International Law Under Construction
The Groningen Journal of International Law (GroJIL) is pleased to invite submissions for its blog – International Law Under Construction.
Scope of Submissions:
International Law Under Construction seeks to publish posts that include brief commentaries on recent developments revolving around international law, articles that stimulate academic discussion and inspire further research by scholars and students, among others.
We are encouraging submissions that revolve around current issues facing international law, and recent meetings of international organisations including:
▪️The 73rd Session of the International Law Commission (ILC73)
▪️50th regular session of the Human Rights Council (HRC50)
▪️Twelfth WTO Ministerial Conference (MC12)
❗️Applications are accepted on a rolling basis
Submit your post: [email protected] with ‘Blog post submission and name’ in the email subject line.
📝Practical Information:
To be published, a post will need to
a) be written in good English, with a clear and concise structure;
b) be of high academic quality;
c) have relevance to a current issue in International Law;
d) comply with our style guidelines (see https://grojil.org/blog/guidelines/)
In general, we only accept contributions from authors at master’s degree level or above, but we are willing to make exceptions to this rule on a case-by-case basis if the quality of the post justifies doing so.