
Dakakkers De grootste dakboerderij van Nederland en een van de grootste in Europa en een slimdak testsite voor slimme wateropvang.

Groente, eetbare bloemen & fruit wordt verbouwd en er worden dakbijen gehouden. Uit de wormenhotels komt *t.

On Wednesday, founder Lena Friblick and Malin Lang operational manager of social farm Botildenborg in Malmö Sweden🇸🇪 vis...

On Wednesday, founder Lena Friblick and Malin Lang operational manager of social farm Botildenborg in Malmö Sweden🇸🇪 visited the DakAkker rooftopfarm as part of their study trip. They were welcomed by rooftopfarmer Wouter Bauman. Botildenborg practices social gastronomy. We are welcome when we are in Sweden now 😉. More about Botildenborg on 📲 : www.botildenborg.se. Malmös mötesplats för socialt engagemang och grönt hopp.

De Luchtsingel Rotterdam begint aan een nieuw hoofdstuk. Na de ontmanteling van enkele delen start de Gemeente Rotterdam...

De Luchtsingel Rotterdam begint aan een nieuw hoofdstuk. Na de ontmanteling van enkele delen start de Gemeente Rotterdam binnenkort met de voorbereidingen voor een duurzame en permanente vervanger. Iedereen kan er binnenkort over meepraten. Nu gloort er hoop voor een vervolg. Op woensdag 19 februari is er van 20.00 tot 21.30 uur een bijeenkomst in Annabel. Lees er meer over in De Havenloods Rotterdam 📲: https://www.dehavenloods.nl/nieuws/algemeen/56849/de-luchtsingel-keert-terug-

Filming and interviewing Emile Van Rinsum on the DakAkker for the TV series "Nordseereport", a monthly travel magazine o...

Filming and interviewing Emile Van Rinsum on the DakAkker for the TV series "Nordseereport", a monthly travel magazine on the NDR.de. On the second of februart the feature about 'Rotterdam sustainable city !' will be broadcast on NDR Fernsehen. With the DakAkker as shining example of sustainability and innovation in Rotterdam. For more information and links to the broadcast on 📲: www.ndr.de/nordseereport.

Optigrün Benelux Optigrün international AG ZUS Binder Groenprojecten Rotterdams Milieucentrum

Volunteerday for the rooftopfarmers of the DakAkker rooftopfarm last Friday. Visiting the Rotterdam (compost)wormfarm Wo...

Volunteerday for the rooftopfarmers of the DakAkker rooftopfarm last Friday. Visiting the Rotterdam (compost)wormfarm Wormenkwekerij 010 and the mushroomnursery rotterzwam (known for, among other things, the Rotterzwam bitterbal). It was a wonderfulday 🙂.

We are guests today at the 2nd Agribusiness and food summit in Berlin Germany to present our large agriculturalroof in R...

We are guests today at the 2nd Agribusiness and food summit in Berlin Germany to present our large agriculturalroof in Rotterdam Central District and the ( Slimdak ) testsite retentionroof. Chef rooftopfarmer Wouter Bauman is one of the keynote speakers. organized by Luxatia international 🌱.

Full house at Van Iperen in Oude Tonge where this afternoon and tonight our founding father Emile Van Rinsum was one of ...

Full house at Van Iperen in Oude Tonge where this afternoon and tonight our founding father Emile Van Rinsum was one of the speakers. He talked about our adventures at the DakAkker rooftopfarm on the Schieblock office building in the heart of Rotterdam Central District. Six groups of 20 participants this with gardeners, greenmanagers, civil servants of municipalities, etc. With slides and videos of and about the large green agriculturalroof and the Slimdak (smart waterretentionroof) on the rooftoppavilion.

Really the last excursiongroup on the roof today. The excursion season had already ended, but we could not refuse the gr...

Really the last excursiongroup on the roof today. The excursion season had already ended, but we could not refuse the group of officials from the Municipality of Rotterdam (Gemeente Rotterdam). 📲: www.dakakker.nl ❄️

The last rooftopfarmersworkingday at the DakAkker rooftopfarm before the winterbreak. The last figs, the last edibleflow...

The last rooftopfarmersworkingday at the DakAkker rooftopfarm before the winterbreak. The last figs, the last edibleflowers, the last patatoes the last raspberries, the last honey, the last jerusalemartichokes, the last tomatoes ... goodbye! DakAkker see you next year. And delicious figcake with coffee with figs from the roof! On an officebuilding downtown Rotterdam Central District 📷 Lydia van Deursen 🌱.


Drone footage the DakAkker rooftopfarm Rotterdam Central District by Skyfoto.


Hoe het begon? Onze eerste stappen. Promofilmpje over de DakAkker uit 2012. How it started? Our first steps. Promotionfilm about the DakAkker 2012. 🥕🧄🥔🥒🌶🍅🍆🥦
Gerealiseerd door/ realised by: Optigrün Benelux, Optigrün international AG, Binder Groenprojecten, ZUS, Rotterdams Milieucentrum. Funded by: Het Stadsinitatief, de Postcode Loterij, de Rabobank.

Today in Antwerp (Belgium) visiting the Day of Urban Agriculture on and near the beautiful   of the PAKT of the Volle Gr...

Today in Antwerp (Belgium) visiting the Day of Urban Agriculture on and near the beautiful of the PAKT of the Volle Grond.

🍂 Autumn harvest on the DakAkker rooftopfarm on an officebuilding downtown Rotterdam Central District. 📷: Lydia van Deur...

🍂 Autumn harvest on the DakAkker rooftopfarm on an officebuilding downtown Rotterdam Central District. 📷: Lydia van Deursen 🌱.


🍂 Autumn harvest on the DakAkker rooftopfarm on an officebuilding downtown Rotterdam Central District. 📷: Lydia van Deursen 🌱.

Rooftopfarmer Wouter Bauman will become the new director of the Rotterdam Environmental Center ( Rotterdams Milieucentru...

Rooftopfarmer Wouter Bauman will become the new director of the Rotterdam Environmental Center ( Rotterdams Milieucentrum ). He succeeds Emile Van Rinsum. Emile worked at the Environmental Center for more than 20 years and was the co-founder of our DakAkker rooftopfarm. Wouter also worked at the Environmentalcenter for some time, and was responsible for nature and spatial planning for about 18 years. He combined his work for the center with being a rooftopfarmer and rooftopbeekeeper (1 day a week). We wish Wouter every success in this important and intensive job ❗️So next year there will be a new chief rooftopfarmer.

The last rooftoptour of this season: residents of an apartment complex in the Lusthofstraat who are orientating themselv...

The last rooftoptour of this season: residents of an apartment complex in the Lusthofstraat who are orientating themselves on a greenroof. With two people from the Municipality of Rotterdam (Gemeente Rotterdam). 📷: Rob Van Katwijk .

So many figs ... and more harvest from the roof.   🌼 on the DakAkker rooftopfarm on an officebuilding downtown Rotterdam...

So many figs ... and more harvest from the roof. 🌼 on the DakAkker rooftopfarm on an officebuilding downtown Rotterdam Central District. 📷: Lydia van Deursen 🌸.


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