Iron Force

Iron Force metalmuziek. En door een onbezoldigd stichtingsbestuur met een onbezoldigd intermediair. Headbangers, een project van Iron Force, geeft een e-zine uit.

Iron Force geeft getalenteerde mensen, die niet deel kunnen nemen aan de arbeidsmarkt, kansen zich te ontplooien en te ontwikkelen door het uitvoeren van zinvolle, volwaardige activiteiten in de wereld van o.a. Nederlandse taal / English language / Deutsche Sprache / Langue Française

Iron Force: Nederlandse taal

Iron Force bereikt haar doelen onder meer door ondersteuning van Office Assist (onde

rsteuning en website), van vrijwilliger Marc Blaakenburg (redacteur facebook en beheerder van de Iron Force webwinkel) en van vele andere vrijwilligers die in de meeste gevallen niet tot de doelgroep behoren. Van 2011 tot 2020 was dat een jaarlijkse uitgave van 212-214 blz op A5 formaat met o-wire. Daarnaast produceert Headbangers Records cd's, tapes en vinyls. Op de website is het gratis e-Zine te lezen en kunnen producten besteld worden in de webshop. Iron Force/Headbangers werkt o.a. nauw samen met het Friese Big Bad Wolf Records, uit de Nederlandse stad Leeuwarden. Onze gezamenlijke projecten worden gerund onder de naam “For The Passion Not The Fasion”. Zowel gezamenlijke releases op CD/Tape/ Vinyl als zowel een YouTube Kanaal met trailers, interviews, reviews en diverse andere video’s. Iron Force: English language

Iron Force achieves its goals through support from Office Assist (support and website), from volunteer Marc Blaakenburg (editor Facebook and manager of the Iron Force web store) and many other volunteers who in most cases do not belong to the target group. And by an unpaid board of the foundation with an unpaid intermediary. Headbangers, an Iron Force project, publishes an ezine. From 2011 to 2020 this was an annual edition of 212-214 pages in A5 format with o-wire. Headbangers Records also produces CDs, tapes and vinyls. On the website you can read the free e-Zine and products can be ordered in the webshop. Iron Force/Headbangers also works together with the Frisian Big Bad Wolf Records, from the Dutch city Leeuwarden. Our shared projects are published under the corporation-name: “For The Passion Not The Fashion”. We co-produce records on CD/Tape/Vinyl and we have a YouTube Channel with trailers, interviews, reviews and some videos. Iron Force: Deutsche Sprache

Iron Force erreicht seine Ziele durch die Unterstützung von Office Assist (Support und Website), dem Freiwilligen Marc Blaakenburg (Herausgeber Facebook und Manager des Iron Force-Webshops) und vielen anderen Freiwilligen, die in den meisten Fällen nicht zur Zielgruppe gehören. Und von einem unbezahlten Stiftungsrat mit einem unbezahlten Vermittler. Headbangers, ein Iron Force-Projekt, veröffentlicht ein E-Zine. Von 2011 bis 2020 war dies eine jährliche Ausgabe von 212-214 Seiten im A5-Format mit O-Wire. Headbangers Records produziert auch CDs, Bänder und Vinyls. Auf der Website kann das kostenlose E-Zine gelesen und Produkte im Webshop bestellt werden. Iron Force: Langue Française

Iron Force atteint ses objectifs grâce au soutien d'Office Assist (support et site Web), du bénévole Marc Blaakenburg (éditeur Facebook et responsable de la boutique en ligne Iron Force) et de nombreux autres bénévoles qui, dans la plupart des cas, n'appartiennent pas au groupe cible. Et par un conseil d'administration non rémunéré de la fondation avec un intermédiaire non rémunéré. Headbangers, un projet Iron Force, publie un ezine. De 2011 à 2020, il s'agissait d'une édition annuelle de 212-214 pages au format A5 avec o-wire. Headbangers Records produit également des CD, des cassettes et des vinyles. Sur le site Web, vous pouvez lire le e-Zine gratuit et les produits peuvent être commandés dans la boutique en ligne.

For The Passion Not The Fashion Presents:MassattacK - Demo 1985MassattacK is a Dutch Heavy Metal band from the 80’s.Thei...

For The Passion Not The Fashion Presents:

MassattacK - Demo 1985
MassattacK is a Dutch Heavy Metal band from the 80’s.

Their first demo cassette from '85, is soon available on CD, incl. 8!!! Page Booklet with cool vintage photo's and lyrics. Plus some very cool radio content from the Dutch 80's Heavy Metal radio show Vara's Vuurwerk!

Limited to 500 copies on CD

For The Passion Not The Fashion Presents:MassattacK - Demo 1985MassattacK is a Dutch Heavy Metal band from the 80’s.Their first demo cassette from '85, is so... & share

Enjoy & share

TRAUMA and Paxtilence in Tilburg, The NetherlandsSaturday 13th we had the honour to welcome two great thrash metal bands in Tilburg.We hung out with them in ...

Enjoy MetalPunx, please subscribe! Thanks!

Enjoy MetalPunx, please subscribe! Thanks!

For the Passion not the Fashion presents:Very cool personal interview between Spandex Marco and Harley Flanagan from the almighty Cro Mags at the Dynamo Club...

Necronomicon interview online, bitte share!

Necronomicon interview online, bitte share!

For The Passion Not The Fashion Presents:Sorry for the huge delay, but finally the interview with Glen Shannon is online! American guitarist for the German 8...

Volgende week, delen mag!

Volgende week, delen mag!

DMC AGENCY Presents with support by FOR THE PASSION NOT THE FASHION:Spandex Marco speaks to Mr. Ross The Boss about his next tour!Made possible by:Ross The B...

Wees erbij en veel kijk plezier :)

Wees erbij en veel kijk plezier :)

For the Passion not the Fashion Presents:Spandex Marco speaks to Tysondog founder and bass-player Kevin Wynn. Tysondog hails from Newcastle in the UK, establ...

DMC AGENCY Presents with support by FOR THE PASSION NOT THE FASHION:Spandex Marco speaks to The Fifth Alliance from The ...


Spandex Marco speaks to The Fifth Alliance from The Netherlands, live at the Zappa in Antwerp, Belgium 14-05-2022.

DMC AGENCY Presents with support by FOR THE PASSION NOT THE FASHION:Spandex Marco speaks to The Fifth Alliance from The Netherlands, live at the Zappa in Ant...

Spandex Marco speaks about the new album of the Danish all-female Doom Death metal band Konvent. Unfortunately we doesn’...

Spandex Marco speaks about the new album of the Danish all-female Doom Death metal band Konvent.

Unfortunately we doesn’t have the possibilities at the moment to edit all video’s properly.

If you’re interested to help us out. Feel free to contact us.

Spandex Marco speaks about the new album of the Danish all-female Doom Death metal band Konvent. Unfortunately we doesn’t have the possibilities at the momen...

Goodtimes with DMC and friends! More video's of this event will follow soon, so stay tuned!

Goodtimes with DMC and friends! More video's of this event will follow soon, so stay tuned!

For The Passion Not The Fashion is happy & proud to: cooperate with DMC Agency.Only the best live events [email protected]...




Maandag 12:00 - 17:00
Dinsdag 09:00 - 17:00
Woensdag 09:00 - 17:00
Donderdag 09:00 - 17:00
Vrijdag 12:00 - 16:00


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