh of liferush ALIVE. If you are sc...

Coming Soon: Norways basejump legends Terje Halvorsen and Andre Bach bringing the searh of liferush ALIVE. If you are scared of heights don`t look down...

20 years of adventure onboard the Berserk, and the sagas of adventuresailing to worlds remote corners just came ALIVE at...

20 years of adventure onboard the Berserk, and the sagas of adventuresailing to worlds remote corners just came ALIVE at www.goalive.tv Welcome onboard our pilot program and happy easter all you sisters and laddies out there! Born Free N Stay Free


I den internasjonale TV- produksjonen om Havets Helter vises historien om de norske krigsseilerne og om sviket de kom hjem til. Vi håper at HMK og Erna Solberg gjør alvor av å hedre de siste krigsheltene fra annen Verdenskrig med annet enn tomme ord. Tiden renner ut for de siste heltene av en generasjon. Tvserien som produseres for www.Goalive.tv vil vise bredden i krigsseilernes utrolige historier som den siste bauta for dem som aldri må bli glemt.

Searching adventures, expeditions, history and Rock’N’Roll? Welcome to our world of adventures .Tv

Searching adventures, expeditions, history and Rock’N’Roll? Welcome to our world of adventures .Tv

10 Years ago good men sailed South to the worlds end onboard the Berserk. We choose th honour those men and share the s...

10 Years ago good men sailed South to the worlds end onboard the Berserk. We choose th honour those men and share the stories of Tom Gisle Bellika, Robert Skaanes and Leonard James Banks. GoAlive.Tv Discovery - Tv-series Berserk to the worlds end at www.GoAlive.Tv

20 years of adventure onboard the Berserk, and the sagas of adventuresailing to worlds remote corners just came ALIVE at...

20 years of adventure onboard the Berserk, and the sagas of adventuresailing to worlds remote corners just came ALIVE at www.goalive.tv Welcome onboard our pilot program and happy new years!

Publishing the songs of the inuits of the North. Must these proud traditions never be forgotten!!!

Publishing the songs of the inuits of the North.
Must these proud traditions never be forgotten!!!

While we wait for white.....tv

While we wait for white.....tv

Many thanks to Zinaida Timashova for sharing her unique stories from the Leningrad front. She was A true hero and defend...

Many thanks to Zinaida Timashova for sharing her unique stories from the Leningrad front. She was A true hero and defender of the sieged city more than 800 days. She turned A 100 Years 13.10 and crossed the bar today 4.11.2020
A star har fallen.


Takker både våre helter krigsseilerne og våre Russiske venner som sammen med de Allierte kjempet frem Frihet i Europa.

Den 9.5.2020 minnes vi med ærbødighet de 26 000 000 Russerne som mistet livet under annen verdenskrig.

Veteran Valentin Soldatov, som barnesoldat tjenestgjorde ombord Russisk MTB og deltok i frigjøringen av Finnmark i Oktober 2019 la ned blomsterkrans på Sovjetsoldatminnes merket på Vestre Gravlund.

Russerne er gode på å fremheve veteranene og takke de siste heltene. Vi håper Norge gjør det samme for de siste gjenlevende Norske krigsseilerne. Valentin Soldatovs reise og takksigelse til Norge var hans siste reis. Han sa at takksigelsen fra Norge var som en gave fra oven - og reiste til den andre siden den 15.2.2020.


We will never forget. Russian Embassy in Norway Utenriksdepartementet Forsvaret .tv Krigsseilerne Проект Последний солдат Второй Мировой

Thank You Russian friends and deepest honour to the last heroes.


Congratulations Norway! -and deepest thanks and respect to war sailors Håvard Øien and Trygve Laheim.
Rendalen kommune .TV www.goalive.tv

Hello to all life and freedom seekers out there! Today we mark a very special day – 75 years since the liberation of Eur...

Hello to all life and freedom seekers out there! Today we mark a very special day – 75 years since the liberation of Europe. An important day where we honor all veterans who fought for and secured our freedom. Our deepest gratitude and admiration to our heroes – Let mankind never forget and repeat the horrors and destruction of World War 2. Today we mark another special day, after hours of hard work and dedication we thank the amazing people at databeat.omni, Discovery Network, Norwegian Broadcasting Corporations, BBC and content providers from around the world for making it possible for us to proudly present a brand new screening platform – GOALIVE.TV – where you will be able to see some of the most unique documentaries and untold stories from all over the world. Coming fall 2020.




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History, Adventures, Expeditions, Music, Surf and Turf.