Slightly Subversive

Slightly Subversive Retro alternative music & Exclusive art prints For more information and to purchase art and merch, please visit us at

Slightly Subversive is a hybrid record label and art gallery with the goal of elevating typical label art to collectible, gallery-worthy pieces. We commission an original piece of art from an established visual artist for each release and then offer prints, NFTs, and the original works to fans and collectors. We release mostly-instrumental music that reminds us of the late 80s and early 90s: trip-

hop, breakbeat, synthwave, electronica, and alt rock. Instead of chasing hit singles, we foster long-term relationships with a small roster of talented producers and artists. We take a "give zero f***s" approach to A&R in that we release music that we love without regard to trends or artist popularity. Our goal is to unite the fine art and crypto art worlds through music: to foster understanding, collaboration, and mutual respect across the physical/digital divide.




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