Motvind Records

Motvind Records Motvind Records aims to release trancendental music in diverse forms – experimental and traditional, improvisations and compositions.

We are the sister record company to Motvindfestivalen. Our records can be bought on and in selected stores worldwide. Get in touch if you want to sell our records. Our distribution partner is DIGER DISTRO and they are pros!

If you want to know which record we released today, let yourself be inspired by the message in this image.

If you want to know which record we released today, let yourself be inspired by the message in this image.

Motvind IMPORTANT NEWS! Motvind A solid year after the previous release, Motvind Records is ready again, because yes, we...

Motvind IMPORTANT NEWS! Motvind
A solid year after the previous release, Motvind Records is ready again, because yes, we've been working on a bunch of new records... First out is in 1 month from today and it's the feinschmecker-blasting duo of Mats Gustafsson & Andreas Røysum.
Since Motvind Records is a part of the cultural guild/umbrella organization MOTVIND KULTURLAG, all social media communication will from that date on go through Motvind. Meaning, this profile will DIE. So, please start following Motvind and get all the info about our work (festivals, records, magazines, debates, events, some day maybe books?) - that's Motvind for your following lists folks. Have a wonderful weekend!

STILLINGSUTLYSNING: DistribusjonsmedarbeiderVil du være med å bygge internasjonale nettverk for nyskapende norsk musikk?...

STILLINGSUTLYSNING: Distribusjonsmedarbeider
Vil du være med å bygge internasjonale nettverk for nyskapende norsk musikk?

De norske plateselskapene Nakama Records, Motvind Records, Conrad Sound og Dugnad rec forener nå sine krefter gjennom Subversive Distribution. Målet vårt er å være synlig og tilgjengelig i relevante butikker og forhandlere verden over, og samtidig fortsette å utgi kreativ musikk uavhengig av sjanger. Vi søker derfor etter et menneske som vil jobbe for oss ved å selge inn vår samlede katalog av fysiske musikkformat til det internasjonale platemarkedet. Dette nybrottsarbeidet er mangefasettert og vil dra nytte fra hele spekteret av bransjekunnskaper. Samtidig innehar vi til sammen en solid erfaringsbase som gjør at en eventuelt uerfaren kandidat raskt vil kunne tilegne seg essensen, og utvikle verdifull kunnskap innen nisjeformidling. Det viktigste for oss er derfor at du er oppsøkende, lærenem, standhaftig og strukturert.

Sentrale arbeidsoppgaver vil være:
- Oppsøke forhandlere av fysisk musikk
- Oprettholde kontakten med kunder
- Lage og sende ut nyhetsskriv
- Noe front- og back-end administrering av nettside (trenger ikke kunne koding)

Betaling er på timebasis, og oppstartsprosjektet vil i første omgang vare 12 måneder, med muligheter for forlengelse. Vi er klare til å sette deg i gang så snart som mulig, og har derfor løpende søknadsfrist. Send oss bare en e-post på subversivedistribution (ætt) Vi ser frem til å høre fra deg!

Anbefalt lesing! Gode Johan Hauknes skriv djuptpløyande og innsiktsfullt om dinosaurar og Motvindfestivalen som var førr...

Anbefalt lesing! Gode Johan Hauknes skriv djuptpløyande og innsiktsfullt om dinosaurar og Motvindfestivalen som var førre helg.

«The Music of William Parker – Migration of Silence into and out of the Tone World Volumes 1-10» AUM FIDELITY, CENTERING 1020-1029


I kveld spelar mellom anna desse ringrevane på Victoria. Velkome!


A new record is out. With Avkjølingshistorie (English: A Story of Cooling), fiddle player and composer Hans P. Kjorstad has looked at various defining events in the history of the planet and written music about them. The piece is performed by a very fine ensemble: Eivind Nordset Lønning, Marthe Lea, Andreas Hoem Røysum, Rolf-Erik Nystrøm, Hans P. Kjorstad, Ole-Henrik Moe, John Andrew Wilhite-Hannisdal, Inga Margrete Aas, Fredrik Rasten, Anja Lauvdal and Michaela Antalová. Recorded by Magnus Skavhaug Nergaard, mixed by James Welburn and mastered by Lasse Marhaug. The 100 vinyl sleeves are printed by the composer. Get it at Tiger, directly from us or from Bandcamp.

Have a listen on Bandcamp where it's also possible to buy the digital files for your pleasure or to support the musicians (or both):
This release will not be availiable on Spotify for the time being.

Have a great weekend!

Attached is a behind the scenes video...

Her er tips på 5 skiver til vorspielet før Motvind Records-aften på Nasjonal jazzscene i kveld. Dariush Dolat-Shahi, Ant...

Her er tips på 5 skiver til vorspielet før Motvind Records-aften på Nasjonal jazzscene i kveld. Dariush Dolat-Shahi, Anthony Braxton, Ola Eide, Terry Riley og Nelson da Rabeca.

Sjåast i kveld!

Independent record store based in Oslo. Ships internationally. Join our newsletter !


Henriette Eilertsen spelar solo fløyte på Victoria fredag 1. april! Sjå ein heil video av at ho spelar i Vigelandsmausoleet her: Den er laga av Jenny Berger Myhre.


Om ei veke!

"It’s a fantastic recording that not only sounds utterly fresh but heralds a new path forward, ripe for exploration."Ver...

"It’s a fantastic recording that not only sounds utterly fresh but heralds a new path forward, ripe for exploration."

Very nice review of Dei Kjenslevare on the column "The Best
Contemporary Classical on Bandcamp: February 2022". Thanks for listening to this record, from the label's point of view we totally agree, this is some of the best music we've ever heard!

Særs fin melding av Kjenslevarulven i Ballade i dag! "Slik blir lytteopplevinga i denne musikken lik naturopplevingar." ...

Særs fin melding av Kjenslevarulven i Ballade i dag! "Slik blir lytteopplevinga i denne musikken lik naturopplevingar." Takk!!!

Heile vegen små variasjonar. Ballade assosierar seg langs lange, historiske linjer og menneskets samspel med naturen igjennom to viktige nye, norske plater.

Gratulerer så mykje til Maja S. K. Ratkje (samtidsmusikk) og Thov G. Wetterhus (tradisjonsmusikk) med nominasjonar til S...

Gratulerer så mykje til Maja S. K. Ratkje (samtidsmusikk) og Thov G. Wetterhus (tradisjonsmusikk) med nominasjonar til Spellemannprisen! Vi held sjølvsagt alle platene våre frå i fjor like høgt, men flott at juryane her har anerkjent desse to særs tydelege stemmene som laga kvar si unike plate. God helg alle saman!

Out today! a Friday afternoon in the autumn of 2017, Andreas H...

Out today!

On a Friday afternoon in the autumn of 2017, Andreas Hoem Røysum and I strolled from Oslo’s Old Town, through Greenland, making a pit stop in Gaza Kitchen, over The Border, up through the Palace Park and onwards to Uranienborg Church.

A few days earlier we’d seen a poster - or was it a slightly worn A4 page printed at someone’s house? - with a picture of four beautiful musicians, a bit timid-looking but smiling warmly to the camera. Below the photo was written: Dei Kjenslevare - Meditative music seeking tonalities and timbres from a time past. Our antennas shot up, and with good reason: The music we heard that afternoon burned its way into our hearts. We felt like archaeologists who had just discovered the remaining structures of a prehistoric pagan site.

We learnt that Dei Kjenslevare is an ensemble that falls between several stools. Around them, one where the Norwegian folk music tradition is sitting, and next to that, one that the Euro-American contemporary music has found. Then, close by, sits the Norwegian pioneer Eivind Groven. Groven succeeded in building a theoretical foundation for just intonation in folk music. He constructed an organ with chords based on overtones, and in this way was able to integrate the tonality of folk music with that of art music. Thankfully, it is possible to talk to stool sitters if ones sitting on the floor, too. The common subject in this conversation is the interest in just intonation, microtonality and older types of tonality, amongst others those that don’t go up in the octave.

Dei Kjenslevare is definitely inspired by the tonalities of Norwegian folk music. You can hear the echoes of the fiddlers Andres K. Rysstad, Erling Kjøk and the Dahle Tradition of Telemark, of singers such as Ragnar Vigdal, Gunvor Uleberg and Aslak Brekke, as well as the old langeleik (droned zither) scales documented by Erik Eggen. From contemporary music their inspiration springs from composers who, each in their own way, made use of microtonality, starting with the pioneers of the 1920’s and 30’s (Wyschnegradsky, Haba and Carrillo), through to the timbre pioneers of the 50’s and 60’s (Scelsi, Xenakis, La Monte Young, Cage, Tony Conrad, Ligeti, Penderecki), right up to the Spectralist movement in the 1970’s, which started with Gerard Grisey and is still alive and kicking (Murail, Harvey, Benjamin, Haas). Put together, these sources of inspiration create a portal into a magical world brimming with uplifting sonic vibrations.

The music on this record takes the hand of the listener and guides them to a place of calm. In this tranquility there are tonalities which sound both mysterious and comforting, like something unfamiliar that you feel inexorably drawn towards. This music does not take the form of traditional slåttar (tunes) and stev (short songs), but tradition surrounds it and seeps through it. By presenting a perspective on Norwegian folk music that tears down the barriers between traditional folk and abstract contemporary music in a fundamental way, we trust that those with antennas tuned into some certain frequencies will find their way to new audible rooms.

Perspektiv på norsk folkemusikk is a series on Motvind Records that deals with different traditions that is characterised by giving us a feeling that they bring out a soulfulness that sheds light over a certain significance by the essence of Norwegian folk music. The purpose of the series is to give people that want to listen to Norwegian folk music a broad selection of expressions that hopefully will inspire to further listening and reflections. ‘Kjeslevarulv’ is the fourth edition in this series, after Helga Myhr's debut album "Natten veller seg ut" that came out in the autumn of 2019, and Thov Wetterhus' hard-hitting "Stålslått" and Naaljos Ljom self-titled debut album from 2021. With the combination of unique music and elegant design, we hope that these albums will be sought after collector's items for those who know that physical format still is the most soothing format.

All music by Dei Kjenslevare.
«Dei Kjenslevare» is: Ole-Henrik Moe, trumpet, banjo, hardanger fiddle, double bass. Kari Rønnekleiv, resonator, hardanger fiddle. Tore Gjedrem, prepared piano. Laura Marie Rueslåtten, handbells, deskbells. Anne Hytta, resonator, hardanger fiddle. Rasmus Kjorstad, resonator, hardanger fiddle. Eilif Moe, banjo, beer cans. Helga Myhr, resonator, hardanger fiddle. Marianne Tomasgård, resonator, hardanger fiddle.

Recorded and mixed by Tore Gjedrem, recorded at Kolben Kulturhus, Kolbotn, February 2020.
Mastered by Audun Strype at Strype Audio, Oslo, August 2021.
Cover painting by Ole-Henrik Moe.
Layout by JAHJAH Studio
Liner notes by Hans P. Kjorstad
Rose painting by Knut Buen

January 2022 has been dark. But things are getting lighter as the sun is coming more and more back and we start to relea...

January 2022 has been dark. But things are getting lighter as the sun is coming more and more back and we start to release records again! First out is the highly anticipated album by Dei Kjenslevare, called Kjenslevarulv. This project has been going on since the very beginning of Motvind Records and we are very very happy with the result. Their music is most fulfilling!!! It will be released on vinyl and digital on this very Friday. Stay tuned! (they certaintly do).

Tor Hammerø har hørt på Andreas Røysum Ensemble sin "Fredsfanatisme", og virker til å være fornøyd med det. "Andreas Røy...

Tor Hammerø har hørt på Andreas Røysum Ensemble sin "Fredsfanatisme", og virker til å være fornøyd med det.

"Andreas Røysum er utvilsomt en kar med visjoner og med evner til å sette dem ut i livet. Det er viktigere enn non gang med slike folk og slik musikk."

Knappe to år etter debuten kommer Andreas Røysum Ensemble tilbake med oppfølgeren

Our 9th and final release of 2021 is out and ready for shipping today! We present to you: Pouring Textures by Joel and t...

Our 9th and final release of 2021 is out and ready for shipping today! We present to you: Pouring Textures by Joel and the Neverending Sextet.

The Neverending Sextet is led by the Swedish bassist, cellist, and composer Joel Ring. The music reflects the bandleader’s characteristics and sources of inspiration. Here you’ll find melodic jazz tunes, longing melodies, and rich soundscapes.

Ring has excelled in collaboration with, among others, Jo David Meier Lysne in the duo Wendra Hill, Ole Morten Vågan in the trio Pumkin and with the Andreas Røysum Ensemble, who should be well known to Motvind Records’ listeners. Now he’s ready with his own band!

Ring: "As a bandleader and composer, I find great inspiration in textures and patterns. Textures and patterns that exist in our everyday lives and that we interact with daily, both physically and visually. It can be statically cold but also natural and organic textures that possess many inspiring details."

And the inspiration has indeed manifested itself in sweet-sounding music. The opening track is, to use a timeless jazz expression, hip. The next one, burning. The third track keeps the intensity up and brings the listener into the fine world of free jazz. The fourth track opens with a drum spectacle that turns into a hit of a song that immediately awakens the desire to dance. The album ends with a mournful melody and a low-key, painting soundscape.

With him, Ring has a beautiful group of lively musicians. Here at the record company, there is a consensus that Anton Jonsson is among Scandinavia's most life-giving drummers. But not to belittle Tomas Sandström, who is really a joy to listen to both on this album, and in the slightly absurd band Urban:Dentist. That group also features the pianist Milton Öhrström who shows here that he is an excellent improviser. Karl Hjalmar "Kalle" Nyberg has taken Norway by storm with his fantastic saxophone and clarinet playing and it is a great pleasure to finally hear him on a Motvind Records record. We’ve previously heard Heida Mobeck on IS OKAY OKAY IS CERTIFIED by Spacemusic Ensemble and she is as we all know, rock solid.

Ring says this about his fellow musicians: "My fellow musicians adds both a wide range of expressions, but above all, strong individual performances that develop the music in new directions. Their improvisational skills colour the music with an unpredictable factor that, together with the noted material, creates the overall expression of the ensemble."

Together, there is drive and youthful courage, virtuosity, and melodic flair. Joel Ring has done a great job in writing the music, putting together the ensemble and making the cover art. Pouring Textures is a good title that refers to the fact that both the tight, swinging grooves and the loose parts on this record that can be reminiscent of a flowing stream of euphony.




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