Whispering Voice Records

Whispering Voice Records An independent recordlabel, based in the south of Norway, promoting metal.

Another batch of 'Six Hundred and Fifty' going out today.

Another batch of 'Six Hundred and Fifty' going out today.


La banda española de black metal sinfónico Erzsébet ha lanzado su esperado álbum completo «Six Hundred & Fifty» el 14 de junio de 2024 a través de Whispering Voice Records. Formada en 2020, Erzsébet combina elementos oscuros, sinfónicos y agresivos para crear un sonido único que fusiona horror y belleza. «Six Hundred & Fifty» es un álbum conceptual inspirado en una oscura era de un noble aristócrata, añadiendo otra joya a su discografía. Against PR



Erzsebet: Six Hundred & Fifty (2024) - mini-review

Spanish band Erzsebet are out with the album "Six Hundred & Fifty", and metal is the style explored on this production. It is an extreme variety of the form we get here, and a band that go about exploring this landscape in a manner that ebb and flow between energetic ferocity and a majestic and sophisticated elegance that at times comes with graceful features to boot. That we have distorted lead vocals is a bit of a given in these landscapes, but clean female vocals, calm spoken words and occasional operatic excursions does expand the vocal part of the totality into some interesting realms indeed. That we have quite a lot of orchestral backing too, where the manner in how it is used that is intriguing. When going full speed ahead at their most ferocious, the orchestral elements are used as a hard and unforgiving presence that emphasise the hard and ferocious nature of the landscapes explored. But when the band slow down a bit, the orchestral aspects are used in a more majestic and graceful manner, being a more organic presence if you like. And this aspect of the band's expression is further emphasized by delicate sections of a more frail nature that appear now and then as well as when the band opts to switch over to a more atmospheric laden and at times borderline cinematic left turn. With efficient use of layered atmospheric backing vocal effects as a part of this latter aspect of Erzsebets repertoire. An album to seek out by those who enjoy bands that explore the extreme metal tradition with symphonic additions and who balance their excursions between being hard and ferocious and being majestic, elegant and more sophisticated in their ex*****on.


Erzsébet, Whispering Voice Records, AgainstPR

A great review in spanish (use translate) 🤘🤘🤘

A great review in spanish (use translate) 🤘🤘🤘

🇪🇸 Reseña em español 🇪🇸

" SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY" - Erzsébet - 2024

Cuando Erzsébet lanzó en 2021 su EP debut "The Blasphemous Lady", crearon mucho más que un álbum con seis canciones: crearon todo un concepto histórico y escénico que resucita y recrea a través de la música, a la asesina en serie más sádica de la história: Elizabeth Báthory. Y la verdad es que el EP todavía estaba en fase de promoción y todos ya estábamos esperando el siguiente trabajo.

Y este próximo trabajo apareció ayer, día de la edición del LP “Six Hundred and Fifty", lanzado por Whispering Voice Records , un sello independiente noruego.

“Six Hundred and Fifty”, el título, hace referencia al número de víctimas atribuidas a la Condesa de Báthory. “Six Hundred and Fifty”, el álbum, es todo una película en forma de canciones, donde la evolución y la experiencia de la banda permitieron realizar un trabajo muy completo y atractivo, tanto instrumental como vocalmente, donde se consigue de forma magistral el equilibrio entre melodía y agresividad.

“Redemption of Evil” es el instrumental de apertura, con un estilo sinfónico y melódico, o si no hubiera sido compuesto por Joaquín Padilla de “Legado de Una Tragedia”. Si la elección de Joaquín Padilla como compositor de la intro instrumental de un disco de black metal sinfónico puede parecer extraña para los más distraídos, recordemos que Erzsébet es una de Las Animas en el disco “Aquelarre de las Sombras” de Legado de Una Tragedia, donde ella interpretó al personaje de bruja.

“The Chest with the Thousand Spikes”, el segundo tema, aparece de repente, fuerte, agresivo y contrastante con la intro. La voz de Erzsébet nos lleva directamente al lado más oscuro, turbio, viscoso y sangriento que caracteriza el sonido de Erzsébet. Este tema deja claro inmediatamente que estamos ante una fuerte base rítmica con la batería adquiriendo una velocidad insana y el bajo siendo lo que ya nos habían mostrado en el EP, mucho más que un bajo de relleno, sino un bajo que destaca y marca su presencia de una manera extremadamente atractiva, como parte clave de toda la composición.

En la tercera canción “The Cage The Torch and Corpses” hay algo embriagador que contagia y nos lleva a seguir a la Condesa hasta el fin del mundo, con los ojos cerrados y confiados, tal y como deberian hacer sus víctimas. Esta es la primera canción donde encontramos una de las colaboraciones internacionales de este trabajo: Sean Maia, cantante de Disquiet, banda holandesa de metal melódico.

Sigue “Crystalline Sparkles on Bluish Skin”, sin duda una composición de brillo oscuro, una maravilla de contrastes entre velocidad y melodía, insanidad tan bien representada por la batería de Cerbervs acompañada por el bajo loco de Ngldogma, la oscuridad de Erszébet y la melodía marcada por la guitarra de Angelvs.

“Spectral Cortège” tiene la atmósfera escénica que marca todo este álbum. Es como un momento de paso, en el que nos sentimos suspendidos en un espacio por el que el tiempo pasa y nos transforma de seres bellos en espectros viscosos y putrefactos que deambulan por los pasillos de Cachtice.

La segunda colaboración internacional corre a cargo de Rubi Growls, cantante principal de la banda mexicana de metal Dante, en el tema “Daughters of Zemans”. Este tema (pista número seis) tiene un sonido más pesado, que mantiene la base melódica del instrumental, al que la voz de Erzsébet le infunde un lado seductoramente diabólico, que nos envuelve en un trance casi hipnótico.

El séptimo corte, “Lunar Liturgy” nos transporta, al inicio, a un ambiente litúrgico, que me recuerda a los cortejos fúnebres de tiempos pasados, para luego transportarnos a la fuerza de un ser que camina por las calles oscuras con destino muy bien definido. Algo en esta composición me recuerda al tema “Ördög’s Moon”, del EP debut de la banda.

Si las almas condenadas encerradas en un castillo hablaran, su voz tendría el sonido susurrante del comienzo de “Somewhere in Csejthe” y si los muros del castillo de la Condesa pudieran contarnos su historia, sin duda sería con la voz de Erzsébet.

Los siguientes temas fueron los elegidos para el primer y segundo single de “Six Hundred and Fifty”, respectivamente “Wherefore”, tema que, similar a lo que ya había sucedido en el EP, le da merecido protagonismo a la voz de Angelvs como narrador, y que transmite una atmósfera oscura y masculina, contrastando con toda la crueldad femenina de la historia. Es como si fuera el destino mismo, oculto y manipulador de toda la historia y que decide el fin de quién siempre ha pensado que eran la supremacía. Me gusta mucho este detalle, más aún cuando la voz de Erzsébet adquiere toda la frialdad y crueldad, negando la redención.

“Domina Vestra”, elegida para videoclip y segundo single, nos lleva por las catacumbas del castillo, donde la locura de la Condesa se desata de pleno. Con la participación especial de Zoë M. Federoff de Cradle of Filth y Catalyst Crime, esta canción tiene una fuerza electrizante y a la vez escalofriante, sensación que completa la nota vocal final de la soprano Daniela Stoll. Destacado positivo para Erzsébet quien demuestra una vez más su dominio del arte de la interpretación, tal como lo hace en el escenario.

Y llegamos al final de la audición con “Sírfelirat”, “Epitáfio” en húngaro, donde el viento esparce las hojas secas y muertas sobre las tumbas de las jóvenes, trayendo el sonido casi tribal de la bateria de Cerbervs y la voz susurrada de Anita Gonda (narradora húngara) que nos deja helados ante la perspectiva del regreso de Erzsébet (o de su eternidad), pero que nos invita seductoramente a volver al comienzo de la historia, ya que estamos seguros de que continuará. Y ese es nuestro deseo.

Una nota final para la excelente portada del disco, que en palabras de la propia banda “refleja el momento más alto del mito de la infame condesa. Queríamos abordar varios conceptos medievales que combinan purificación y trascendencia”.

Escrito por Rosa Soares


We had some issues with the 'ship with tracking' option on our webshop, but this is taken care of. 🤘

A shout out to Garasjefestival 2024 (Norwegian festival)

A shout out to Garasjefestival 2024 (Norwegian festival)

Vi slenger ut en lite shoutout til Garasjefestival 2024, som avholdes på Reinsvoll torsdag 20.06 til søndag 23.06. Les mer om festivalen på Billett fåes tak i på TicketCo Heavy Metal festival på Re…


Lots of great new coming your way just now, so horns up and brace yourself 😈🤘

🤘 Domina Vestra, by Erzsébet, launched last friday, on all streamingservices. https://ditto.fm/domina-vestra

🤘 A great music video were also launched on our youtube-channel, which you can check out here: https://youtu.be/V4qPiUmkRDI

🤘 The coming friday the album "Six Hundred and Fifty" will be out on all streamingservices. Presave the album and get it traight to your favourite streaming-app while it's still smoking hot: https://ditto.fm/six-hundred-and-fifty

🤘 Also, last but definately not least. This friday the debut-ep to V-Rex, "Hodie Mihi Cras Tibi" will also be live. V-REx is the founder and songwriter of Arvas and is now about to release his first music as a solo artist.

Presave the link and get it straight on your favourite app: https://ditto.fm/hodie-mihi-cras-tibi

So this friday will be a great friday, with great music from great artists. Stay tune, and don't be scared to follow us, or any of our a,azing artists, on social media. 🤘🤘

Out today. If you haven't seen it yet, then go ahead and take a look.

Out today. If you haven't seen it yet, then go ahead and take a look.

🇺🇲 DOMINAVESTRA! [Official video In BIO]

Greetings Erzsebethians!

The video for our latest single is now available, before the release of "Six Hundred and Fifty", our second studio work.

It is known that our diabolical Bloody Countess had a peculiar way of closing her letters. She used the epistolary composition of "Generose, Egregia, Domina Vestra". She did so in the midst of a turbulent political time, for which she would later be credited with 650 murders...

On this occasion we had the immense honor of having the voice of from and , there is no better talent for this song. We hope you enjoy it!

🇪🇦 DOMINA VESTRA! [Enlace al vídeo en la BIO]

Saludos Erzsebethians!

Ya está disponible el vídeo nuestro último single, antes del lanzamiento de "Six Hundred and Fifty", nuestro segundo trabajo de estudio.

Se sabe que nuestra diabólica Condesa Sangrienta tenía una peculiar forma de cerrar sus misivas. Utilizaba la composición epistolar de "Generose, Egregia, Domina Vestra". Lo hizo en mitad de un turbulento momento político, por el que más tarde se le atribuirán 650 asesinatos...

En esta ocasión hemos tenido el inmenso honor de contar con la voz de de y . No existe un mejor talento para esta canción. Esperamos que la disfrutéis!


Great success. This Friday Erzsébet launches their second single "Domina Vestra", featuring Zoe Marie Federoff, from the...

Great success.

This Friday Erzsébet launches their second single "Domina Vestra", featuring Zoe Marie Federoff, from their upcoming album "Six Hundred and Fifty".

Presave the link on your favourite streaming-app and save the date now: https://ditto.fm/domina-vestra

This Friday, on all streaming-services and apps. Check it out.


🦇 NEWS! 🦇

🇺🇲 We are pleased to announce the release date of our next single. On June 7th "DOMINA VESTRA" will be available on the usual platforms.

This time, we have the immense honor of having the collaboration of , composer, singer and keyboardist of and .

In turn, we will publish the video that illustrates this sinister theme from our next album "Six Hundred and Fifty"

🇪🇦 Nos complace anunciar la fecha de lanzamiento de nuestro siguiente single. El 7 de Junio "DOMINA VESTRA" estará disponible en las plataformas habituales.

Esta vez, tenemos el inmenso honor de contar con la colaboración de , compositora, cantante y teclista de y .

A su vez, publicaremos el video que ilustra este siniestro tema de nuestro proximo album "Six Hundred and Fifty"


Domina Vestra - another single due to release, from Erzsébet. Domina Vestra, the second single from the forthcoming albu...

Domina Vestra - another single due to release, from Erzsébet.

Domina Vestra, the second single from the forthcoming album Six Hundred and Fifty, has the exceptional collaboration of the magnificent Zoe Marie Federoff , vocalist and keyboardist in Cradle of Filth and in Catalyst Crime.

Her mighty brilliant soprano voice provides sweetness and calm to the track, which is likely to be an anthem, considering its grandiloquence.

The single is due to release 7th of june. 🤘 So stay tuned.

Just finished of a photoshoot for the new solo-ep by V-Rex, which is due to release 14th of june.

Just finished of a photoshoot for the new solo-ep by V-Rex, which is due to release 14th of june.

If you have not watched it yet, you're missing out. Wherefore, by Erzsébet was released almost 3 weeks ago, along with a...

If you have not watched it yet, you're missing out.
Wherefore, by Erzsébet was released almost 3 weeks ago, along with a lyric video.

Take a moment to listen to some great music. Might do you some good. Not much more to say, then have a blast. 🤘🤘

"I am not insane!"Erzsebet is out with a the single 'Wherefore', which will be featured on the album 'Six Hundred and Fifty' that is being released on Whispe...

🤘 "I am not insane!" 🤘No, you are not. It's a fact. The brand new single 'Wherefore' by Erzsébet is only hours away from...

🤘 "I am not insane!" 🤘

No, you are not. It's a fact. The brand new single 'Wherefore' by Erzsébet is only hours away from being released. You can actually allready presave it to your favourite streaming-service. Just follow this link: https://ditto.fm/wherefore

The single is taken out of the album "Six Hundred and Fifty" which is due to release in a couple of month.

But that's not all, there's more...

At the same time as the single is being released, the lyricvideo for 'Wherefore' is also being released on our YT-channel.


And don't forget to follow the band ⮕

So I hope you enjoy this massive piece of art from Erzsébet.
And don't forget to do the band the honor of sharing. Sharing is caring 🤘🤘


Angelvs 2024


I got this in my mailbox the other day, from Snøstorm. 🤘🖤 Wonderful layout and design, not to speak of the music. 💪 Grea...

I got this in my mailbox the other day, from Snøstorm. 🤘🖤 Wonderful layout and design, not to speak of the music. 💪 Great work.

We've been listening to the new album, and have two tracks on our office-playlist rotation.

Check out the album, it's great. I would've given it a 10/10, but maybe we are a little bias. 🧐

Today is 2 years since Russia invaded Ukraine. Slava Ukraini - Snøstorm

Today is 2 years since Russia invaded Ukraine.

Slava Ukraini - Snøstorm

Provided to YouTube by Ditto MusicSlava Ukraine · SnøstormTales of the End℗ Whispering Voice RecordsReleased on: 2022-04-29Auto-generated by YouTube.


"Se deg aldri tilbake". 😢

Takk for all den gode musikken du gav, for den bautaen du var i musikken og den lærdommen du gav meg og mange andre som tok opp gitaren for aller første gang.

Hvil i fred, Lillebjørn. 🥀❤

This year, WVR celebrates its 10th anniversary. In 2014, the recordlabel saw the dawn of day for the first time, and rel...

This year, WVR celebrates its 10th anniversary. In 2014, the recordlabel saw the dawn of day for the first time, and released the first two records. And what better way to start of the anniversary with an announcement of a new signing.

We are SO proud to welcome Erzsébet to the Whispering Voice family.

Though the quartett is fairly new, they’ve already delivered some epic music to the fans, with two singles 'Wraiths Behind the Mirror' and 'Erzsébet', and the ep 'The Blasphemous Lady'.

And now they set out to release their first album “Six Hundred & Fifty” which will be no less epic.

The date for release is yet to be set but is estimated to be released somewhere around May, and will available on cd, vinyl and digital streaming.



Snøstorms own version of the famous poem 'Nordmannen', by Ivar Aasen.Music recorded, mixed and mastered in Cometosin studio - BulgariaVocals recorded in Vatn...

A brand new review of CORTEGE's third album 'Vandari', from Metal-Rules.com.

A brand new review of CORTEGE's third album 'Vandari', from Metal-Rules.com.

Spread the metal:Reviewed: January 2023 Released: 2022, Whispering Voice Records Rating: 4/5 Reviewer: Sofia Idrissi Initially formed in 1996, Cortege has had its fair share [...]


Hør NIDHÖG's låter på Urørt netsiden | Vi er NIDHÖG, ett ekstrem metall band fra Nordvest-kysten her i Norge. Ble etablert i 2020 ut av en låve på Vigra, en øy utenfor Ålesund. Vi spiller med høy aggresjon. I 2022 kom EP-en Fjord som ble lansert fra Whispering Voices Records.

Something really exciting is happening on YouTube in a short while. Holy Noise interview with Nidhög premiers tonight at...

Something really exciting is happening on YouTube in a short while.

Holy Noise interview with Nidhög premiers tonight at 19:00 CET , or 6pm UTC.


We'll be watching. Will you?

Thanks to NIDHÖGAdrian Nordli (Guitar & Vox)Lukas Sørlie (Drums)Jens Jamne (2nd Guitar)Erik Grimstad (Bass)Thanks to Whispering Voice RecordsRecorded by Mila...


A teaser of the brand new 'Filth' music video from Cortege. 🤘

Let's go 🤘

Let's go 🤘

Promovideo for the upcoming debut-ep by the Norwegian blackmetal-band Nidhög, which is set to release on all streaming-services September 17th. Fjord: 1: Nid...


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