Ctrl Art Delete

Ctrl Art Delete Arty Farty News Flashes Ctrl Art Delete is ontstaan uit mijn passie voor kunst en schrijven.

Wish I was able to go!

Wish I was able to go!

The art organization Artangel has invited visual artists, writers, and performers to respond to Reading Gaol's most famous inmate, Oscar Wilde.

How fascinating!

How fascinating!

The treatment of mental illness has often involved removing patients from society and placing them in their own institutions.

Heel fijn materiaal, wat een werk heeft hierin gezeten!

Heel fijn materiaal, wat een werk heeft hierin gezeten!

We looked through 90 years of MoMA exhibitions to share the shows we wish we could have seen in real life, from 40s fashion to Yayoi Kusama’s macaroni couches.

DATE PALM KILLING FIELDS“Iraq was once the leading date producer in the world. After the petrol boom of the 1950s, oil s...

“Iraq was once the leading date producer in the world. After the petrol boom of the 1950s, oil soon replaced agriculture in the Iraqi economy,” Atta Sabri explains. “Iraq and its inhabitants have a deep and ancient relationship with date palm trees that we must preserve. Images of palm trees appear in Mesopotamian cylinder seals. To this day people cultivate the trees for their dates, and use their wood in traditional craft work. They rely on these trees to lie in the shade, and keep the cities cool in the summer,” he says.


ECHO ECHO In Olafur Eliassons 'Echo House' zwaait niet alleen de dirigent de scepter, het publiek wordt uitgedaagd van z...

In Olafur Eliassons 'Echo House' zwaait niet alleen de dirigent de scepter, het publiek wordt uitgedaagd van zich te laten horen en zo het muziekstuk tot leven te brengen.

Il Tempo Del Postino, a timepiece, an opera, a group exhibition. Curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Philippe Parreno. Directed by Hans Ulrich Obrist, Philippe Parreno, Anri Sala, Rirkrit Tiravanija

Lucia Monge: "This is about lending our mobility to plants so that they can benefit from the speed and scale that draws ...

Lucia Monge: "This is about lending our mobility to plants so that they can benefit from the speed and scale that draws people’s attention. In return; we may momentarily borrow some of their slowness."

Recommended by Wallpaper* magazine.

Recommended by Wallpaper* magazine.

In 1970, a portrait of Andy Warhol brought Stephen Shore to the Netherlands when the photograph was chosen for a group show at The Hague's Municipal Museum. Today, Shore’s name is hugely influential in the contemporary history of photography and he h...

Raak up close and personal met enkele van de topkunstwerken uit Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, dankzij Google Art Camera...

Raak up close and personal met enkele van de topkunstwerken uit Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, dankzij Google Art Camera.

In its first five years, the Google Cultural Institute scanned and archived 200 works of art in super-high-resolution gigapixel images. Now in just the past few months, it has managed to scan a...

Klare taal in het Rijksmuseum: "niemand is erbij gebaat als een smurf te worden aangesproken". Een nieuwe blogpost op ct...

Klare taal in het Rijksmuseum: "niemand is erbij gebaat als een smurf te worden aangesproken". Een nieuwe blogpost op ctrlartdelete.nl.

I totally agree with her.

I totally agree with her.

“I hear these stories from friends about how they can travel the world and write anywhere, as long as they have a little desk and a blank wall in front of them. I don't think I’m one of those people.” Watch novelist Rachel Kushner on writing at home.

INTERESTING READING MATERIAL"Indeed, the dramatic rise in repatriation claims stems from a regressive shift away from fu...

"Indeed, the dramatic rise in repatriation claims stems from a regressive shift away from future orientated demands for political equality and material improvements, towards more cultural and backward-looking concerns."

Activists demanding the return of artefacts legitimately bought by collectors, often during colonialism, choose to view past people as akin to children – unable to have offered consent

KUSAMA : Een heftig leven, maar met ontelbaar veel hallucinerend goede werken als resultaat.

KUSAMA : Een heftig leven, maar met ontelbaar veel hallucinerend goede werken als resultaat.

Japan’s Polka-Dot Pioneer on a Life at the Mercy of Her Art

Happy birthday Anselm Kiefer, my all time favorite, my ladder to the sun, be it somewhat gloomy.

Happy birthday Anselm Kiefer, my all time favorite, my ladder to the sun, be it somewhat gloomy.

Grayson Perry in Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht: craziness galore!

Grayson Perry in Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht: craziness galore!

Werk van Marthe Zink: een prachtig geïllustreerde reality check. Binnenkort te zien in een nieuwe groepstentoonstelling ...

Werk van Marthe Zink: een prachtig geïllustreerde reality check. Binnenkort te zien in een nieuwe groepstentoonstelling van Galerie Pouloeuff in Museum IJsselstein.


Now this is pretty spectacular!

Is alle aandacht voor dit onderwerp welkom of is deze actie van Ai Weiwei inderdaad zo zinloos als e-flux hier schetst?

Is alle aandacht voor dit onderwerp welkom of is deze actie van Ai Weiwei inderdaad zo zinloos als e-flux hier schetst?

[image] As we reported last week, Ai Weiwei has been stationed on the Greek island of Le**os photographing the waves of refugees arriving from Syria and posting his reportage on Instagram. At first, Ai's images seemed documentary in nature--it seemed like the artist was simply using his wide-reachin…




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