Another tale unfolded with Mr. and Mrs. Polak, where Johan Gortworst’s mother safeguarded their belongings, including the silverware Johan still holds on loan. These narratives reveal the complexities and personal journeys entwined within the Custaryans’ legacy.
This Sunday 05-05-2024 the Dutch premiere of Bewariërs/Custaryans. See link in bio for all the cinemas:
#Custaryans #Bewariërs #documentary #premiere #film #history #holocausthistory #legacyofwar #expertinsights #holocaust #WW2 #familylegacies #untoldstories #researchinsights #filmhuisDenHaag #NPO #FormatFamily #VerscholenVerhalen
Our researcher Judith van Vliet has delved deeper into the stories behind Custaryans to uncover more facets of this phenomenon. She connected with Alfred van Cleef and Sara Coster, whose father Jaap returned alone after hiding during the war, fighting to reclaim his family’s possessions.
#Custaryans #Bewariërs #documentary #premiere #film #history #holocausthistory #legacyofwar #expertinsights #holocaust #WW2 #familylegacies #untoldstories #researchinsights #filmhuisDenHaag #NPO #FormatFamily #VerscholenVerhalen
The tale of Johnny and Bram represents countless stories of entrusted belongings during turbulent times. For Jews fleeing just before or during the war, leaving possessions behind was often a necessity. It was during this period that the term “Custaryans” (Bewariërs) emerged, a fusion of “custody” (bewaren) and “Aryans” (Ariërs). Our experts Bart Wallet, Annemiek Gringold, Wouter Veraart, Julie-Marthe Cohen, and Gerben Post shed light on the historical, philosophical, and legal dimensions of this phenomenon.
#Custaryans #Bewariërs #documentary #premiere #film #history #holocausthistory #legacyofwar #expertinsights #holocaust #WW2 #familylegacies #untoldstories #researchinsights #filmhuisDenHaag #NPO #FormatFamily #VerscholenVerhalen #bartwallet #annemiekgringold #wouterveraart #juliemarthecohen #gerbenpost
Five years ago, Wim de Haan walked into our office with a remarkable object: a violin his father Johnny had kept in safekeeping for his friend Bram. Johnny and Bram played in a jazz and rhythm band, but the war forced Bram to flee, and he never returned. Johnny cherished the violin all his life, and after his passing, it was time to find its rightful family. That journey led us to America...
#Custaryans #Bewariërs #documentary #premiere #film #history #holocausthistory #legacyofwar #expertinsights #holocaust #WW2 #familylegacies #untoldstories #researchinsights #filmhuisDenHaag #NPO #FormatFamily #VerscholenVerhalen
Trailer Bewariërs / Custaryans
FILM TRAILER | After five years, we're thrilled to announce the Dutch premiere of our documentary film 'Custaryans' or in NL: ‘Bewariërs’ Filmhuis Den Haag 05-05-2024! Following the premiere, catch the film at various cinemas (see before it hits NPO in 2025. Stay tuned for more updates. In the next few days we share more info about the characters, experts and stories. #custaryans #bewariërs #documentary #premiere #film #history #holocausthistory #LegacyOfWar #ExpertInsights #holocaustsurvivor #ww2 #familylegacies #untoldstories #ResearchInsights #filmhuisdenhaag #NPO #formatfamily #verscholenverhalen
DZOFILM asked us to test out their new 21mm and 40mm Vespid primes. We decided to go back to the roots of why we went into making movies; horses, knights and swords. With the help of Mick Durlacher and Any Dale Hippique we created this action packed sequence with exactly those elements.
@freekzonderland Chiel Christiaans Format Family Horse Creatives #dzofilm #vespidprimes #film #camcar #stunthorses #producer #horses #movie #stunts #showhorse #knights #medieval #action #horse #paard #filmstunts #horsemanship #horsesofinstagram #pferd #caballos