Psychic lightbulb

Psychic lightbulb Graphic Design + Digital Illustration
= Visual Communication

Here is the physical release of Antilounge36 for antilounge - really impressed with the quality of the printing         ...

Here is the physical release of Antilounge36 for antilounge - really impressed with the quality of the printing

Super stoked to have worked on this project for antilounge and their 36th album release. I created the CD cover and digi...

Super stoked to have worked on this project for antilounge and their 36th album release. I created the CD cover and digital release artwork (to be revealed once its released), and promotional material for print and social media including the launch party on April 1st at The Grey Space in the Middle

Looking forward to this event, and really happy with the design work

Looking forward to this event, and really happy with the design work

Antilounge 36 release poster

(artwork by Psychic lightbulb)

I found a print I made years ago in a letterpress workshop, while searching for a book on typography. I used a quote fro...

I found a print I made years ago in a letterpress workshop, while searching for a book on typography. I used a quote from my favourite comedian, the late Bill Hicks. Set in Linotype Univers bold and Univers black condensed.

Is there a better pairing than great coffee and art? A massive thank you to Kaafi for lending me their walls to display ...

Is there a better pairing than great coffee and art? A massive thank you to Kaafi for lending me their walls to display some digital art. Drop by Prinsestraat 25, 2513CA in Den Haag, have a look and grab something tasty to eat and drink at the same time - I highly recommend their breakfast.

Really happy with these risograph prints from  - great service and helpful team

Really happy with these risograph prints from - great service and helpful team

another re-imagining of a classic album, 'the downward spiral' by nine inch nails, with stunning art by Russell Mills to...

another re-imagining of a classic album, 'the downward spiral' by nine inch nails, with stunning art by Russell Mills to match. If the original didn't exist yet, this is what I would have put forward if asked to design the cover art.

Boards of Canada's 'music has the right to children' album is legendary with its faceless family photo artwork to match....

Boards of Canada's 'music has the right to children' album is legendary with its faceless family photo artwork to match.
I approached this re-imagining of the artwork as though the other didn't exist, and tried to reflect the feeling of nostalgia and childhood memories, timelessness or maybe an alternative history, a strange yet familiar vibe that the album conjures for me.
This project is not suggesting the artwork needed re-doing -not at all, simply, how would I interpret the album.

An ultimate dream line-up for a hypothetical festival. RIP Mark Bell + Mira Calix(original Warp logo designed by the Des...

An ultimate dream line-up for a hypothetical festival.
RIP Mark Bell + Mira Calix
(original Warp logo designed by the Designers Republic)

If this was a real event, it'd kick ass...

If this was a real event, it'd kick ass...

An exploration of layered type               ⚫️⚪️🔴

An exploration of layered type

some weird dream...

some weird dream...

as it says...

as it says...

From the design archive: Remixed artwork for a remixed song

From the design archive: Remixed artwork for a remixed song


While creating this ufo themed Dixit card, I was turning layers on and off and adjusting opacities and realised it could make a nice little animation... so I made that too.

If you know, you know.

If you know, you know.


A quick peek into how I make kaleidoscopic images :)


Den Haag
The Hague


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