
Faboem Faboem maakt mooi geluid nog mooier. Faboem is goed in geluid bij beeld, audionabewerking, voice-overs, sounddesign, commercials, muziekproductie etc.

Audio-restauratie is hierbij onmisbaar:
- ruis verminderen
- te hard opgenomen geluid repareren
- irritante geluiden (bv een telefoon of piepende deur) verwijderen of onhoorbaar maken

Faboem helpt klanten door meer impact uit de productie te halen door geluidsbeleving die echt binnenkomt. Wat de klant wil overbrengen, brengt Faboem tot leven.

Calibration time, come on! Let’s calibrate…

Calibration time, come on! Let’s calibrate…

Premiere night!

Premiere night!

Last year, we’ve been working hard at the sounddesign for this cute fictional youthseries about stray dog Zwabber!Today ...

Last year, we’ve been working hard at the sounddesign for this cute fictional youthseries about stray dog Zwabber!
Today the last episode of 10 is aired at national tv (npo3).
Do you have plans for a fiction series yourself? We’re here to help you tell your story in sound.

Recording voice-over for the trailer for the De Gorgels theatre show by . Who else to ask than the writer of the books a...

Recording voice-over for the trailer for the De Gorgels theatre show by .
Who else to ask than the writer of the books and famous Dutch comedian (and even more famous Leidenaar) !
Awesome trailer by , can’t wait to see the finished version.
Oh, and go see the show!
The tour starts this month!

Studio upgrade: wooden casing for the SSL fader units, by . Looks great!!!

Studio upgrade: wooden casing for the SSL fader units, by . Looks great!!!

Final check and adjustments for the last episode of Zwabber!A tv-show for children about a dog for KRO-NCRV.More to come...

Final check and adjustments for the last episode of Zwabber!
A tv-show for children about a dog for KRO-NCRV.
More to come…
The show consists of 10 episodes and will be aired later this year.
Many many thanks to my team: and !

It’s always a pleasure helping students with the sound of their graduation films.Today was the premiere of  by . A diffe...

It’s always a pleasure helping students with the sound of their graduation films.
Today was the premiere of by . A different film than your usual graduation film. The sound is a big part of the experience.
Mixed at Faboem in 5.1.
With music by .
It sounded perfect.
Go check it out if you can.

Back from vacation!This sound looks good.

Back from vacation!
This sound looks good.

Last week, Liefde in procedure, had it’s premiere at  with a q&a with the cast and filmmakers Moos Pozzo and Laura Huyge...

Last week, Liefde in procedure, had it’s premiere at with a q&a with the cast and filmmakers Moos Pozzo and Laura Huygen.
It’s a documentary about love, complicated by one of the couple being in an asylum procesure.
Proud of our film. Editing by and brilliant music by and sounddesign by Faboem!

Watched some very cool short films at the year finale of the  . Our film Silent Waters didn’t win, but we got some nice ...

Watched some very cool short films at the year finale of the . Our film Silent Waters didn’t win, but we got some nice reactions. Great atmosphere and lovely place to see a film

New project: pinning pics of the lovely people who were recorded in the studio on the vocal booth door. Just started, mo...

New project: pinning pics of the lovely people who were recorded in the studio on the vocal booth door. Just started, more to come!
Recognize anyone?

Cinema experience; always a special feeling hearing your mix in the theatre.Very pleased with ‘Heggeweer’, a nature docu...

Cinema experience; always a special feeling hearing your mix in the theatre.
Very pleased with ‘Heggeweer’, a nature documentary about agricultural nature management, by Erik den Boer films.
Made by and .sturm with the warm voice of .

The talented  came by the studio to record voice-overs for the   podcast, directed by , the genius   from  .Check his we...

The talented came by the studio to record voice-overs for the podcast, directed by , the genius from .
Check his website https://studioonzichtbaar.nl/ to listen to all the great work he’s producing.
Great sounding vocals thanks to the microphone.

Last week we had the pleasure of working at this beautiful nature documentary about agricultural nature management. Grea...

Last week we had the pleasure of working at this beautiful nature documentary about agricultural nature management. Great camerawork! With the beautiful warm voice of and mixed in 5.1 surround sound.

Cablemanagement with  and .autret44, because a studio is never done!

Cablemanagement with and .autret44, because a studio is never done!


Dorus Rijkersweg 15


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