
Hackfestnl A two-day event on 28 & 29 September 2024 in Enschede for technicians and makers to present creative projects to a wide audience.

On Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 September 2024 Hackfest aims to make technology and knowledge accessible to everyone, promotes creativity and stimulates both social and economic innovation. Innovative talent in Enschede is put in the spotlight through lectures, workshops and by working on projects on site.

Did you visit HackFest? We would love to hear from you! We made a short survey, link in bio. Would be awesome to hear wh...

Did you visit HackFest? We would love to hear from you! We made a short survey, link in bio. Would be awesome to hear what you think, please share your advice and cool ideas for the next edition!

HackFest 2024 was amazing! Big thank you to all the makers, hackers, inventors and of course all the visitors that contr...

HackFest 2024 was amazing! Big thank you to all the makers, hackers, inventors and of course all the visitors that contributed to a great first event!
Our BIGGEST thanks go out to all the volunteers and the sponsors that made this possible. We really could not have done this without you ❤️
If you have pictures please share them, post them, tag us, we would love to see them and we would love to hear how you experienced HackFest! See you all next year!

Did you know… We have ticket sales at the door! Cash or card · In cosplay? You get in for free!  · There are train disru...

Did you know… We have ticket sales at the door! Cash or card · In cosplay? You get in for free! · There are train disruptions nearby, there are buses, no worries!
Can’t wait to see all you find tech/hack nerds this weekend!

📅 28 + 29 september
💸 Dayticket: €10 Weekendticket: €15
📍 Drukpershal, Getfertsingel 41, Enschede

The robots are coming! In a few days!! Step into the world of Wallieonline en Yvo de Haas and learn how they use robotic...

The robots are coming! In a few days!! Step into the world of Wallieonline en Yvo de Haas and learn how they use robotics for learning tools, games and more.

Yvo de Haas is a maker that combines 3D printing, mechanics and electronics to make robotics projects, such as an automated board game, and a robotic te****le.
Wallieonline Mini robots based on an ESP32-C3 and the ESP-NOW protocol. “We use these mini robots to enthuse students about a technical education and a technical profession. By providing mini robot games at events in the region, we show how fun and versatile engineering can be. To control the robot, we use Espressif’s ESP-NOW wireless protocol. ESP-NOW is a solution for situations that require both fast response times and long range, while using the same frequency band as WiFi. The protocol is aimed at home automation and smart home, but so it also works as wireless control for a minirobot.”

📅 28 + 29 september
💸 Dayticket: €10 Weekendticket: €15
📍 Drukpershal, Getfertsingel 41, Enschede

With just a few days to go we would like to give a big shout out and HUGE THANKS to our amazing sponsors: KITT Engineeri...

With just a few days to go we would like to give a big shout out and HUGE THANKS to our amazing sponsors: KITT Engineering, Demcon, Inverid - Creators of ReadID, Home Computer Museum, Tessatronic.
We couldn’t do this without you!

📅 28 + 29 september
💸 Dayticket: €10 Weekendticket: €15 - tickets via hackfest.nl
📍 Drukpershal, Getfertsingel 41, Enschede

Do you have (some) cool projects you want to show and nerd out? Let us know !!!

Do you have (some) cool projects you want to show and nerd out? Let us know !!!

In 2 weeks it’s finally time for the first edition of HackFest! We have a full program for both days, with crazy showcas...

In 2 weeks it’s finally time for the first edition of HackFest! We have a full program for both days, with crazy showcases full of surprising inventions, inspiring talks and of course workshops.
On Saturday evening we give the stage to the demoscene, with an introduction into the scene, an exciting livecoding event and a demoscene DJ-set by KLANDOX.

Go get your tickets at hackfest.nl, you can still win a TV-B-Gone kit if you order your ticket up front. We hope to see you at HackFest in Enschede!

📅 28 + 29 september
💸 Dayticket: €10 Weekendticket: €15
📍 Drukpershal, Getfertsingel 41, Enschede

We are super happy and grateful to be sponsored by so many great institutions, like KITT Engineering! They had some very...

We are super happy and grateful to be sponsored by so many great institutions, like KITT Engineering!
They had some very cool words to say about us and the tech/hacker community we would like to share with you (in Dutch)

Creativiteit en technologie gaan hand in hand, dat kunnen engineers en productontwikkelaars wel beamen. Om deze connectie te benadrukken wordt er op 28 en 29 september van dit jaar een uniek evenement georganiseerd. Hackfestnl is een evenement dat erop gericht is technologie en kennis voor iedereen toegankelijk te maken, terwijl het tegelijkertijd creativiteit en innovatie stimuleert. KITT Engineering is daarom een trotse sponsor van dit evenement!

Als gedreven engineers zijn we ons bij KITT Engineering bewust van de mogelijkheden die technologie ons biedt maar staan we, volgens ons terecht, kritisch tegenover de geclaimde maakbaarheid. Daarom is goed dat er ook vanuit andere perspectieven naar de impact van technologie wordt gekeken.

Bij het oplossen van problemen wordt regelmatig technologie ingezet, waarbij vaak de onderliggende oorzaak ondersneeuwt en de gevolgen veel groter kunnen zijn dan “het probleem”. Bij het HackFest komen groepen en personen bij elkaar die elk met een eigen perspectief naar technologie en de impact op de samenleving kijken. Dat is een belangrijke maatschappelijk verantwoorde activiteit, dus sponsort KITT Engineering het HackFest graag. De input van anderen is namelijk onmisbaar.

HackFest is sponsored by: KITT Engineering, Inverid - Creators of ReadID, HomeComputerMuseum, Tessatronic, Sickhouse, TkkrLab, Gogbot, Gemeente Enschede

Win a TV-B-Gone kit! Buy your HackFest ticket before 20 September and get a chance to win one of 5 TV-B-Gone kits (20,- ...

Win a TV-B-Gone kit!

Buy your HackFest ticket before 20 September and get a chance to win one of 5 TV-B-Gone kits (20,- €) by Mitch Altman! (This also applies to tickets already purchased)
Are you tired of all those blaring screens in public spaces? Want to have a conversation with your friends without being distracted by a tv in the corner? Use your TV-B-Gone and turn off any public tv that’s bothering you!
The kits will be available through Mitch Altman, who will teach you how to solder and use it during the fest, or later at hackerspace tkkrlab or at home.
So buy your tickets at hackfest.nl now!

📅 28 + 29 september
💸 Dayticket: €10 Weekendticket: €15
📍 Drukpershal, Getfertsingel 41, Enschede

Want to give a workshop, a talk, or help out? Send us a message and join us!

If making your own instruments is like music to your ears: come check out all the amazing instruments hacks! Printstrume...

If making your own instruments is like music to your ears: come check out all the amazing instruments hacks!

Printstruments designs and makes musical instruments through 3D printing. They are made from biodegradable PLA. PLA, or Poly Lactic Acid, is a bioplastic made from fermented plant starch, usually from corn, sugar cane or tapioca.You can hear for yourself why the feedback from the professional musicians is so amazing. Musicians are very surprised at the quality of sound and playability of the instruments!

Nerdy Gurdy combineert traditionele muziekinstrumenten zoals Hurdy Gurdy (draailier) en Nyckelharpa met high-tech ontwerp en productie. Ze hebben deze eeuwenoude instrumenten beschikbaar gemaakt voor duizenden nieuwe muzikanten over de hele wereld, door middel van lasercutting en 3d-printing.

If you’re more into synthesizers: we got you. Mitch Altman offers ongoing workshops to guide you into creating your own ArduTouch arduino synthesizer.

We present: The Demoscene! Hackers, makers and demosceners have similar subcultures: being creative with code, software ...

We present: The Demoscene! Hackers, makers and demosceners have similar subcultures: being creative with code, software and hardware. So let’s inspire each other during HackFest!
On Saturday the 28th you can learn everything about the demoscene in a talk by longtime demoscener Okkie, enjoy a TIC-80 bytejam live on screen and dance to a dj-set by KLANDOX!
Screenshot taken from a Lovebyte online bytejam, go check out their party and channel!

The demoscene is an international computer art subculture and UNESCO cultural heritage in The Netherlands since 2023. Mostly focused on creating self contained realtime artistic productions made with code on various hardware: old, odd, new and even virtual! Like the TIC-80, a fantasy console with accessible code for everyone who wants to create cool visuals and games. Want to join the byte jam? Send us a message!

Call for participation! We have a few spots left for makers and hackers to show their work, do a workshop or give a talk...

Call for participation! We have a few spots left for makers and hackers to show their work, do a workshop or give a talk. Want to participate?
Fill in the form on our website and join the exciting first edition of HackFest! Deadline: 1 september.

Feel like giving a hand during the fest? Let us know as well and join the volunteer crew. We are looking forward to seeing you all soon!

📅 28 + 29 september
💸 Dayticket: €10 Weekendticket: €15
📍 Drukpershal, Getfertsingel 41, Enschede
📋 https://hackfest.nl/nl/call-for-participation

Meet the prototypes of the Saxion FabLab: The Marimbatron (digital musical instrument), the Pixar light icon in action a...

Meet the prototypes of the Saxion FabLab: The Marimbatron (digital musical instrument), the Pixar light icon in action and the Lego builder by 3D printer hack.

The Marimbatron is Leo Kuiper’s final project as part of the Fab Academy program supervised by Prof. Neil Gershenfeld of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms. The course aims to teach students how to leverage all the fab lab skills to create unique prototypes using the materials at hand.

Fablab Saxion in Enschede is a public workspace where anyone has the opportunity to bring their ideas to life themselves, using modern digital production tools. All concepts can literally be made tangible here! FabLab Enschede also facilitates education, supports research, and provides guidance to makers.

📅 28 + 29 september
💸 Dayticket: €10 Weekendticket: €15
📍 Drukpershal, Getfertsingel 41, Enschede

Want to give a workshop, a talk, or help out? Send us a message and join us!

We are happy to announce that hackerspace founder Mitch Altman will be present at HackFest! During the weekend he will g...

We are happy to announce that hackerspace founder Mitch Altman will be present at HackFest! During the weekend he will give talks and workshops, for everyone curious about the world of hackerspaces, maker communities and soldering.

Talk: You Need a Hackerspace!
We all need community to live a worthwhile life. Drawing from his experiences visiting hundreds of hackerspace communities around the world, Mitch Altman will show you that hackerspaces may be the key to open the doors for you to do inspiring things in your life and to share them with others.

Workshop: Everyone can learn to solder like a pro!

Mitch Altman will be available throughout the two days of Hackfest with three fun kits for beginners to learn, and cool enough for everyone to make. Come by any time, and Mitch will help you make your kit at your own pace. For a small fee you can get going with the different kits: “I Can Solder” Badge kit — two blinky lights and two switches — wear it and blink wherever you go! TV-B-Gone kit — turn off TVs in public places everywhere you go! Works up to 50m away. ArduTouch synthesizer kit — A performing musical instrument with lots of really nice sounds that you play on its touch-keyboard. (find more info and prices on our website).

About Mitch Altman: In 2007 Mitch Altman co-founded Noisebridge hackerspace in San Francisco, one of the early hackerspaces in the US. Since then he has visited hundreds of hackerspaces around the world and helped many groups of people create their own. In this talk Mitch will share his personal experiences with these amazing communities with the hope that it will inspire you to do more cool things in your life!

📷 Dennis van Zuijlekom

📅 28 + 29 september
💸 Dayticket: €10 Weekendticket: €15
📍 Drukpershal, Getfertsingel 41, Enschede

Want to give a workshop, a talk, or help out? Send us a message and join us!

Edwin Dertien will showcase his latest invention: the Furry Synthesiser module.You might know modular synths and you pro...

Edwin Dertien will showcase his latest invention: the Furry Synthesiser module.
You might know modular synths and you probably know Furby’s, combine the two and you have yourself a FABulously Furry Synth Module!

If all you ever wanted was to add up the nostalgic 90’s Furby sound to your modular synth setup: Edwin has just the thing for you! You can check out more detailed info via our website and of course ask Edwin all you want to know during Hackfest!

📅 28 + 29 september
💸 Dayticket: €10 Weekendticket: €15
📍 Drukpershal, Getfertsingel 41, Enschede

Want to give a workshop, a talk, or help out? Send us a message and join us!

Check out our location! Hackfest 2024 takes place at Het Laadperron at De Drukpershal. A former newspaper printing house...

Check out our location! Hackfest 2024 takes place at Het Laadperron at De Drukpershal. A former newspaper printing house, the Drukpershal is now Enschede industrial heritage!
Who wants to join us and hack a printer....??

📅 28 + 29 september
💸 Dayticket: €10 Weekendticket: €15
📍 Drukpershal, Getfertsingel 41, Enschede

Want to give a workshop, a talk, or help out? Send us a message and join us!




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