Board BVW "Biologica"

Board BVW "Biologica" De Facebookpagina van het bestuur van B.V.W. 'Biologica'

Every Tuesday between 3 and 4 p.m. you can come and meet us at our location in Fijnaart, while enjoying a snack. We are ...

Every Tuesday between 3 and 4 p.m. you can come and meet us at our location in Fijnaart, while enjoying a snack. We are happy to make time for you!

We are available to answer all your questions about working at Rijk Zwaan in Fijnaart and Dinteloord. And we are curious about you! What is important to you? After getting acquainted, you will know more about us and we will have a picture of you. On that basis, you can better assess whether applying for a job is a good move!

Looking for a challenging and inspiring internship? Discover the opportunities at Rijk Zwaan.Ever wanted to know what ha...

Looking for a challenging and inspiring internship? Discover the opportunities at Rijk Zwaan.

Ever wanted to know what happens behind the scenes in the world of vegetable seed breeding? At Rijk Zwaan, we offer internships in various fields, including plant breeding, biotechnology, marketing, sales, and supply chain management. At Rijk Zwaan, you get the chance to work with dedicated experts, use new technologies, and make a valuable contribution to global food supply.

Our internship programs offer a unique opportunity to develop your knowledge and skills in an international environment, with guidance from experienced professionals. Contribute to the vegetables of tomorrow and apply today via our website,

Together, we develop, produce and sell vegetable seeds. You can contribute to the world’s food supply too. Find the job ...

Together, we develop, produce and sell vegetable seeds. You can contribute to the world’s food supply too. Find the job that suits you!

Rijk Zwaan

Speed ​​dating with environmental professionalsTalk about your sustainable study and/or careerTalk to enthusiastic envir...

Speed ​​dating with environmental professionals

Talk about your sustainable study and/or career
Talk to enthusiastic environmental professionals! About questions you have about your study (path) and your future career. Come to the online VVM netwerk van milieuprofessionals mentor/mentee speed date evening on June 18th! Free for student members and recently graduated members of VVM.

Do you recognize (one of) these questions?
- What could my career look like?
- What does working at a consultancy firm, government agency or scientific institute entail?
- How do I take a good first step on my career path?
- How do I get the right network?

Take advantage of discussing them with inspired environmental professionals. People who have extensive work experience (in your area of ​​interest) and are happy to think along with you.

The design of the event
In short 20-minute sessions you will meet several experienced professionals (and maybe even a potential employee!).
Depending on what you want, you can have a one-off conversation or you can decide on a long-term mentoring relationship. Sessions can take place in Dutch and English.

Sign In
More information and registration:

Speed ​​dating event in short

Date: Tuesday June 18
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Where: Zoom
For whom: only for VVM student members
Costs: free for VVM student members. You can become a member for €15
More information:

Seed Valley TalksExplore our collection of Seed Valley Talks videos. In these talks, experts in plant science delve into...

Seed Valley Talks

Explore our collection of Seed Valley Talks videos. In these talks, experts in plant science delve into the latest research topics in the seed industry. As the world faces rapid changes from climate shifts, evolving diseases, and the rise of big data, it's crucial that we persist in developing and innovating plant varieties and cultivation techniques. Check out the recordings from our past events to stay informed and inspired.

What is Seed Valley and what do we do?We'd love to provide an answer to that question. Check out these slides and read o...

What is Seed Valley and what do we do?

We'd love to provide an answer to that question. Check out these slides and read our story. Interested in all our current job openings? View them on our website
Seed Valley

🌱 A group of companies in North Holland that collectively form the global hub of plant breeding and seed technology.At S...

🌱 A group of companies in North Holland that collectively form the global hub of plant breeding and seed technology.
At Seed Valley, our mission is to ensure an ample supply of nutritious food and beautiful flowers for generations to come. That's why we're dedicated to developing crops that yield higher outputs, have longer shelf lives, and thrive optimally while minimizing space, energy, and water usage. 🌱

Watch our story:

*Wageningen Plant Research*With our knowledge of plantproduction, resilient and efficient crops and food security, we of...

*Wageningen Plant Research*

With our knowledge of plantproduction, resilient and efficient crops and food security, we offer new perspectives for sustainable agriculture and horticulture.

In our research, we focus on three main topics:
- Smart Plants
- Smart Crops
- Smart Farms

More information:

DRINGENDE OPROEP AAN ALUMNIWij als Biologica organiseren 7 juni een alumni symposium. Hier vragen wij afgestudeerden om ...


Wij als Biologica organiseren 7 juni een alumni symposium. Hier vragen wij afgestudeerden om te spreken over hun huidige baan en carrière pad.

Kort over de dag zelf, het symposium zal in Wageningen gehouden worden. Het zal bestaan uit een avond waar alumni het podium krijgen om te vertellen over hun carrièrepad, werkervaring en huidige baan. Onze leden kunnen zo een idee krijgen van hoe het leven na studeren verder gaat. U bent uiteraard vrij om de nadruk te leggen op wat u zelf wilt. Hierna zullen de studenten ruimte krijgen om vragen te stellen en zal er een kleine afsluitende borrel zijn.

Bent u misschien geïnteresseerd om te spreken? De avond zal waarschijnlijk van 19:30 tot 22:00 duren. Mail voor meer informatie naar [email protected]!

BERICHT AAN DE ALUMNI afgestudeerd in 2018, 2019 of 2020Het Nederlands Instituut voor Biologie (NIBI) doet, samen met de...

BERICHT AAN DE ALUMNI afgestudeerd in 2018, 2019 of 2020

Het Nederlands Instituut voor Biologie (NIBI) doet, samen met de opleidingen Biologie, Biomedische Wetenschappen, Psychobiologie en LST in Nederland, onderzoek naar alumni afgestudeerd in 2018, 2019 en 2020. Geldt dit voor jou? Dan wil ik nu graag via een mini-enquête van je weten welke baan je intussen hebt gescoord. Je antwoorden zijn belangrijk voor de opleidingen, omdat ze als opleiding onderwijs willen ontwikkelen dat aansluit op de vraag in de markt.

Ik hoop natuurlijk dat jij snel na je afstuderen een mooie baan in de biologie of in de biomedische wetenschappen hebt gevonden, maar ook als je op een andere plek terecht gekomen bent of als je nog geen baan gevonden hebt, wil ik dat graag weten. Het NIBI heeft de vragenlijst zo compact mogelijk gemaakt en vraagt daardoor maar vijf tot tien minuten van je tijd.

Als dank voor je deelname krijg je desgewenst de resultaten van het hele onderzoek in je mailbox. Geef in de enquête aan of je gebruik wilt maken van deze service. Zo ja, dan mailt het NIBI je de resultaten.

Ga nu direct naar en vul de mini-enquête in!
De enquête loopt tot en met 31 december van dit jaar.

Mini-enquête voor biologen, biomedisch wetenschappers en andere biowetenschappers, afgestudeerd tussen januari 2018 en januari 2021 aan een biowetenschappelijke opleiding in Nederland. Oproep van universitaire opleidingen om deel te nemen en vijf tot tien minuten te besteden aan het invullen van de...

Hello everybody,Are you excited for the 7th lustrum of biologica? We as well! To celebrate we have organized a symposium...

Hello everybody,

Are you excited for the 7th lustrum of biologica? We as well! To celebrate we have organized a symposium at the 9th of November at 18:30 . The theme is ‘Welcome? To the Netherlands?’ and Casper Quist is our presentator! You will receive a series of exciting lectures on several topics about species that have (re)appeared or have been introduced in the Netherlands.

Marjolijn Christianen will tell about how the presence of invasive oysters may facilitate growth of native oysters.
Addy de Jongh will give a lecture on the reintroduction and maintenance of the otter in the Netherlands
Wim van der Putten from NIOO-KNAV will talk about current climate warming and how this causes species to range shift.

If you are interested in ecology, global warming and its effects on species and how we try to manage the changes in nature than this is the symposium for you!

For Biologica members a ticket is 4 euros (with the code Lutra_Lutra!) for non members tickets cost 5 euros. The symposium is also included in the lustrum All-inn ticket. You can buy tickets via the following link -section

We hope to see you soon!

The InvaCie

Dear Biologica Alumni, To celebrate the upcoming 7th lustrum of Biologica with you we want to invite you to the Alumni d...

Dear Biologica Alumni,

To celebrate the upcoming 7th lustrum of Biologica with you we want to invite you to the Alumni day! We will go ice skating in the afternoon in Utrecht and have dinner together afterwards. More info will follow by email when you sign up. You can sign up at the following link:

The tickets will only be 15 euros. You can buy them at the following link:

We hope to see you all there😊

LustrumCie & Aves


Seed Valley presents to you: Seed Valley Talks! Plant Science professionals give insight into the latest research topics in short talks. In this first edition, our three speakers will talk about plant disease resistance. How is disease resistance applied in the business? Attend our live online event on May 20th and get inspired by the Seed Valley researchers and experts. ➡

BOA & Aves paas scavenger hunt Is paas eitjes vinden voor jou een eitje en ben je op zoek naar een uitdaging? Doe dan me...

BOA & Aves paas scavenger hunt

Is paas eitjes vinden voor jou een eitje en ben je op zoek naar een uitdaging? Doe dan mee aan de BOA & Aves scavenger hunt en breng paaseitjes zoeken naar een volgend niveau!

Om je aan dit goddelijke goud tegoed doen, moet je eerst Griekse goden vinden. Door raadsels te beantwoorden en de foto’s van Hermes te volgen kun je ze over de hele campus vinden in je eigen tijd. Vanaf 12:00 6 april begint de zoektocht!

Naar verwachting duurt de speurtocht 5 epische kwartieren.
Vrijdag 13 november om 17:00 gaat iedereen weer terug naar Olympus.
Voor de hints van Hermes kun je deelnemen aan de Whatsappgroep. Heb je geen whatsapp mail dan naar [email protected]

Vliegensvlugge groetjes,

Hermes🐦, Aves🐥en de BOA🐍


Droevendaalsesteeg 2


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