Recording & Mixing Dutch Tv commercial
Bekijk de Franse commercial voor Barbie’s Playhouse ingesproken door een van onze Franse kinderstemmen VoiceOverKid Gaspard!
Watch the French Barbie’s playhouse commercial dubbed by our French VoiceOverKid Gaspard! #voiceoverkids #kinderstemmen #kinderstemmencasting #childvoiceover #childvoiceactor #french #francais #voixoff #childvoiceoveractor #childvoicecasting
Watch the French Barbie’s playhouse commercial dubbed by our French VoiceOverKid Gaspard! #voiceoverkids #kinderstemmen #kinderstemmencasting #childvoiceover #childvoiceactor #french #francais #voixoff #childvoiceoveractor #childvoicecasting
Dubbing and mixing an educational animation series about Diabetes today with our talented French VoiceOverKids cast! #soundstudio #dubbing #animation #voiceoverkids #french #childvoiceover #childvoiceactor
Nu op Tv en Online. De nieuwe commercial voor Kinderpostzegels ingesproken door Sarah!
Now on Tv, the new Dutch Tv commercial for Children’s Stamps voices by Dutch voice Sarah.
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VoiceOverkids voor Basisschool Jeroen
Videoshowreel kinderstemmen casting
Tv commercial VTech Toet Toet Auto's
Tv commercial Nintendo Super Mario Bros
NOS Jeugdjournaal Kinderstemmen App