Motoko animation and motion design


De Constant Rebequeplein 20b
The Hague


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Stuur een bericht naar Motoko:


motoko | animation & motion design

Motoko specializes in motion design combining 2d-, 3d animation and film. Our work is original and custom made, from concept to final output.

From our studio based in The Netherlands we work on projects that fascinate us and make our hearts beat faster. Together with a team of specialists and a broad network we serve creative agencies, TV channels, production companies and corporate clients.

As well as our daily work at Motoko we organize film nights in the centre of The Hague: Since 2008 Cinetoko has been organising film nights for people who love moving image and film. It’s about the creative process behind the scenes from the people who make it happen.

You’re welcome to visit us at Motoko or at one of our Cinetoko events.