Maastricht Diplomat

Maastricht Diplomat The Maastricht Diplomat is a multimedia outlet that chases the most important conversations.

We cover topics from politics and cultural affairs to environmental and humanitarian concerns. The Maastricht Diplomat is the journal of the United Nations Student Association Maastricht. The United Nations Student Association Maastricht is an international and inter-faculty organisation which promotes the work of the UN, engages in human development, and offers education about international affairs


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Our Story

THE DIPLOMAT is the journal of the United Nations Student Association Maastricht. The team has an online blog and also publishes printed magazines. It covers current issues in international politics, global development and student life. The United Nations Student Association Maastricht is an international and cross-facultary organization which promotes the work of the UN, engages in human development and offers education about international affairs Mission Statement: To produce quality written texts, with a primary focus on International Events and Developments, and secondary focus on Social and Local topics, and processing this for both printed and digital publication.