
Black-Hawaii Crossing unknown territories in a stream of reverb, distortion and bass within the undercurrents. The effect was immediate and devastating.

In the year 2050, Hawaii had become a popular destination for wealthy tourists seeking to escape the rapidly deteriorating conditions of the rest of the world. The islands were known for their pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant nightlife. However, all of that changed when a group of rogue scientists experimenting with soundwave technology accidentally caused a catastrophic event.

The scientists had been working on a new type of sonic weapon that could incapacitate enemies by disrupting their nervous systems with powerful sound waves. However, during a test run of the weapon, something went terribly wrong. The sound waves created by the weapon grew exponentially in intensity until they became a massive shockwave that swept across the entire state of Hawaii. Buildings crumbled, roads buckled, and the very ground itself shook violently. The shockwave also had a devastating impact on the human population, causing widespread panic and chaos. People ran through the streets, screaming in terror as their eardrums burst and their nervous systems were scrambled. In the aftermath of the disaster, the government declared Hawaii a disaster zone and imposed a strict quarantine on the islands. The tourists who had come to Hawaii to escape the problems of the world were now trapped there, cut off from the rest of the world and struggling to survive in a dystopian wasteland. Years passed, and the people of Hawaii slowly adapted to their new way of life. The soundwave event had left the islands in a state of ruin, but the survivors had learned to make the best of what they had. They built new communities and developed new technologies to help them survive in this harsh new world. But the memory of that fateful day when Hawaii crashed out in soundwaves would haunt them forever, a reminder of the dangers of unchecked technology and the fragility of human civilization.

Black Hawaii's 2de nummer ooit is. it's no girl. it's no boy... it's a cover.Antilounge heeft een compilatie uitgebracht...

Black Hawaii's 2de nummer ooit is. it's no girl. it's no boy... it's a cover.

Antilounge heeft een compilatie uitgebracht met covers van artiesten in welk genre of achtergrond dan ook, zolang het maar uit Den Haag kwam (beste plek ter wereld als je het ons vraagt)

Onze release is een nieuwe versie van het jaren 80-nummer ‘we are urban heroes’ van de jaren 80 pop/rockband ‘Urban Heroes’. Wie kent ze niet? :-) Ik nu wel.

Het originele album zat ergens in mijn vinylvoorraad verstopt en na wat google werk bleek dit gewoon Haags te zijn. Kleine wereld? Inderdaad!

bekijk de -compilatie op spotify

of ga direct naar het nummer. Volg ons alstublieft op een platofrm naar keuze, aangezien we algoritme technisch finaal genegeert worden op de grote interwebs….

volg de Black Hawaii-band ander gewoon zo:

Black Hawaii had released their second song ever. And guess what… It’s a cover.Antilounge did a compilation release with...

Black Hawaii had released their second song ever. And guess what… It’s a cover.
Antilounge did a compilation release with all covers from artists in every genre whatsoever as long as it was from The Hague (best place in the world if you ask us)

Our release is a new version of the 80s song ‘we are urban heroes’ by 80s poprock band ‘Urban Heroes’. The original album was somewhere in our vinyl stash and since antilounge asked for this release to be local we discovered through the help of the interwebs it was really a band from The Hague. Small world? Indeed!

check out on the compilation on spotify

or go directly to the song. Please follow us on the platform you prefer, cause we still need to be prematurely loved by some scary algorithm somewhere out there….

Thanks in advance

follow Black hawaii band on


The Hague


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