Clock Face Movies

Clock Face Movies We are a creative videoproduction and prop making company.


Afgelopen jaar mochten we in opdracht van de gemeente Hulst video's maken voor intern gebruik. Helaas kunnen we het eindresultaat niet met jullie delen, maar geloof ons: het is echt mooi geworden. We hebben ontzettend genoten van de samenwerking en kijken uit naar meer van dit soort projecten!


For this stunt we were asked to recreate the set from The Bourne Ultimatum.

More videos from this episode of "Het Onmogelijke Shot" can be found on YouTube channel "Aron Ludikhuijze".

A few photos of a steampunk-based traveler's car I built a some years ago.

A few photos of a steampunk-based traveler's car I built a some years ago.

Some of the concept drawings we made for the cinema of Bruutsrerdam. Are you curious about the final result? We will pos...

Some of the concept drawings we made for the cinema of Bruutsrerdam. Are you curious about the final result? We will post photos of the building in January 2024.

We designed and built these three meters (10ft) tall columns. Have you already seen them at cinema Koning van England?  ...

We designed and built these three meters (10ft) tall columns. Have you already seen them at cinema Koning van England?

We had the honor to make this magical film prop. ✨

We had the honor to make this magical film prop. ✨

🤯''Pressure'' has been selected for film festivals across the globe. Come and see Pressure by Jennah Kips in Germany, Be...

🤯''Pressure'' has been selected for film festivals across the globe. Come and see Pressure by Jennah Kips in Germany, Belgium, Canada, The Netherlands and France. Check the list bellow for more information.

This short film tells a story about the pressure on students by today's school system.

Clock Face Movies was responsible for the camerawork, lighting, location scouting and making some of the props.

Film festivals:

International social shorts Antwerp
November 26, 2022
Antwerp Belgium.

Kaboom Animation Festival
March 25, 2023
Utrecht, Netherlands.

Kaboom Animation Festival
March 31, 2023
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Framed animation festival
June 4, 2023
Groningen, Netherlands.

Event IkToon
June 23, 2023
Hulst, Netherlands.

Film by the Sea
On September 10, 16 and 17, 2023 Vlissingen, Netherlands.

Ottawa International Animation Festival
Between September 20 and 24, 2023
Ottawa, Canada.

Berlin Animation Festival
September 29, 2023
Berlin, Germany.

Amsterdam Freedom Independent IFF
Between 18 and 21 October 2023
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Butterfly International Film Festival
Date Unknown
Marseilles, France.

Holland Short Film Festival
Between 15 and 21 January 2024
Bergen, Netherlands.


In collaboration with The Magical Life Entertainment we made something magical. Check out the video Clock Face Movies made about their event. ✨

We designed and built a new stage for cinema Koning van Engeland

We designed and built a new stage for cinema Koning van Engeland


Last winter this shot did not go entirely according to plan.

The filmposter of ''Pressure'', an absurd stop motion/live action short film by Jennah Kips. This short film tells a sto...

The filmposter of ''Pressure'', an absurd stop motion/live action short film by Jennah Kips. This short film tells a story about the pressure on students of today's school system.🤯 Clock Face Movies was responsible for the camerawork, lighting, location scouting and making some of the props. More information about the screening is coming soon...


A shot of a project we are working on!

In collaboration with KipsProducties, Clock Face Movies is working on the short film "Pressure" (2022) by Jennah Kips.Je...

In collaboration with KipsProducties, Clock Face Movies is working on the short film "Pressure" (2022) by Jennah Kips.

Jennah Kips, Jean-Pierre Bazelier, Majo Van Sas-le Clercq, Jan Rubbens, Julia Verplanke, Tatum Kips, Meeke Van Acker, Remco Schuren, Paris Morres, Liv Gorrebeek, Anka Anka, Eliane de Hulster, Thijs Saman, Amber Geers, Isabel Viers, Annelies De Winne, Emy Kindt, Femke Boonman, Richard Burm, Floortje, Reynaert College.


Industrieweg 5


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