Drone footage the DakAkker rooftopfarm Rotterdam Central District by Skyfoto.
DakAkker rooftopfarm first steps 2012
Hoe het begon? Onze eerste stappen. Promofilmpje over de DakAkker uit 2012. How it started? Our first steps. Promotionfilm about the DakAkker 2012. 🥕🧄🥔🥒🌶🍅🍆🥦
Gerealiseerd door/ realised by: Optigrün Benelux, Optigrün international AG, Binder Groenprojecten, ZUS, Rotterdams Milieucentrum. Funded by: Het Stadsinitatief, de Postcode Loterij, de Rabobank.
🍂 Autumn harvest on the DakAkker rooftopfarm on an officebuilding downtown Rotterdam Central District. 📷: Lydia van Deursen 🌱.
📽 #Rotterdamisblooming 🌼 on the DakAkker rooftopfarm on an officebuilding downtown Rotterdam Central District. 📷: Lydia van Deursen 🌸.
FARMING THE CITY! www.dakakker.nl.
The DakAkker rooftopfarm founded in 2012 (as the largest openair rooftopfarm in Europe) by the Rotterdams Milieucentrum, ZUS [Zones Urbaines Sensibles] in cooperation with Optigrün Benelux, Optigrün international AG, Binder Groenprojecten, ⚡️ funded by the #Stadsinitiatief and the Postcode Loterij (National Postcode Lotery) and the Rabobank 💚. On an officebuilding downtown Rotterdam Central District.
Happy #Worldgreenroofday! #WGRD2024 with the DakAkker rooftopfarm in Rotterdam as an inspiring green example of what you can do with a roof (since 2012). On an officebuilding downtown Rotterdam Central District. More information on 📲: www.dakakker.nl. #WorldGreenRoofDay #worldgreenroofday2024
Op 6 juni is het #WorldGreenroofDay met onze DakAkker rooftopfarm in Rotterdam als een inspirerend voorbeeld. #WGRD2024. Op een dak van een kantoorgebouw in Rotterdam Central District. Meer informatie op de website van de #Dakakker 📲: www.dakakker.nl 🌱.
Dronebeelden van: Skyfoto.nl.
Beealarm 💄 on the DakAkker rooftopfarm today because of beeswarm. Wouter and Henk the beekeepers are on the way now 🐝 🚓. #WGRD2024 #beekeepers #bees #rooftopfarm #rooftopbees #rooftopbeekeeping
June 6 is #WorldGreenroofDay with the DakAkker rooftopfarm in Rotterdam as one of the inspiring examples. #WGRD2024.
Dronefootage: Skyfoto.nl. On an rooftop of an officebuilding downtown Rotterdam Central District - The Netherlands.
2023 #Rooftopconcert - Annual overview 2023 - June 3, 2023 during the Rotterdam Rooftopdays (Rotterdamse Dakendagen) on the DakAkker rooftoppavilion. With Jacamar the band interrupted by an English bobby, just like the Beatles were interrupted during their legendary rooftop concert on 30 January 1969, from the rooftop of their Apple Corps headquarters at 3 Savile Row, in central London. A tribute to this legendary rooftopmoment.
#FARMINGTHECITY ! On the DakAkker rooftopfarm on an officebuilding downtown Rotterdam Central District 🥕🥒🌶🍅🌱. 📷: Annette Behrens 🍃.
📲: www.dakakker.nl.
#Rotterdamisblooming #therooftopfarmisblooming #rooftopfarming #rooftopfarmers #rooftopgarden #urbanagriculture #urbanfarming #urbanfarm #stadslandbouw #rooffood #farming #wgrd2023 #gardening #urbanfarmer