Baking to ground myself after spending hours proofreading. How do you "land" inside your body?
#grounding #kitchenwitch #homebaking #glutenfree #peanutbuttercookies
And now I have to pee. Again.
#sagescence #adhdinwomen《 Is this another thing in discovering about myself as I enter perimenopause?
Time for a cuppa and just that. Smell the fragrance of the blend, feel the moist warmth of the steam, taste the savoury notes of the leaves.
#hyperfocus #remembertobreathe #takeabreak #selfcare #dosomedaydreaming
Guided Journalling session coming to my YouTube channel this week! It's powerful and deep: I See You, Anger.
There are never really any mistakes, only events and how we choose to interpret them. What story are your latest "mistakes" telling you?
Writing/editing as a reward for writing? Makes perfect sense to me.
#writersdesk #shadowworker #authormotivation #easeofgenius #youareworthy #youareenough #justwritethedamnbook #guidedjournal
I lost a while day! I thought today was Monday... Maybe I cleared it out with the old pages of words.
#makingspace #freshenergy #artstudiospace #writersdesk #nosuchthingastoomanyartsupplies
Heart opening work. I love my job.
#amwritingfiction #magicalrealism #elementalmagic
Holding a printed copy of my current WIP is a marvellous motivation to keep writing.
Rainy day imperfect performance.
The first few bars of "Doen Daphne" from Sarah Jeffery @team_recorder on soprano recorder today. I get a sweet little dopamine hit when I play the correct note immediately after a mistake.
#musicalshadowwork #blokfluit #healinghobby #recorderpractise #shadowwork
Imperfect performances are shadow work for me.
Waiting for coffee to brew is when I often take a few minutes for a quick musical moment. The instruments I play with are various recorders, drums and percussion, and occasionally piano and sax.
This drum I'm banging is an African kenkeni. It's the smallest (highest tone) of the three we use most often when our group plays.
#kenkeni #drumming #drumpractise #musicalhobby #rhythm #movingenergy #shadowwork #imperfectisactuallyperfect
Book magic is a glorious spellcraft. Brilliant prose and wonderful music, when woven together, create portals to spaces of transformation we cannot anticipate or demand.
#bookmagic #romanticprose #bridesheadrevisited #chatswithmydadtheromantic
It's been a long time since my regular vlogging days, but I'm so yucked, I just wanted to vent. I can feel my body vibrating with all the rage I've pretended not to be aware of. Because: bullies. All the varieties of them. I've had enough.
#shadowwork #bullyingawareness #selfcare #spiritualgrowth #walkingmeditation #walkitoff #sacredrage
Peace in my mind. Let all my thoughts be still.
Every now and then, as I'm building the Goddess Kindled Network, I'm captivated by one of the lessons. Initially I'd only played the audio to make sure I had it matched with the correct text, but She snared me in Her net and I listened all the way through.
So I thought I'd make a little video for you, in case you need to be cught up in a little piece of magic today.
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#GoddessKindledNetwork #aGoddessCourseInMiracles
A Course In Miracles © 1975 Foundation For Inner Peace, used with permission • A Goddess Course In Miracles edited by Sondra Turnbull
Social distancing is a misnomer
#1 Personal Spiritual Practice: Live Chats